viernes, 27 de junio de 2014

Do not scare the cross!

Do not scare the cross. The truest test of love is to suffer for the beloved, and, God love so much pain suffered, the pain he suffers is as friendly as love. In the afflictions that the Lord gives you, be patient and settle the Divine Heart with joy, knowing that everything is an ongoing joke lover.
Tribulations, crosses, have always been the heritage and the portion of the chosen souls. The more Jesus wants to raise a soul to perfection, the more it increases the cross of tribulation. Rejoice, I say, to see so privileged without any merit on your part. The more troubled you are, the more you cheer for the soul in the fire of tribulation will become worthy of being placed to shine in the sky palace fine gold. 

  (July 14, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase -. Ep II, p 126.)

Today for our being essentially rationalists and many hard times heart for faith, ie to believe in God, it also costs us a lot to understand the meaning of suffering, we think it is a punishment, it is disrespectful to dignity of our people or our freedom, yet never think is the caress of the hand of God who loves us. We did not think that through our pain and suffering well spent can first be Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior who suffered unto death, even death on a cross. Secondly do not think that if we unite our pain and suffering the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ, our pain and suffering is redemptive, saving souls from Jesus Christ. This beautifies us, humbles us and brings us closer to God. May the loving heart of Jesus burning with the fire of divine love grant us the grace to light the flame of atonement and generous commitment to the good of our brothers, mainly by the furthest from God. May the joy that causes us to be near the heart of Jesus and sharing their pain either as daily food to sustain us and lead us in paths of righteousness and holiness.