jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Consider my brothers dignity Priests

"From the letter of St. Francis of Assisi to the Order, to the Trustees."
 Also pray for the Lord to all my brothers and priests who are or wish to be priests are the Most High, that when they want to celebrate Mass, offer, pure, purely, with reverence, the true sacrifice of the Sacred Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, with clean and holy intention, not by anything earthly or fear or human love to please men. Rather it is directed to God all will, wishing to please only the same high Lord, to the extent of grace, because she only work as he pleases, for, as he says: Do this in memory of me, and if
otherwise one work, becomes a traitor Judas is guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.Remember, my brethren priests, what is written in the law of Moses, whom the breach, even materially, died without mercy, judgment of the Lord. The larger and more severe punishments which they deserve trampled the Son of God and contaminated the blood of the covenant, which is sanctified, and outraged the Spirit of grace! Despise, then, man, pollutes and tramples the Lamb of God when, as the apostle says, does not distinguish or discern the holy bread of Christ or actions of other foods, or eat it in vain and unworthy though says the Lord through the prophet: Cursed is the man who fraudulently makes the work of God. And priests who do not want to take this seriously the condemnation, saying: I will curse your blessings.Hear, my brethren: if the blessed Virgin is so honored, as it deserves, because it was in her womb holy, if the blessed Baptist trembled and dared not touch the head holy God if they worship the tomb where he lay some time, how holy, righteous and worthy to be who plays with his hands, get into the heart and mouth and gives others not to eat (AD) mortal, but the eternally glorious victor, whom the angels want to see!.Consider your dignity, brother priests, and be holy, because he is holy. And as the Lord God has honored above all with this ministry, and you love him, and honradlo reverenciadlo more than anyone. What a wretched misery and meanness, when you have so present and you worry about anything in the world! Every man theme, everyone shudder and let the heavens exult when on the altar, in the hands of the priest, is Christ, the Son of the living God. Oh admirable height and great indignation! O sublime humility! O humble sublimity, that the Lord God of the universe and Son of God humbles himself like that, to hide in a small piece of bread, for our salvation!See, brothers, the humility of God and pour out your hearts before Him; Humble yourselves, that He may exalt. Not yours, then you retain for you, that I fully welcome who is offered fully to you.So admonish and exhort in the Lord to live in places where the brothers celebrate one Mass daily, according to the form of the Holy Church. And if the local priests are several, for the sake of charity one is content to hear the conclusion of another priest, for the Lord Jesus Christ fills those who are worthy of it, absent or present. He, although it seems to be in many places, remains, however, undivided, without any loss, and, one, work everywhere, as he pleases, with God the Father and the Holy Spirit Paraclete, for ever ever.


"Pastors Sean smelling Sheep"

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lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Delicate and sweet flame consumes

March 25
As soon as I start to pray, I feel your heart as soon invaded by a flame of love alive, this flame is unmatched by any other name of this underworld. It is a delicate and sweet flame consuming and does not cause any suffering. It's so sweet and delicious that the spirit feels such pleasure and satisfied, but the way that does not stop wanting it, and, oh God, it's so wonderful to me that perhaps never come to understand, unless it be in heaven.
This desire, far from depriving the soul of this fullness, is increasingly strengthening. The joy felt by the soul there, in the center, instead of decreasing as a result of desire, is growing more and more, tell yourself the same desire to permanently enjoy this vivid flame, because this desire is not overridden by joy, but remains much more alive as a result of the same desire.
From this deduct that are increasingly rare occasions when I can reason with the understanding and rejoice with the senses.
(March 26, 1914, Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 460)

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013

Take off the old man

March 24It is necessary that the Christian is free from all these vices, if you want to live in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Now, all these vices and all these sins make the old man, the earthly man, the carnal man, this man just wants to strip the Apostle Christian: "Put off the old man with his deeds." The Christian, therefore, dead and risen with Jesus through baptism should strive always renewed and improved, contemplating the eternal truths of God's will, in short, must strive to acquire the likeness of the Lord who created.That makes us Christian perfection, that's what the apostle urges us to the most wise expression: "Put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge of the truth, in the image of its Creator." But who is the new man which the Apostle speaks here? Man is sanctified by baptism, according to the principles of sanctification, must live "in true holiness and righteousness."We, as Christians, are the image of God in two ways: by nature, that is, because we are endowed with intellect, memory and will, and by grace, as we have been sanctified in baptism, which prints in our soul the precious image of God. Yes, my dear, sanctifying grace prints so the image of God in us that we become too us almost a God by participation, and, to use the beautiful expression of St. Peter, "For us to become partakers of the divine nature. "Look, my sister, how great is our dignity. But we're big on condition that we keep sanctifying grace, but, alas!, What abject becomes one when he loses that grace. Our abjection is less, I say, to that of the wild beasts. All gone, all is lost to sin.(November 16, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 226)

Do not be stealing the hope that Christ gives us

Do not be stealing the hope that Jesus gives us

Pope's homily on Palm Sunday

By Francis Pope
VATICAN CITY, March 24, 2013 (Zenit.org) - At 9:30 today the Holy Father Francisco presided in St. Peter's Square the solemn liturgy of Palm Sunday and the Passion of the Lord. At the center of the square, the obelisk, the pope blessed the branches and at the end of the procession reaches the Sagrato, celebrated the Mass of the Lord's Passion.
We publish below the homily the Holy Father pronounced after the proclamation of the Lord's Passion according to Matthew.
Jesus enters Jerusalem. The crowd of disciples accompanying festively extend the garments before him, he speaks of the wonders he has done, rises a cry of praise: "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest "(Lk 19:38). Crowd, party, praise, blessing, peace. It exudes an atmosphere of joy. Jesus has aroused so much hope in the heart, especially among the humble, simple, poor, forgotten, that does not count in the eyes of the world. He has understood human misery, has shown the face of God's mercy, has tended to heal the body and soul. This is Jesus. This is the heart that sees us all, watching our diseases, our sins. Great is the love of Jesus. And now enters Jerusalem with this love, and we look at all.
It's a beautiful scene, full of light, the light of Jesus' love, of joy, of celebration.
At the beginning of Mass, we too have repeated. We've shaken our palms. We too have accepted Jesus: and we have expressed the joy of accompanying him, to know that we are near, present in us and among us as a friend, as a brother, as well as king, ie as a beacon light our lives. Jesus is God and has been lowered to walk with us. It is our friend, our brother. This throws light on the road. And so today we have received. And this is the first word I want to say: joy. Do not be ever men sad women: a Christian can never be. Never ever let yourselves be overcome by discouragement. Our joy is not something that comes from having so many things, but comes to have found a person, Jesus, who is among us, born of the knowledge that, with him, we are never alone, even in difficult times, even when the path of life encounter problems and obstacles that seem insurmountable and there are so many! And now comes the enemy, the devil often masked and insidiously angel tells us his word. Do not listen, follow Jesus. We accompany, follow Jesus, but above all we know he is with us and carries us on his shoulders: in this lies our joy, we hope to bring in this world of ours.
And please, do not be stealing hope, do not be stealing the hope that Jesus gives us.
And the second word. Why Jesus enters Jerusalem? Or, perhaps better, how does Jesus in Jerusalem? The crowd acclaimed him as king. And he does not, not silenced (cf. Lk 19.39 to 40). But what kind of king is Jesus? Look at it: on a donkey, not a court that follows, it is surrounded by an army, symbol of strength. Welcomes people who are humble, simple. That makes sense to see in Jesus something more. That said this is the Savior. Jesus does not enter the Holy City to receive the honors reserved for the kings of the earth, who has power, who dominates; login to be whipped, insulted and outraged, as announced in the First Reading Isaiah (cf. Is 50, 6), comes to receive a crown of thorns, unacaña, a purple robe: his kingship will be mocked; comes to loading up a tree at Calvary. And so, here is the second word cross. Jesus enters Jerusalem to die on the cross. And it is precisely here that shines his being king after God: his royal throne is the wood of the cross. I think of what Benedict XVI told cardinals: ye princes, but a crucified King. That is the throne of Jesus. Jesus takes upon him. Why the cross? Jesus takes upon himself the evil, the dirt, the sin of the world, including ours, all of us and wash it, wash it with their blood, with mercy, with love of God. Look around: how many wounds inflicted evil to mankind! Wars, violence, economic conflicts that crash onto the weakest, the thirst for money, which can then lead to none other, you should quit. My grandmother would tell us kids, "the shroud has no pockets." Love of money, power, corruption, divisions, crimes against human life and against creation. And also, each of us knows and knows our personal sins: the lack of love and respect for God, neighbor and all creation. Jesus on the cross feel all the weight of evil, and in the power of God's love conquers, defeat him in his resurrection. This is the good that Jesus makes all of us on the throne of the cross.
The cross of Christ has never embraced with love sadness, but the joy, the joy of being saved and doing a bit of what has made him the day he died.
Today are many young people in this square: 28 years, Palm Sunday is Youth Day. And this is the third word: youth. Dear young people, I imagine partying around Jesus, waving olive branches, I guess while you express aclamáis your name and the joy of being with him. You have an important part in the celebration of faith. You bring us the joy of faith and we say that we have to live the faith with a young heart, always, even at seventy, eighty years. With Christ's heart never grows old. But we all know, and you know this well, that King whom we follow and accompanies us is a very special King: is a King who loves to cross and which teaches us to serve, to love. And you are not ashamed of his cross. Moreover, because you realize that you embrace the true joy is in the gift of self and God has triumphed over evil precisely in love. You carry the cross pilgrimage through all continents, mundo.La bear tracks at the invitation of Jesus: "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19), which is the theme of the Day World Youth Day this year. The bear to tell everyone that, on the cross, Jesus broke down the wall of enmity that separates men and peoples, and has brought peace and reconciliation. Dear friends, I also get on track with you today in the footsteps of Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Now we are close to the next stage of the great pilgrimage of the Cross. I wait with joy the coming July in Rio de Janeiro. I give quotes in the great city of Brazil. Prepare well, especially spiritually in your communities, that this meeting is a sign of faith to the world. Young people need to tell the world: it is good to follow Jesus, it's good to go with Jesus, it's good the message of Jesus is good out of himself to the peripheries of the world and of existence to bring Jesus.
Three words: joy, Cross youth.
Let us ask the intercession of the Virgin Mary. She taught us the joy of the encounter with Christ, the love with which we look at the foot of the cross, the enthusiasm of the young heart with which we follow in this Easter and throughout our lives. Amen.

Cappuccino "Apostle of Mercy"

Blessed Diego José de Cádiz
"Apostle of Mercy"
By Isabel Orellana Vilches

MADRID, March 24, 2013 (Zenit.org) - José Francisco López-García Pérez Caamaño and was born in Cadiz on March 30, 1743. He belonged to an illustrious family. His mother died when he was 9 years old and settled in the village of Grazalema Cadiz with his father. He studied with the Dominicans in Ronda, Málaga. But at age 15 elected the Capuchins of Seville, overcoming their opposition to the religious life, and this particular order, to take the habit and name that was to be exalted to the altars. Leaving the initial aversion to compromise established, years later, referring to his vocation retrospect be seen how much had changed. You may not remembered the weight of her emotions as a teenager when he wrote: "All my desire was to be cappuccino, to be a missionary and saint." In 1766 he was ordained priest. He was accompanied by one ambition: to achieve holiness. I wanted to be a great apostle without excluding martyrdom. And he recorded it: "What longing to be holy, to placate prayer with God and hold to the holy Church! Do I want to go public, to, with unveiled face, meet the libertines! ... What ardor to shed my blood in defense of what we have hitherto believed ". But the path of holiness God usually does not make it easy for their children. For some years the oscillations in their spiritual life were common, until he suffered a radical transformation with the grace of Christ. This did not experience book that usually appear in the itinerary that leads to union with the Holy Trinity. Passed by contradictions and obscurities. Were frequent struggles against the temptations of the flesh and had to fight outbreaks of apathy in fulfilling its mission, among other weaknesses that faced and overcame.
No, only God knew the inner struggles of this great apostle, whose entrañabilidad and quirky sense of humor was appreciated especially at short distances.
From 1771 and for thirty years his activity in popular missions lasted almost throughout the Spanish territory. His great gifts of oratory and eloquence acted sentence passed by the wonders in the people through preaching from which further emphasizes its rigor, simplicity and dignity. His contribution was invaluable in a period marked by the regalismo and Jansenism that were at their peak. As so often happens in judging great minds, and with the depth of the blessed life, valuations are not always benevolent. When only examines their steps from a rational point of view, appealing to a historical analysis often prejudicial connotations, as some critics have done, is essentially in the dark: his spiritual greatness and outstanding qualities in the service of faith and the Church in times of difficulty doubt. Trying religious oratory, the great Menendez Pelayo placed him behind St. Vincent Ferrer and St. John of Avila. And is that Diego José promoted a profound spiritual renewal in his audience. He came to preach in the court. His words had great influence in public life and in the religious. Along with providing doctrinal instruction, lecturing men, women and children from all walks of life. I encouraged the celebration of public penance and prayer of the Holy Rosary. Emotions aroused equally commoners, clerics and intellectuals. His reputation preceded him and the crowd that could not be cited to hear him in the great cathedrals.
I had to talk outside for several hours, sometimes up to forty to sixty thousand people, who considered him a "godsend."
This impressive display of crowds who came to him feverish shows that the members of the holy life were the true architects of social networks. A network of followers with high sensitivity, which many today would like to himself, knew how to identify God's greatness oozing unparalleled beauty in the words of this famous apostle. There were three decades of dedication to bringing faith singular zeal beyond the confines of Andalusia where he was well known. Aranjuez, Madrid, Toledo and populations of Ciudad Real, Aragon, Valencia, Extremadura, Galicia, Asturias, León, Salamanca, including Portugal and others were covered on foot by this tireless pilgrim imbued with the power of his voice, backed by one virtuous life, the heart of the people. A large majority of his time considered him a "new St. Paul." Constant prayer and penance were his apostolic weapons, while his body shivered under a rustic sackcloth.
If I had the means and techniques that exist today his conquests for Christ surpass imagination.
He was a great devotee of Mary under the title of Divine Aurora, which was turned defender. He was blessed with extraordinary charisma and the gift of prophecy and numerous miracles effected his proverbial sense of humor and wit that had Andalusian. His correspondence, sermons, ascetic and devotional works are countless. He has been known as the "apostle of mercy." Round died in the March 24, 1801 when he was on trial before the Inquisition where he was taken by those who were unable to identify him as the saint who was. They covered with painful signs of ingratitude which resulted in a humiliating and unjust persecution. Above the blind human trials God had already booked eternal glory. He was beatified by Leo XIII on April 22, 1894.

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

What was the cross Jesus Christ is baptism for us.

March 22
What should be the motto of a Christian? Let them tell the Apostle to the Gentiles: "Do you not know - says the holy apostle, writing to the Romans - that all who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?", And do not you remember you all
we who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
Therefore, in the words of St. Paul, baptism, through which we become children of God and heirs of the kingdom, is model, participation and copies of the death of Christ. Baptism is a model of Christ's death, for, as Jesus through the cross has suffered in the same way to us with the sign of the cross, we are given baptism as Jesus was buried in the earth,
just as we are immersed in the waters of holy baptism.
Baptism is also a participation in the death of Jesus, because baptism represents the mysteries applied and therefore has the effect of the death of our Redeemer. The death of Christ is applied to us in our baptism just as if it were our own and we we were crucified with him, and it is by virtue of this death that removes us are all sins, both as to guilt,
as punishment.
Finally, it has been said that baptism is a copy of the death of Jesus. We, in the words of St. Paul, we are baptized "in morte ipsius" in his death, that is, to imitate the death of our Redeemer. So what was the cross for Jesus Christ, it is baptism for us. Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross to die after the flesh we are baptized to die to sin, to die to ourselves. Jesus Christ suffered on the cross in all its senses just as we must lead by baptism mortification of Jesus in all our members, that is precisely what St. Paul writes in his second letter to the Corinthians: "We always
our bodies in the sufferings of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body. "
(September 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 174)


jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

The cross is the price of love

March 21

I know that the cross is the test of love, that the cross is a guarantee of forgiveness, and that love is not fed and nurtured by the cross, not true love, stays in fireworks. However, despite having this knowledge, this false disciple of the Nazarene feels in his heart that he is enormously heavy cross and often (no offense and not be angry, father, to what I say) will looking for a pious Cyrene relieve him and comfort.
What merit can have my love to God? I fear so much, if my love for God is true love. And this is also one of the swords, along with many others, I press at times and makes me feel crushed.
And yet, my father, I have a great desire to suffer for Jesus' sake. And how to explain it later, before the test, against my will, you find some relief? Much force and violence in these tests should I have to silence nature, so to speak, forcefully claiming to be comforted.
This fight would not feel it, sometimes makes me mourn like a child, because I think there is a lack of love and God correspondence. What about this?
Email Me, when I want Jesus, and always long; their responses on many problems, doubts and difficulties as light the hope of paradise, as beneficial dew on thirsty land.
  (April 21, 1915, Father Agustin de San Marco in Lamis - Letters I, p. 571)

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

"I am crucified with love"

March 18Father, let me vent at least with you: I am crucified with love! I can not anymore, this is a very delicate food for one accustomed to regular food, it is precisely this that makes me continually very strong spiritual indigestion, the growing so that the poor soul groans while a great sorrow and a vivid love. The poor can adapt to this new way of being treated by the Lord. And behold, the kiss and the touch - I'll say so - substantial, most loving heavenly father that imprints on the soul, still cause extreme suffering.May the good Jesus grant him understand my true situation! And I, in the meantime, I urge you to treat with charity still want some more, and rule on this.Dearest father, meeting the needs of life, such as eating, drinking, sleeping, etc.., I find it so painful that I could not find proper comparison if not the penalties must experience our martyrs in the moment of supreme test.Father, do not think I exaggerate when using this comparison, not exactly. If the Lord, in His goodness, does not take away the knowledge in the time of these acts, as it did in the past, I think I will not last long, I feel I need support underfoot. The Lord help me and release me from such anguish!; Want to behave well with me and treat me like I should. I'm a stubborn rebel against the divine and absolute performances deserve to be treated that way.(May 18, 1915, Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p.545)

viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

My God, I trust in You


March 8
God, God, I would not, not despair, do not want, no, insulting your infinite goodness, but, despite all efforts to trust, feel me, vivid and clear, the dark picture of your neglect and your refusal.My God, I trust, but this trust is full of fears, and it is this that makes me bitter grief.Oh my God, if I could convince myself, although minimally, that this state is not a rejection of you and that I did not offend you, I'd be willing to suffer, and a hundredfold, this martyrdom.My God, my God ... have mercy on me!Father, help me with your prayers and those of others. How would not feel this pain bitter! I left everything to please God, a thousand times would have given my life to seal my love for him, and now, oh God, what I find bitter experience in the depths of the heart that he is angry with me, and I can not , find peace in my misfortune. My heart tends irresistibly and with a vengeance to his Lord, but an iron hand always rejects me ... Imagine a poor shipwrecked, clinging to a life raft, whom every wave and every gust of wind threatened to drown.Or, imagine my state of mind similar to a death row inmate who feels continually beating heart because he expects to be led to the gallows in a moment's notice. And this state I suffer in the darkest night, when I work harder than ever to find my God.(February 20, 1922, at St. Mark P. Benedict in Lamis - Letters. I, p.1263)

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

"With what ingratitude is paid my love for men!"

March 5
Listen, my father, the righteous cries of our sweet Jesus: "With what ingratitude is paid my love for men! It would be less offended by them if any loved less. My Father does not want to endure more. I would love to stop but ... (and here Jesus is silent and sighs, and then continues) but, alas!, My heart is made for love! Cowardly and lazy men make no effort to overcome temptations, or, what is worse, they revel in their iniquities.
The souls most favorite for me, put on trial, I fail, the weak are driven by despair and desperation are strong gradually relaxing.I leave the churches alone at night, only during the day. You do not care about the sacrament of the altar, never speaks of this sacrament of love, and even those who speak of this, alas!, How indifferent, how cold do.My heart is forgotten, no one cares because of my love, I am always distressed. My house has become for many a place of fun, but also for my ministers, I have always looked with fondness, that I loved as the apple of my eye, they should comfort my heart full of bitterness, they should help in redemption of souls. However, who would believe it?, Of them should receive ingratitude and forgetfulness. I see, my son, to many of them that ... (here becomes silent sobs cut her voice and wept in secret) that under hypocritical appearances betray me with sacrilegious communions, ignoring the lights and the forces that are continually present ... ».Jesus continued lamenting yet. Father, how I suffer seeing mourn Jesus! Did you also have experienced?"My son - Jesus went - I have need of victims to appease God's righteous anger and my Father; Renew the offering of all of you, and do not book you anything."The sacrifice of my life, my father, I was renewed, and, if I feel in me a feeling of sadness, it has to look to God instead of pain.If possible, try to find souls that are offered to the Lord as victims for sinners. Jesus will help.(March 12, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 341)

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

If men could understand this martyrdom

March 1

Any failure, even minimal, I make, is for the soul a sword of sorrow that pierces the heart. At times I feel compelled to exclaim with the apostle, but, alas!, Not with the same perfection: "I no longer I who live," because I feel that someone is me.Another effect of this grace is that my life is becoming a cruel martyrdom, and I only find comfort in myself to live for Jesus' sake, though, alas!, Father, again the pain I feel comfort in certain times is unbearable, because the soul would like the entire life of crosses were planted and persecution.These natural events, as would be eating, drinking, sleeping, are very painful for me. The soul, in this state, because the hours pass groans too slow for her. At the end of each day, it feels like a heavy burden lightened and very relieved, but at the time backwards, in a deep sadness, thinking you have many days of exile, and it is in those moments when the soul wants to scream "Oh life, how cruel you are to me!, how long you are! Oh life, you are no longer living for myself but torment! O death, is not afraid of you know who can, as we open for you life! ".Before the Lord favored me with this grace, the pain of my sins, grief he felt at seeing the Lord so offended, the fullness of affection he felt for God, there were so intense as to make me out of myself, and sometimes, for it seems unbearable this pain, I had to vent with excruciating screams, unable to contain myself. But after this grace, the pain has become even more acute, to be like the heart leaps forth.Now I think I understand how hard was the martyrdom of our beloved Mother, which I had previously been possible. Oh, if men could understand this martyrdom! Who managed to suffer with our dear redeemer? Who would deny the beautiful title of "Queen of martyrs"?(July 7, 1913, at St. Mark P. Benedict in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 381)