lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

Caring for your body

January 27

If Providence has removed from us the reason for neglecting the soul to worry about improving our body , has been infinite wisdom of God to be put into our hands all the means to beautify our souls , also after having deformed with fault. Just that the soul wants to collaborate with divine grace to its beauty can achieve such splendor , such beauty , such beauty that will attract to itself , for love or awe , not only the eyes but the Angels of God, to according to the testimony of the same scripture : "The king , ie God will desire your beauty."

( November 16, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 226. )

viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Give yourself a chance to be happy TODAY!

January 24

The apostle is glad to think that nothing will be confused and in no way neglected their duty of an apostle of Jesus Christ. It also glad that in your body, even in the midst of all strings to which it is subject , Jesus will be glorified forever . If you live , exalt Jesus Christ through his life and his preaching is still in prison, as he had done before preaching Jesus Christ to the praetorian , if , instead, is martyred , glorify Jesus Christ by offering the supreme
testimony of his love.So openly that their live is Christ, who is to him as the soul and center of his life , the engine of all its activities, the goal of all their aspirations. And after saying that his life is Jesus Christ, also adds that his death is a gain for him because his martyrdom will give Jesus solemn testimony of His love, get your union with Jesus is unbreakable , and will also increase the glory awaits you.What, Raffaelina thus speak? Worldly souls , not having any knowledge of supernatural and heavenly taste , hearing such language , they laugh and they are right ! , Because the natural man , says the Holy Spirit does not accept the things that are God's. They, poor things , they do not have other tastes than mud and dirt can not get a sense of happiness souls say that spiritual experience to suffer and die for Jesus Christ .Oh , how much better for them , instead of laugh and marvel , admire and acknowledge his fault , at least in silent respect, caring delivery of these souls , having a heart so on in divine love !

( February 23, 1915 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 340. )

jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

We are the work of their hands

January 23

Why , then, do we live ? After we were dedicated to him in baptism , we are all in Jesus Christ. Therefore , Christians should have as the saying yours this holy Apostle: " For me to live is Christ," I live for Jesus Christ, for His glory I live , I live to serve , live to love . And when God wants us to take life , feeling, affection, we should have should be precisely who , after fatigue , will receive the reward, who , after the fight , he will receive the crown .Yes like us , like us , oh, my dear Raffaelina , savor this sublime disposition of the soul of this great apostle! Yes , it is true that all souls who love God are willing to do anything for the love of God himself, taking the full conviction that everything is in their own benefit. We 're always prepared to recognize in all the events of life the wise order of divine providence , let us worship and dispongamos our will to shape it always and everywhere to God , because thus glorify the heavenly Father and all we will be beneficial for eternal life .
 ( February 23, 1915 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 340. )

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Estate peace in my soul

January 21

My soul melts pain and love , bitterness and sweetness at the same time . What I do to sustain such a huge performance of the Almighty ?
I possess me, and is grounds for bringing me such joy , it can not avoid to say to Our Lady : "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior."I possess me, and I feel the urgent need to say with the bride in the Song of Songs : "I found my soul loveth ... I hugged him and not let him go . " But then when I am unable to support the weight of this infinite love, keep whole in the smallness of my existence , and I am overcome by terror, because you may have to leave by the inability to contain it in the narrow space of my heart .This thought , which , moreover , is not unfounded ( I measure my strength, they are very limited , unable and powerless to have always strongly embraced this divine love ), I torture distresses me , and I feel that the heart leaps in my chest.

( January 12, 1919 , Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - . Ep I, p 1111. )

lunes, 20 de enero de 2014

The world suffers from lack of love

January 20

I look almost absolute inability to express the work of the beloved. Infinite love , with its immense force, has finally conquered the hardness of my soul, and I am nullified and reduced to impotence .He is totally pouring into the small glass of this creature , suffering unspeakable martyrdom and is unable to carry the weight of this great love . Oh! Who will come to support me ? What shall I do to bring the infinite into my little heart ? What I do to always keep in the narrow cell of my soul?

( January 12, 1919 , Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - . Ep I, p 1111. )

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

Be faithful as to the work of redemption began in Ti

January 17

I understand that the soul in which God dwells , always afraid , in every step , offend God, and this holy fear is almost unbearable if it focuses on the fulfillment of one's duties . But this soul should be encouraged , because it is precisely this fear that you will not fall into mistakes , if you decide to go ahead . My brother, if you remain standing up to us, sure , the first blow, fall into the hands of the enemies of our salvation. Always trust in God's mercy , and we will experience more and more the goodness of the Lord.
[ ... ] .Meanwhile , I pray fervently that I do not waste time thinking about the past . If it was well spent , give glory to God, if wrong, detestémoslo and trust in the goodness of our heavenly Father . Moreover, I urge you to put your heart into the peace of this comforting thought : your life , in that it has not been well used , and has been forgiven by our most sweet God.Away with all interest anxieties and concerns of the heart, otherwise all your efforts will get little or no benefit . It certain that , if our spirit is troubled , the assaults of the devil, who often relies on our natural weakness to achieve their goals , become more frequent and more direct. We are very attentive to this point of no small importance to us : as soon as we realize becoming discouraged , rekindle our faith and abandon ourselves into the arms of the heavenly Father , ready to welcome us whenever honestly we turn to him.

( February 9, 1916 , at Mirabello Sannitico P. Basilio - . Ep IV , p 191. )

jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

Awaken your soul, your mind and ...

January 16

Do not ever get up from the table without first having given due thanks to the Lord. By doing so, we have nothing to fear from the accursed gluttony. When eating , take care of the whimsical selection of food, just knowing that little or nothing if what you want is to satisfy the stomach. Never take more food than necessary, and try to be moderate in all, looking forward to lean more toward sobriety to excess . I do not pretend , however, that you get up from the table fasting , no, this is not my intention. All acts wisely, standard for all human actions .Do not ever go to bed without having considered your awareness of how you spent the day , and not before all thy thoughts be directed to God , having offered and consecrated a person and even all Christians, especially my poor person, I do that same for you .It also provides for the glory of His Divine Majesty the rest you 'll take, and never forget the guardian angel that is always with you , never leaves you , even to the offenses that you can give .

( December 17, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 273. )

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

God Himself enlighten you

January 13

Estate careful not to lose sight of the divine presence because of the activities that you perform. Never you undertake any task or any other action , without having raised before the mind to God , guiding him with holy intention , actions you will perform .
You will do the same with thanksgiving at the end of all your activities, examining you if all you 've done along the line desired at first intended , and if you are spotted , humbly asking forgiveness from the Lord , with the firm resolve to correct errors.You should not discourage you or make you sad if your actions do not come with perfection seeking your intention ,what you want! We are fragile , we are earth, and no road we produce the same fruit according to the intention of the sower. But , to our miseries , always humble ourselves , recognizing that we are nothing without God's help.

( December 17, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 273. )

viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

The light shone in the darkness

January 10

The darkness of the sky surrounding your souls are light, and do well to say that you do not see anything and you find yourself in the midst of a bush. The bush burns , the air is filled with thick clouds , and the spirit does not see or understand anything .
But God speaks and is present to the soul that feels , understands , loves and shakes.Daughters mine , cheer up , do not expect to Tabor to see God already contemplate at Sinai. I think yours is not scrambled and unable to stomach like good inside , he can not wish for more than the highest good in itself and not in their gifts . Hence arises that is not satisfied with what is not God.Knowledge of your unworthiness and deformity is a pure inner light of divinity , that puts your consideration both your being and your ability to commit, without his grace offense .This light is a great mercy of God, and was given to the greatest saints , because it puts the soul beyond any sense of vanity and pride , and increases humility, which is the foundation of true virtue and perfection Christian . Santa Teresa also had this knowledge, and said that, at times, is so painful and horrible that could cause death if the Lord did not argue the heart .

( December 7, 1916 , the sisters Ventrella - . Ep III , p.541 )

lunes, 6 de enero de 2014

Rise and shine

January 6

I have always fixed on the Eastern Eye in middle of the night around him, to distinguish that miraculous star that guided our ancestors to the grotto of Bethlehem. But in vain fixed my eyes to see emerge this bright star. The more you look , the less I fail to see , the more effort and more earnestly I seek you , the more I am involved in greater darkness .
I'm only day I 'm alone at night , and no light comes to enlighten , never a drop of refreshing comes to fan a flame that devours me constantly , never consume .One time I felt , in the most intimate and secret part of my spirit, very delicate I do not know how to explain it . The soul began to feel his presence, without being able to see it , and immediately , I will say so, he came to my soul so closely that it clearly warned his touch , exactly - to give a pale figure - as often happens when our body touches closely another body.I can not say anything about it , just admit it , at first , I fell into a great panic, but the panic gradually was transformed into a celestial euphoria. I found that I no longer was in a state of passer , and could not say if when this happened, I realized it or not I was still in my own body . Only God knows , and I could not say anything more to give a better understanding of this event.
( March 8, 1916 , by P. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - . Ep I, p 756. )

sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

Be embraced by Him

January 4

The third maxim is that you must observe what the Divine Master taught his disciples: " What has failed ? '.Carefully consider , my good little girl , this passage. Jesus commanded the apostles to everyone , no money, no staff, no sandals, no saddlebags , dressed only in a robe , and then said, " When I sent this way , did you lack anything ? " And they said that nothing had lacked .Now, I tell you , my dear : when you were tormented , even in the time when , unfortunately , not very confident you felt God tell me, at some point you find oppressed by suffering ? I will answer you no. Why , then, - I would add - not trust others overcome all adversity? If God has not abandoned you in the past, how can abandon you in the future when now, more than in the past, you wanna be yours from now on? No issues you can think of anything bad about this world, because you might not ever happen . But in any case, if you ensue , God will give you the strength to cope. The divine Master commanded S. Peter to walk on water. S. Pedro , the blowing wind and the danger of the storm , he was afraid and that made him almost submerge ; asked Master for help and he rebuked him, saying : " ? Thou of little faith, why did you doubt ," and , extending his hand , grabbed him . If God makes you walk on stormy waters of adversity , do not hesitate , my daughter , fear not God is with you , have courage and be released.

( November 15, 1917 , to Antoinette Vona - Ep III , p 822. . )

viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

May your heart be glad !

January 3
The second maxim I want you to take forever engraved in your mind, is that God is our Father, what do you have to fear when this daughter 's father , without whose providence never fall a hair of your head? Is not it very strange indeed that we, being children of that parent , and it may have other thought than to love and serve the ? Take care and rule your soul and your family as he wants , and do not worry , because if you do this , you'll see how Jesus cares for you. " Think of me, think of you ," Jesus once said to S. Catherine of Siena , and the Wise says : " Eternal Father, your providence governs all ."
( November 15, 1917 , to Antoinette Vona - Ep III , p 822. . )

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

" The grace of the Lord is always attentive to your aid "

January 2

To live continually in a devout life , you do not need more than accept your generous spirit and some excellent maxims.The first I want you to have , this is St. Paul : "Everything is in good to them that love God ." And by the way , since God can and can draw good from evil even with whom will do this but with those who , without reservation, delivered to him? Even the same sins of which God in his goodness has us away , are ordained by divine providence to the good of those who serve him . If the holy king David had not sinned , would never have acquired such a profound humility and Magdalena have loved so ardently Jesus , if he does not have forgiven many sins , and Jesus could not have perdonárselos , if she would not have committed.Consider, my dear daughter, this great work of divine mercy : he becomes our miseries in favors and , with the poison of our iniquities , makes healthy changes in our souls. So tell me , what will he do with his grace of our troubles , our sufferings and persecutions that trouble us ? And so , even if you happen not to suffer afflictions of any kind, believes that if you love God with all your heart, all will become well , and although you achieve not understand where this good will come , be certain that becoming . If God puts in your eyes the mud of shame , is but to give back a clearer look and make admirable before his God, as decent and friendly show. And if God made ​​you fall is to get you what you did in St. Paul to make him fall from his horse.Therefore, it falls not make you lose courage ; encourage to renewed confidence and a deeper humility. Discouraged and impatient after it has fallen into error , is a ploy of the enemy 's weapons cede , is giving up. Therefore, you should not do it, because God's grace is always attentive to your aid .

( November 15, 1917 , to Antoinette Vona - Ep III , p 822. . )