viernes, 24 de enero de 2014

Give yourself a chance to be happy TODAY!

January 24

The apostle is glad to think that nothing will be confused and in no way neglected their duty of an apostle of Jesus Christ. It also glad that in your body, even in the midst of all strings to which it is subject , Jesus will be glorified forever . If you live , exalt Jesus Christ through his life and his preaching is still in prison, as he had done before preaching Jesus Christ to the praetorian , if , instead, is martyred , glorify Jesus Christ by offering the supreme
testimony of his love.So openly that their live is Christ, who is to him as the soul and center of his life , the engine of all its activities, the goal of all their aspirations. And after saying that his life is Jesus Christ, also adds that his death is a gain for him because his martyrdom will give Jesus solemn testimony of His love, get your union with Jesus is unbreakable , and will also increase the glory awaits you.What, Raffaelina thus speak? Worldly souls , not having any knowledge of supernatural and heavenly taste , hearing such language , they laugh and they are right ! , Because the natural man , says the Holy Spirit does not accept the things that are God's. They, poor things , they do not have other tastes than mud and dirt can not get a sense of happiness souls say that spiritual experience to suffer and die for Jesus Christ .Oh , how much better for them , instead of laugh and marvel , admire and acknowledge his fault , at least in silent respect, caring delivery of these souls , having a heart so on in divine love !

( February 23, 1915 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 340. )

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