miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Christ is risen , resurrected with Him


April 30

The path traced by the Christian apostle is to shed the vices of the old man , or man's land , and coated with the virtues taught by Jesus Christ. Regarding rid of vices , he says, " Mortify your members land ." Christian sanctified by baptism is not free of the rebellions of the senses and passions ;
here comes the imperative to mortify our passions , while in this life.The same holy apostle experimented on himself pretty hard the rebellion of the senses and passions , so that issued this lament : "I myself with the mind serve God and flesh serve the law of sin ( ie law of lust ) . " As if he wanted to say, I myself am a servant of the law of God with my mind , but with the flesh am subject to the law of sin . All of which goes to spiritual comfort that so many poor souls , mugged by anger or lust, feel themselves a painful contrast : do not want to feel, nor have these movements , these grudges, or such vivid imaginations , these feelings sensual ; poor things , without them wanting in them arise and contrasted itself experience a violent propensity to evil in the act they want to do good.These poor creatures are some who believe offend the Lord , feeling itself that violent propensity to evil . Comfort, chosen souls , there is no sin in this , because the same holy apostle , vessel of election, itself experienced that horrible contrast : "Meeting on me - he says - in the act of wanting to do good , a force that I inclined to evil. " Feel stimuli meat, even violently , it can not be sin when the soul is not determined this with the consent of the will.

( November 16, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 226. )

With his resurrection , Christ has conquered sin and death. You as a beloved child of God from your baptism you died to sin live in the freedom of God's children . What a wonderful exchange. How wonderful that you resibiste effect the day you were immersed in the sources of living water , sources of mercy. So from baptism you were dead with Christ to sin and have risen to eternal life. Yes , it is true that you continue inclined to sin . Moreover it is true that you continue sinning. Your old "I " or your old man has not left you impervious to sin. But always remember that those who do not want to sin , not sin . One thing is felt in your life , in your body that calcine you lust , and another to carry out what she drives you to perform . Repairs oh man always in the price God paid for your ransom . Nothing more and nothing less than the sacrifice of His Beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ, our God and Savior. Yes that is what God has paid for Ti to save . The debt is paid . Think, reflect and contemplate this reality and discover your true identity, discover your true value. See who no longer live for yourself , for your self , for your wickedness , for your sin but live for God, for Jesus Christ is risen and He keeps you in each of his blessed wounds, sign of redemption and salvation , sign of love for you and the auto delivery has done for you. The interiors are always going to have struggles and everyday 're fighting are certain that you are pleasing to the eyes of God. Live as resurrected and be happy even in the midst of the struggles and conflicts of every day , because it leaves in the hands of God in an attitude of child may fear nothing but their faith is increased and can give the step with confidence to the total abandonment in the Wounds of Jesus Christ , Alive and Risen .

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Risen Christ gives you strength

April 29

I beg you , that you also bemoan you with this divine thought : your spiritual and physical punishment are proof of divine will , that way you want to settle more divine prototype , Jesus Christ . [ ... ] .For those who hope in the Lord feel quiet of conscience, can only come from God himself. I serve this in answer to your other question .Do not be attracted by any earthly somewhere in this world , you can not have the author's other God , who wants to separate the soul from everything but him .

( September 28, 1915 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 500. )

The fundamental experience of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God is the assurance of God's love . So always settle beam and all the will of God. Yes , it is true that it is not always easy, even more often is nearly impossible, but the Spirit of the Risen Christ gives you strength, gives you grace, gives you the strength to keep going to the physical, moral trials and spiritual often come your way. The struggle to be faithful to God will be a constant in your life and fidelity is not great things, but always go and live around and risen Jesus Christ that leads you to the Father. A precise and accurate to walk in the will of God means , is undoubtedly the Holy Mother Church gives us the sacraments. She reminds us of The Church of the Risen Lord that if we died with Him , we shall live with Him sure sign of this is the actual baptism, feedback sign , a sign of new life , a sign of true love to God and trusting in Jesus that must be the life of every Christian. Do not give up , life with all its struggles and vicissitudes makes sense from the life of the risen Christ. Fórjate in faith , hope and charity and attain the fullness of life and also you will become witness to those around you .

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

The humiliation of the Son of God

I wish the humiliation of the Son of God and the glory that came of them are the subject of your daily meditations. Consider the annihilations of the Divine Word, " which - in the words of St. Paul - was divine ," " abiding in Him the fullness of divinity ," not considered vile thing lower Himself to us, to rise to the knowledge of God.This divine Word , for their full and free will , would lower Himself to become like us , hiding the divine nature under the veil of human flesh . St. Paul says that so the Word of God who came as a humbled annihilate " is annihilated himself , taking the form of a servant ." Yes , my sister, he wanted to hide so his divine nature he assumed all the similarities of man, even submitting to hunger, thirst, fatigue ; and , to use the same expression of the apostle of the Gentiles : " Similar to us , having suffered like us, yet without sin ."But where , later, the ultimate humiliation was his passion and death , you , submitting to human will to the will of his Father, endured many indignities , to suffer the most ignominious death , and death is expressed cross . " He humbled himself - according to Paul - obedient unto death, even death on a cross ." This obedience , for the dignity of that was due , so arduous than mandate and spontaneity to obey the Father of heaven , it was not as driven to it by fear of punishment , it is the only begotten of the Father , nor seduced by the interest in achieving an award, it is all the same God the Father , pleased the eternal Creator , who praised " giving it a name - says the apostle - which is superior to any other name."

( November 4, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 217. )

The Christian soul that has truly discovered the immense ocean of God's love can not let a day pass without meditating on the mystery of the kind and generous Lord's Passion. Mystery as I say we manifest the love God has for us and the high price for which has saved us. Jesus Christ himself possessing all the divinity , all holiness , all the glory of the Father would not remain detached from our reality , would not save us from outside , like magic no. Did you experience throughout our poor condition, except sin . God is dwarfed to such a degree that there was another way to manifest their closeness , their love, loyalty and value each and every one we have for God. Everything God has given his life for You. Experienced all that a human person is capable of experiencing , but this annihilation , but this self-abasement , but this humble , was crueler , harder, harder, infamous discovered betrayed, alone, abandoned , denied, despised . " Man of Sorrows " . And the existential void of the universe at the time of this reality was like a thick cloud of darkness and shadow of death cover the entire universe. Only then could shine in all its splendor the symbol of the Cross and Him whom it had crucified. What glory ! What grace ! Sorry distills much the presence of the Crucified as a symbol of love and mercy of God.