viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Guide our feet into the way of peace

March 13Be lovingly guided by divine providence, just want to make you walk along the ground and deserts, which the waters of sensible and spiritual consolations. Please hand your perfume; but if it exhibits any other delicious aroma, be sure to smell it, giving thanks, because the perfume is used to not stay for long without some comfort and spiritual joy.Stand firm in any state in which Jesus wants to get your heart be totally for him, because there is nothing better than that. Shed therefore based on continuous sacrifices, your earthly affections, of all the things you have prisoner; and be certain that the king of heaven will give your gifts to lure his holy love.I see in your heart a deep determination to want to serve God; and this guarantees that I will be faithful in pious exercises and constant practice leading to the acquisition of virtues. But I warn you one thing, you certainly do not ignore. When faults occur due to illness, need not marvel why, but after detest the offense that God receives them, it is necessary to seek a joyful humility, to discover and realize our misery.

(January 12, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Ep III, p 669..)

The love and mercy of God outweigh your sin and darkness, life and death to spare. But you need to fully trust that love and mercy of God and that you let be guided by him. If you you abandon your hand that guides you, He will know to take you to the fullness of life. No matter where you carry, but where it takes you. No slip, no obstacle, no suffering. God is a Father who can trust you. Do not let your looking neither to the right nor to the left, but quite simply behold him to Him. Let love for Him and live for Him.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015

No glory without Cruz

March 6

I feel the ardent desire, but I almost never think about attempting it, to spend every moment of my life loving the Lord; would be closely united to him by one of his hands and walk with joy that painful path, which has put me;
but I also say with a heavy heart, with confusion in the mind and facial flushing, my wishes do not correspond precisely with reality.Just anything to shake me; just me forget the assertions you make me throw myself into the thick night of the spirit which makes me suffer day and night. My God !, my father !, what a great punishment infidelity brought me my last!My mind would not think rather than Jesus, the heart not beating rather than himself and always, and all this promise Jesus repeatedly. But, alas !, give me fully realize that the mind forgets, or rather, it stays in the grueling test, under which is the spirit; and the heart does nothing to wither in this pain.

(March 6, 1917, at St. Mark Benedict in Lamis - Ep I, p 872..)
The love of God is able to captivate the hearts of people so that the person is experiencing love in his mind and in his heart the deep and pure desire to always live this love. For this to be true in your life encounter and inner transformation of everything that can separate you from the love of loves needed. Your mind and your heart must want to be so perfectly united to God so that you do not experience already in fear or temptation not to please a God who is so holy and good, but rather that you insist that these holy desires to reciprocate so sublime and pure love go slowly seeing reflected in your daily life. Do not grieve if at some moments fall into despondency or sin. Trust in the infinite mercy of God. Trust in God's faithfulness that is always attentive to your needs. It is true that it is often necessary to walk in the dark night, in the densest darkness of spirit, but it is also true that when thickest darkness are closer to being of light. Always remember there can be no day without aurora has not gone through the darkness of the night. As there can be no resurrection without death. Similarly there can be no glory without the cross.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2015

Burning Love

March 3Sometimes I wonder if there souls who feel chest burning with divine fire, especially when faced with him in the sacrament. This seems impossible, especially if he is a priest, a religious. Perhaps the souls who claim they do not feel this fire, do not feel that perhaps his heart is bigger. Only with this benign interpretation I can not apply the shameful epithet of liars.There are times when I comes to mind the severity of Jesus, and that is when I suffer bitterly; I start to consider their jokes and this fills me with joy. No I can not abandon this sweetness, this happiness ... What is, my father, what I feel? Jesus I'm so confident that even if I saw the open before me hell and I were at the edge of the abyss, no distrust, despair not me, trust him.Such is the confidence that inspires me his meekness. When I start to consider the great battles against the devil, with God's help, I passed, so many that you can not count them.Who knows how many times have hesitated my faith and my hope and charity would have weakened, if he did not have reached out; and my intellect would have been obscured, if Jesus, eternal sunshine, would not have lit!Also acknowledge that I am fully work of his infinite love. Nothing has denied me; further, I have to say that it has given me more than I asked for.

(December 3, 1912, Father Agustín de San Marcos in Lamis - Ep. I, p 316.)

Love and mercy are infinite. Only someone who has not had the experience of staying humbly kneeling in prayer before Jesus and Jesus will not experience the sweet and the terrible this love. A love that burns the soul consuming the bowels and gives you the strength and fortitude to continue on the path he appointed unto you. Without this love is impossible to remain in the faith. A faith that leads us down the path of blind trust, a trust that leads to the ultimate consequences. Also to the consequences of giving everything. Absolutely everything. God's love illuminates the heart and life of the person the flame of love and absolute certainty that the fire of divine love leads us to live as persons wholly consecrated to God for the good of society. The experience of God is so terrible that removes the life and being of the person the slightest experience of darkness and the shadow of death. Hurriedly runs to the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist, let yourself be enlightened by him and allows him to turn the flame of hope in your life. God is there and is waiting like that fire that is never extinguished.