viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

May your heart be glad !

January 3
The second maxim I want you to take forever engraved in your mind, is that God is our Father, what do you have to fear when this daughter 's father , without whose providence never fall a hair of your head? Is not it very strange indeed that we, being children of that parent , and it may have other thought than to love and serve the ? Take care and rule your soul and your family as he wants , and do not worry , because if you do this , you'll see how Jesus cares for you. " Think of me, think of you ," Jesus once said to S. Catherine of Siena , and the Wise says : " Eternal Father, your providence governs all ."
( November 15, 1917 , to Antoinette Vona - Ep III , p 822. . )

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