jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

Never allow yourself such a thought

August 29
It is wrong to want to convince you that, as you say, you have been rejected by Jesus. Oh, trust him and don't fear; because, in addition, you have no reason to do so. It is not abandonment, but love that our very sweet Savior shows you, and I do not have adequate feelings to thank the goodness of the Lord, who treats you and protects you lovingly. The evil one wants to convince you that you are a victim of his assaults and of divine abandonment. Do not believe him, because he wants to deceive you; despise him in the name of Jesus and his most holy Mother.
And never abandon yourself; all confidence deposit it in God alone, expect all strength from him and do not proudly wish to be released from the present state; let the Holy Spirit work in you. Abandon yourself to all your performances and don't fear. He is so wise, soft and discreet as to do nothing but good. What a great goodness of the Paraclete Spirit for all, but how much greater for you than you are looking for it!
 (March 29, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 60)

The soul that always lends itself to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit can never be rejected by God. Therefore, in the search for holiness, along the path of evangelical perfection that is none other than that of our baptismal consecration, the evil one insists on convincing us that God rejects us, even more repudiates us for our faults and sins, or simply because of our weaknesses. Never allow yourself such a thought, because God as a good Merciful Father looks for you and looks at you with love, so that more and more you will grow in Faith, Hope and Charity. God has wanted to show you his love through the incarnation of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and with such a sweet Savior that he wanted to be annihilated, until he appeared in our midst and was in everything similar to us - as the Apostle of the Gentiles says - less in sin, how will he reject you? God precisely became Man to embrace our humanity and thus redeem it. Trust therefore only in God, who in his dearest Son in the Holy Spirit gives you the earnestness of bliss, here in earthly life and then in the eternal treat. It is necessary, therefore, that you leave the doors of your heart, your mind and your soul to the Spirit of God, so that He will lead you gently and strongly along the path that only pleases the Father. Then you will experience true freedom and absolute joy and happiness, because you will be surprised to find yourself truly loved by God.
Pue, August 29, 2019
Memory of the martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist.

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