lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Transform yourself totally to the will of God

April 29
I beg you, that you also console yourself with this divine thought your spiritual and physical punishment are proof of the divine will, you want that way to settle most divine prototype, Jesus Christ. [...].
For those who hope in the Lord feel quiet of conscience, it can only come from God Himself. I serve this in answer to your other question.
Not feeling any attraction for somewhere in this earthly world, can not have the author's other God, who wants to separate the soul from everything but him.
(September 28, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 500)

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Stand firm in the fight!

April 23

Be guided by divine providence lovingly, whether you want to walk on land and deserts, either by the waters of the sensitive and spiritual consolations.
Have in your hand your "bouquet" (perfume), but, if there is any other smell delicious, be sure to smell it, giving thanks, because the "bouquet" takes to not stay for long without any comfort and spiritual pleasure.Stand firm in all situations that Jesus wants to take for your heart to be entirely for him there is nothing better than this. Shed, then, of all the things that enslave you, based on your continuous waivers earthly affections, and be convinced that the King of heaven will offer their gifts to lure his love.I see in your heart deep resolution to serve God, and this I guarantee that you will be faithful in the exercises of holy devotion and in the ongoing effort to acquire the virtues. But I remember one thing that you certainly do not ignore. When you meet with failure because of illness, you should not miss in any way, but, hating the one hand that God receives the offense, you must, on the other, get some humility joyful, to see and know our misery.(January 12, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 669)


lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Christ the Good Shepherd is your comfort and guidance.

April 22
What so great happiness to serve Jesus in the wilderness, manna, without water and other comforts that living under his guidance and suffer for it! May the Blessed Virgin can be born in our hearts to give us his blessing.
During this state of dryness and desolation of spirit, do not worry about not being able to serve God according to your will, because, adjust to your wishes, you will serve according to his, which is much better than yours. We should worry or distress being of God in a more than another. This is because we do not seek more than him, and did not find less when we walk in arid and desert land that we walk on the waters of sensible consolations. Consequently, it is necessary to live happy in the same way in the other.
(January 11, 1917, to Lucy Fiorentino - Letters. III, p. 480)

viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

You need to really love.

April 19
Let us pause a little in the virtue of love to God. What is this love? Before giving an answer to this question, it must be remembered that one is the substantial love God and love other accidental, and the latter in turn is distinguished in love accidental accidental sensible and spiritual love. Having made this distinction, we go now to answer the question above.
The substantial love God is simple and straightforward act of preference, with which God will put before all other reality, because of his infinite goodness. He who loves God thereby, love it with substantial charitable love. But if this love God joins substantial softness, if this softness is contained and it is all in the will, we then love spiritual accidental. If that gently descends further into the heart and feel with passion, with tenderness, we then love sensitive accidental.
  (January 9, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 291)

martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Jesus' heart and mine were merged

April 16
How can I tell the new victories of Jesus in my soul these days? I simply tell what happened to me last Tuesday.What a fire burning in my heart I felt that day! But I also felt that this fire was ignited by a friendly hand on the one hand divinely jealous. [...].
After Mass, I amused myself with thanking Jesus.Oh, how sweet was the colloquy with paradise that morning I had! Was such that even trying to tell you all, I could not get it, there are things that can not be translated to human language, without losing the deep meaning and blue. Jesus' heart and mine, allow me the expression, merged. There were already two hearts that beat, but one. My heart had disappeared like a drop of water that dissolves in the sea. Jesus was heaven, the king. The joy in me was so intense and so deep that I could not help more, tears filled my most delicious face.
Yes, my father, the man can not understand that, when paradise is poured into a heart, this heart afflicted, exiled, weak and mortal, can not stand without mourn. Yes, I repeat, the joy that filled my heart was such that I did mourn length.
This visit, believe me, comforted me entirely.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

God watch over you always

April 15

Did not the Lord has said that he is faithful and will never allow us to be defeated: "God is faithful who will not let you be tempted beyond your strength. Rather, with the temptation will give you the strength to overcome it. "
And how, my sister, otherwise you could accept? Did not God is good, much more than we can think? Is not it much more interested than us in our salvation? How many times has given proof of this? How many wins you've got on your enemies so powerful and yourself, through divine assistance, without which it would have been hopelessly crushed?
Think of the love that Jesus has for us and your interest in our happiness, and let's stay calm and not doubt that he will assist us with care rather than paternal against all our enemies.
(July 28, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 138)

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

The real comfort is the Lord's coming

April 11
Think of the great abandonment suffered by our Lord in the Garden of Olives, and notes in this beloved Son, the Father asking some relief, but, knowing that the Father does not grant it, and not think about it and decide to ask and, as if he had never desired that relief, takes bravery and courage to the work of our redemption. In moments of extreme demoralization, you also ask the heavenly Father comfort you, to comfort you, and if it does not please do not think twice about it, but arm yourself with courage and resumes the work of your salvation in the cross, as if you never had to go down on her and as though they could see the horizon serene. What do you want, my little one? You need to see and talk to God in thunder and strong winds. Should see him through the brambles and the fire of thorns, and to continue, my little one, you need shoes and entirely renounce your will and your whims.
(December 6, 191.7 to Antoinette Vona - Letters. III, p. 828)

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

'' Christ has conquered evil so fully and definitively''

'' Christ has conquered evil so fully and definitively''

Words of Pope Francisco in praying the Queen'' Today'' Coeli
By Francis PopeVATICAN CITY, April 1, 2013 ( - At noon, on Monday in the Octave of Easter, or Monday "Angel" the pope prayed Francisco, with the thousands of faithful and pilgrims gathered in the Plaza de San Pedro, the Marian prayer of Regina Coeli, which replaces the Angelus in this Easter. We offer the text of the Holy Father's words.
Dear brothers and sisters:
Happy Easter to you all! I thank you for coming in large numbers even today, to share the joy of Easter, the central mystery of our faith.
May the power of the Resurrection of Christ to reach every person, especially those who suffer, and all situations in need of confidence and hope.
Christ has conquered evil in complete and definitive, but it is up to us, to men of all time, accept this victory in our lives and in the concrete realities of history and society.
Therefore it seems important to emphasize what today we ask God in the liturgy: "O Father, that you grow your Church always giving new children, grant to Your faithful who express in their lives who have received the sacrament of faith"
(Opening Prayer Monday in the Octave of Easter).
True, Baptism makes us children of God, the Eucharist unites us to Christ, must become life, that is, translated into attitudes, behaviors, gestures and choices.
The grace contained in the Easter sacraments is a huge renovation potential for personal existence, for family life, for social relations.
But everything passes through the human heart if I let myself reaching for the grace of the risen Christ, if I allow me to change my appearance in that which is not good, it can harm me to myself and others, I allow the Christ's victory is being said in my life, to extend his beneficence. This is the power of grace! Without grace we can do nothing. Without grace we can do nothing. And with the grace of Baptism and Holy Communion I can be an instrument of God's mercy.
That beautiful mercy.
Express in life the sacrament we have received: behold, dear brothers and sisters, our daily commitment, but would also our joy everyday!
The joy of being instruments of the grace of Christ, as branches of the vine which is himself, inspired by the lymph of the Spirit!
Pray together, in the name of the crucified and risen Lord, and through the intercession of Mary, to act deeply the Paschal Mystery in us and in our time, to leave hatred instead of love, lies to truth,
vengeance to forgiveness, sadness to joy. "
After praying the Regina Coeli Pope greeted the pilgrims, wanted everyone to quietly pass this "Monday of the Angel", which strongly echoes the joyful proclamation of Easter: Christ is risen! And concluded by wishing "Happy Easter to all! Happy Easter to all, and good lunch ".

Taken from Journal

Christ is risen Alleluia!

Dear friends and brothers all Peace and Well hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Contemplating in prayer and silence tenderness, love and mercy of Christ crucified and risen, "... is like leaving trasparentar condensed but powerful energy; [a potent force, authentic and full security firm that gives our life] is like [the risen Christ] we say, be confident, do not lose hope, the strength of the love of God, the power of the risen Christ conquers all ".? May this Year of Faith the Lord grant us the grace truly believe in Him and act accordingly.

I greet you
with the love of Jesus Risen and I wish from the bottom of my heart that in this most holy time of Easter truly open your heart and mind to God of life, love and peace, so they can find out what it means to be resurrected people. It is necessary to remember and accept that God resurrected Jesus can transform reality absolutely all around us, and always remember graven in his heart that there is no reality in this world or any situation that God can not change, that God can not revive, God can not make new. Even your own sin and mine, is the reason for the death of Jesus Christ, and the love we have is the reason for his admirable and glorious resurrection. There is nothing to fear are not alone, you're not alone, living and risen Christ is with you. So celebrate Easter with great joy, truth, sincerity and true love between us, always serving the needy, but especially to those who are and live with ourselves.
Happy Easter.
"Why are you looking among the dead for one who is alive?"
"He is not here, he is risen" Halleluiah! Halleluiah!

With my prayers:
Fray Pablo Escobar Jaramillo, OFMCap