martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Jesus' heart and mine were merged

April 16
How can I tell the new victories of Jesus in my soul these days? I simply tell what happened to me last Tuesday.What a fire burning in my heart I felt that day! But I also felt that this fire was ignited by a friendly hand on the one hand divinely jealous. [...].
After Mass, I amused myself with thanking Jesus.Oh, how sweet was the colloquy with paradise that morning I had! Was such that even trying to tell you all, I could not get it, there are things that can not be translated to human language, without losing the deep meaning and blue. Jesus' heart and mine, allow me the expression, merged. There were already two hearts that beat, but one. My heart had disappeared like a drop of water that dissolves in the sea. Jesus was heaven, the king. The joy in me was so intense and so deep that I could not help more, tears filled my most delicious face.
Yes, my father, the man can not understand that, when paradise is poured into a heart, this heart afflicted, exiled, weak and mortal, can not stand without mourn. Yes, I repeat, the joy that filled my heart was such that I did mourn length.
This visit, believe me, comforted me entirely.

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