viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015

Guide our feet into the way of peace

March 13Be lovingly guided by divine providence, just want to make you walk along the ground and deserts, which the waters of sensible and spiritual consolations. Please hand your perfume; but if it exhibits any other delicious aroma, be sure to smell it, giving thanks, because the perfume is used to not stay for long without some comfort and spiritual joy.Stand firm in any state in which Jesus wants to get your heart be totally for him, because there is nothing better than that. Shed therefore based on continuous sacrifices, your earthly affections, of all the things you have prisoner; and be certain that the king of heaven will give your gifts to lure his holy love.I see in your heart a deep determination to want to serve God; and this guarantees that I will be faithful in pious exercises and constant practice leading to the acquisition of virtues. But I warn you one thing, you certainly do not ignore. When faults occur due to illness, need not marvel why, but after detest the offense that God receives them, it is necessary to seek a joyful humility, to discover and realize our misery.

(January 12, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Ep III, p 669..)

The love and mercy of God outweigh your sin and darkness, life and death to spare. But you need to fully trust that love and mercy of God and that you let be guided by him. If you you abandon your hand that guides you, He will know to take you to the fullness of life. No matter where you carry, but where it takes you. No slip, no obstacle, no suffering. God is a Father who can trust you. Do not let your looking neither to the right nor to the left, but quite simply behold him to Him. Let love for Him and live for Him.

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