jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019

Isn't this enough reason to fight?

September 5
Cheer up! Jesus, through whom he has chosen for your guide, also speaks to you the same voice that made St. Paul hear. Fight as brave and you will get the prize of strong souls. Never abandon yourself. In times when the struggle is tougher and the strongest dejection, he turns to prayer; trust God and you will never succumb to temptation. You must know that, if the Lord puts you to the test, He will never allow it to be superior to your strength. If the world despises you, rejoice, because the first hatred was borne by the author of life, the divine Master. If you live troubled and afflicted by all kinds of hardships, temptations and trials by the devil and his henchmen, look up, cheer up; The Lord is with you and there is no place for fear.
The enemy makes war on you, but he can never bite you. Fight as brave; Always fight against the appetites of the flesh, against the vanities of the world, against the seductions of gold and honors, with which the devil continually tempts you. It is true that the fight is terrible and the fight is painful; but, up hearts !; have your eyes fixed high; May they stimulate you the merit of triumph, the ineffable consolation, the immortal glory that with this we give to God.
 (September 4, 1916, to María Gargani - Ep. III, p. 241)

Spiritual direction should be something intrinsic, necessary, indispensable, essential in the lives of all Christians. Through the spiritual direction the path of evangelical perfection to which all people are called is being made. Obviously it is not an easy way, because the first step involves leaving oneself, of the "I" itself, to share it with the other. The other that comes to meet us, also with all its psychological, historical, cultural and spiritual burden. However, who has found someone whose trust has generated being accompanied by that "someone" to be better every day according to the Spirit of God, and not according to the world, is a great gift from God.
Through the spiritual director the will of God is discovered more clearly, and at the same time the guts of carrying it out are being carried out. God speaks, acts, and loves through the spiritual director. It is necessary to fight with the weapons of light. God is light and in Him there is no darkness. The fight is becoming increasingly difficult and intense. The physical forces are running out, and you can fall into the sin of temptation that fighting is no longer worth fighting, that nothing will change. Do not! Never succumb! Rush at the feet of Jesus, the Beloved Master who awaits you in the Eucharist to strengthen your soul, mind and heart, so that with new strengths you can lift your heart, with the trust always placed in Him that everything can, again You will be triumphant from the fight. No discouragement, Up, up hearts! Christ has defeated the world and if You remain with Him, you fight with Him, you will receive the unspeakable crown of glory. Isn't this enough reason to fight?
Pue. September 5, 2019
Peace and good

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

Do not be afraid of temptations

September 3
Jesus wants to agitate you, shake you, move you and screen you like wheat, so that your spirit reaches the cleanliness and purity he desires. Could wheat be stored in the barn if it is not clean of all kinds of tares or straw? Can linen be kept in the owner's drawer if it has not turned candid before? And so it must be also in the chosen soul.
I understand that it seems that temptations rather stain that purifies the spirit; but, it is by no means so. Let us listen to the language of the saints in relation to this; and it is enough for you to know what the great Saint Francis de Sales says, that temptations are like soap that, scattered on clothes, seems to make it dirty, but it really cleans it.
(April 11, 1914, Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 68)

In our daily life we ​​are constantly encountering a diversity of temptations, some large, some small, some transitory, others insistent. And, nevertheless, we can verify at the same time that they are very few, and most of the times we do not fall into any, by the grace of God. This has to make you realize that the greater and stronger the temptations in your life, and how much more you have the ability to overcome them, without falling into them, pay attention, not to not have them, not to not experience them, but If you are not a prey to their networks, the more virtuous your soul is. You have the strength and grace to face them day by day, with the weapons of God. So, do not be afraid of temptations, fear the tempter who wants to make you fall, but be more aware of God's grace in your life, than of temptation, because grace gives you strength and skill so you can Continue your life on the path of peace. What would happen to us if God left us alone? We would succumb to the first. We would be safe prey to temptations, but as God is with us, we should fear nothing. This is how God uses to purify you, to beautify you and make you more like Him. God is preparing you and training you more and more so that you can witness his love, his faithfulness and his mercy for means of the purification that you are experiencing thanks to the temptations that you are constantly overcoming. Trust Him and He will act.
Pue. September 3, 2019
Peace and good

sábado, 31 de agosto de 2019

Trust, therefore, and do not be discouraged.

August 31
It is true that the temptations to which I am subjected are many; but I trust in divine providence that I will not fall into the tempter's bonds. It is also true that Jesus very often hides, but what does it matter! I, helped by you, will always seek to stay close to Jesus, for you have assured me that they are not abandonments but love jokes.
Oh, how I wish in those moments to have someone to help me moderate the anxieties and flames that disturb my heart in those moments!
 (September 4, 1910, to Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 197)

In the course of daily life we ​​find ourselves with various circumstances that gradually illuminate or dull our being. The temptations, which come and are the result of the tempter's influence, are not always presented as bad, they are not always carnal, they do not always directly attack our weakness, but, on the contrary, they can also be presented to us in a positive way, making us think that we are good, pleasant to God and people, even that only we can be right. For all these reasons, it is necessary to know how to discern the intentions and righteousness of conscience and heart, always and in everything let ourselves be enlightened by the Spirit of the Lord and his holy operation, in order to truly trust in the providence of God, which will not allow Our foot stumbles on the stone. For this, it is necessary to be vigilant, with eyes wide awake, ears very attentive to the voice of God and the heart widened, dilated with love from God and the brothers. It is a reality that we will not always feel God, or perceive near us, will not always be felt present, but it is also a reality, that this does not mean that it is not close to us, it means that we are in Him, and that is why we cannot always distinguish it outside of us, because we are within Him. What a great goodness it is, that of our Father God, who worries our heart, ignites it and burns it, but does not consume it, because his Love and Faithfulness They are getting bigger. Trust, therefore, and do not be discouraged, but rather in your daily life, always seek to be aware of his presence in your life and He will lead you to his holy mountain, a place of tranquility, rest, love, tenderness. Backwater of peace and sweetness that will help you gradually live a more committed, more Christian life. More holy.
Pue. August 31, 2019
Peace and good.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Never allow yourself such a thought

August 29
It is wrong to want to convince you that, as you say, you have been rejected by Jesus. Oh, trust him and don't fear; because, in addition, you have no reason to do so. It is not abandonment, but love that our very sweet Savior shows you, and I do not have adequate feelings to thank the goodness of the Lord, who treats you and protects you lovingly. The evil one wants to convince you that you are a victim of his assaults and of divine abandonment. Do not believe him, because he wants to deceive you; despise him in the name of Jesus and his most holy Mother.
And never abandon yourself; all confidence deposit it in God alone, expect all strength from him and do not proudly wish to be released from the present state; let the Holy Spirit work in you. Abandon yourself to all your performances and don't fear. He is so wise, soft and discreet as to do nothing but good. What a great goodness of the Paraclete Spirit for all, but how much greater for you than you are looking for it!
 (March 29, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 60)

The soul that always lends itself to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit can never be rejected by God. Therefore, in the search for holiness, along the path of evangelical perfection that is none other than that of our baptismal consecration, the evil one insists on convincing us that God rejects us, even more repudiates us for our faults and sins, or simply because of our weaknesses. Never allow yourself such a thought, because God as a good Merciful Father looks for you and looks at you with love, so that more and more you will grow in Faith, Hope and Charity. God has wanted to show you his love through the incarnation of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and with such a sweet Savior that he wanted to be annihilated, until he appeared in our midst and was in everything similar to us - as the Apostle of the Gentiles says - less in sin, how will he reject you? God precisely became Man to embrace our humanity and thus redeem it. Trust therefore only in God, who in his dearest Son in the Holy Spirit gives you the earnestness of bliss, here in earthly life and then in the eternal treat. It is necessary, therefore, that you leave the doors of your heart, your mind and your soul to the Spirit of God, so that He will lead you gently and strongly along the path that only pleases the Father. Then you will experience true freedom and absolute joy and happiness, because you will be surprised to find yourself truly loved by God.
Pue, August 29, 2019
Memory of the martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist.

martes, 27 de agosto de 2019

A great responsibility for remaining on the path of salvation

August 27th
Oh! Beloved daughter of Jesus, if we were in our hand, we would always fall and never stand; Therefore, humble yourself before the very sweet thought of being in the divine arms of Jesus, who is the best of the fathers, like a little child in the maternal arms, and rest easy, convinced that you are taken where you will find the best benefit. What fear can there be when you are certain to be in such soft arms, and when our whole being is consecrated to God ?!
 (March 29, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 60)

Our heavenly Father is, for all of us, that Father who has loved us first, and who will never stop loving us. our smallness, our destitution, our sin will never separate us from Him, but quite the opposite, all these hardships will make your sight, your gaze, your tenderness, your love and your mercy never stop contemplating us, since we are the ultimate work of his hands. It is necessary, therefore, that we repair this great and holy love that sustains us, that strengthens us and that floods us with joy and happiness. There are! What would happen to us if God left us of his hand? we would succumb instantly, we could not stand up, much less firm in the Faith. How much humility the soul must possess to recognize that its life depends solely and exclusively on that of God! and how beautiful it is to be able to recognize this magnificent gift! The result of this experience is to always hope to be in the arms of such a great good and holy Father God. The liberating experience of cradling ourselves in the arms of God is gradually filling us with sweetness, compassion and joy, but together with them, a great responsibility for remaining on the path of salvation, for the deep and objective desire of to convert more and more to the Lord, and to practice charity with others, by the way, one of the greatest charities, is to make others, our near and distant brothers, turn more and more to God. May they also experience this joy, this joy, this certainty of knowing themselves in the beloved arms of God, and therefore saved. Saved for love! Faced with this reality, there is nothing more than to correspond to such a magnificent gift, so that we can finally say of our Father God that he has always looked at us, caressed and loved as a father his little son. May this bring forth a hymn of thanksgiving and a commitment to continue manifesting to all of us this love that has loved us first.
Pue. August 27, 2019

martes, 20 de agosto de 2019

Strive to reach the goal ... Peace and good.

20th of August 

Reading the letter to the Hebrews 12,4-7. 11-15

You have not yet reached the blood in your fight against sin.
You have forgotten the paternal exhortation they gave you: «My son, do not reject the Lord's punishment, do not be angry at his rebuke; because the Lord rebukes those he loves and punishes his favorite children.
Accept the correction, because God treats you like children, because which father does not correct his children?
We don't like punishment when we receive it, but it hurts us; but after going through it, it gives us as fruit an honest and peaceful life.
Therefore, strengthen your weak hands, strengthen your faltering knees, and walk a flat path: so the lame foot, instead of twisting, will heal.
Seek peace with all and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord.
Try that no one is left without the grace of God and that no bitter root regrowth and harm, contaminating many.

Padre Pio tells us:
I urge you, my dearest children, to take care of your hearts with every effort. Try to keep the peace, controlling your temper. I do not say, listen well, keep the peace, but I tell you to try to keep it: that this is your important desire; and be careful that it is a matter of concern not being able to control the variety of feelings and your temperament. Learn well what the cloister means, so that you do not deceive yourself. It is the academy of the necessary correction, in which the soul must learn to be allowed to work, brush and polish, so that, being well polished and straightened, it can unite and be coupled to the will of God. The obvious password of perfection is wanting to be corrected, because this is the main fruit of humility, which leads us to recognize that we need correction. The cloister is a hospital for spiritual patients, who want to be cured; and, to achieve this, they undergo bleeding, scalpel, razor, iron, fire and all the inconveniences of medicines. In the early Church, religious were called by a name that means doctor. My children, you also be doctors and do not listen to what self-love may suggest against you; and, sweetly, kindly and lovingly, make this decision: either die or heal. And, because you don't want to die spiritually, choose healing. And, to heal you, accept to suffer the care and the correction, and beg the doctors of the soul that do not deprive you of any means that can reach you the healing. Always be honest with the one who has to cure your spiritual illnesses.  
(January 18, 1918, to the novices - Ep. IV, p. 366)

Dear brothers, the "discipline of the Lord" in the New Testament involves the whole process of "raising children." Raising means educating, forming for life in both civil and Christian values. It is necessary, therefore, that each one of us in the place that the Lord has placed us be responsible for our conduct and fraternal correction. Otherwise, the world falls apart. Everything is torn down because we build castles on sand. "Why is my son like that," "Why is my daughter treating me this way?" Simply because since childhood they have been allowed to do what they like. A very clear example today is to give the children the cell phone so that they leave the mother alone, so that they do not disturb her, so that they do not bother her. This is the best way to educate children in disobedience, without discipline and much less without correction. It is the parents of this land who have to correct and discipline their children, while it is the superiors and superiors who have to correct their brothers and sisters that the Lord has entrusted to them. Indeed, Paul uses just that form in Ephesians 6: 4, "... in discipline." The expression is from the word paideia which in Hebrews 12 is translated "discipline." Talk about the efforts of earthly parents to discipline their children. He also speaks of the heavenly Father who seeks to make us holy, just as he is holy. The ultimate goal of discipline and correction is not only a good and healthy education, but to reach the goal of every Christian. Open fully to the action of the Holy Spirit, so that from there, God will do his work of sanctification, which began the day of our baptism. From our rebirth to life in Christ, our salvation story is presented to us as a constant training to receive and give a good education, so that we can be "participants of his holiness" and give "a peaceful fruit of justice." This is the challenge of each day, but it is also the great opportunity that God presents to us to be part of his divine life here on earth.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Guide our feet into the way of peace

March 13Be lovingly guided by divine providence, just want to make you walk along the ground and deserts, which the waters of sensible and spiritual consolations. Please hand your perfume; but if it exhibits any other delicious aroma, be sure to smell it, giving thanks, because the perfume is used to not stay for long without some comfort and spiritual joy.Stand firm in any state in which Jesus wants to get your heart be totally for him, because there is nothing better than that. Shed therefore based on continuous sacrifices, your earthly affections, of all the things you have prisoner; and be certain that the king of heaven will give your gifts to lure his holy love.I see in your heart a deep determination to want to serve God; and this guarantees that I will be faithful in pious exercises and constant practice leading to the acquisition of virtues. But I warn you one thing, you certainly do not ignore. When faults occur due to illness, need not marvel why, but after detest the offense that God receives them, it is necessary to seek a joyful humility, to discover and realize our misery.

(January 12, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Ep III, p 669..)

The love and mercy of God outweigh your sin and darkness, life and death to spare. But you need to fully trust that love and mercy of God and that you let be guided by him. If you you abandon your hand that guides you, He will know to take you to the fullness of life. No matter where you carry, but where it takes you. No slip, no obstacle, no suffering. God is a Father who can trust you. Do not let your looking neither to the right nor to the left, but quite simply behold him to Him. Let love for Him and live for Him.