jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


Born in Acri (Cosenza , Italy ) in 1669. Your vocational journey was laborious , because , after two novitiates frustrated , just after the third came to profess in the Capuchins in 1691 . Ordained in 1700 , he devoted himself to preaching , simple and popular, for nearly forty years , throughout much of Calabria and Southern Italy , work completed by his dedication to the confessional , where crowds of faithful attending there found grace , guidance and comfort they needed. The Lord accompanied his ministry with charisma and miracles. His heartfelt devotions were the Eucharist ( Forty Hours ) , the Passion of Christ ( Calvary Way of the Cross ) and the Virgin Mary ( Our Lady of Sorrows ) . In its Order served with no less zeal and charity various trades such as novice master , guardian or provincial. Acri died in the October 30, 1739 .
ACRI ANGEL BLESSEDby Prudencio de Salvatierra , o.f.m.cap .
Lucas 's childhood lacks Antonio Falcone fictional episodes : a stream so gentle and so quiet , that even in dreams can foreshadow later crash that accompany the figure of the apostle cappuccino.

That child pale , silent , friend to pray and help the healing of his people in the doings of the parish , living in poor house of Acri , in Calabria , working with parents , praying with them and learning their examples and their
virtues .
God began to mold the spirit of the future hero without violence , without bumps extraordinary softness fine with that love . The boy's soul was enriched virtue and piety, without anyone noticing their impressive progress , until one day all realized that this young man was a true saint .
His parents, Francisco and Diana , feeding the sacred fire in the heart of his son, and had a vague feeling that God had appointed to very high destinies .

Antonio Lucas had placed at the head of his poor bed , an image of the Virgin Mary , and he spent hours in sweet 1as conversations with your heavenly Mother , for She worked in silence , for she obeyed without protest, and she also
began to devise various mortifications that love was teaching him with graceful skill.

In Acri school nobody could compare and seriously under Lucas Antonio . The games of his companions, if not desplacían , interested him less than the study and works of mercy.
And the example of his behavior was because , for all the people , a flash apostolate incipient lifetime.

Those days Arrived at the church of a famous preacher cappuccino Acri , Father Antonio de Olivadi , surrounded by an aura of holiness and extraordinary eloquence and preached one of those missions that leave an indelible mark in the hearts of all listeners.
Our pious young man could not miss among the large auditorium , and probably was the most attentive and best prepared to receive the seed of the divine word .
The voice of cappuccino , speaking of the vanities of the world , was a hammer that sprayed all the idols of the illusion , when explaining the justice of God or the torments of hell was a dazzling lightning that shook the most insensitive when painting
the wounds of guilt, was trembling and sobbing , and to expose the delicate features of divine mercy in the parable of the prodigal son tender , like a lullaby to forgive and love.
Lucas Antonio did not lose a movement of the hands of the speaker , not a flicker of his eyes , not a syllable of his words .
Perfectly understood nothing of visible things , and became convinced that happiness was dreamed up by his soul only in the love of God and the fulfillment of His holy will.
Several times he tried to approach the mission , but the people pressed together to confession and was all but impossible calmly expose the state of his soul and desires that were born in his heart . One afternoon cappuccino seeing past him and went after him , he managed to yank her habit and said he wanted to talk immediately . The providential interview ended with a series of spiritual advice to the young fulfilled to the letter : frequency of sacraments , daily recitation of the " Clock of the Passion " continuous prayer , love for the Virgin and purity.
But Lucas Antonio was not satisfied , he wanted more , he wanted to be a missionary and cappuccino, as the holy preacher , and would not rest until it succeeds.
It seems that in the realms of Satan that was a commotion extraordinary determination , because they started the obstacles and temptations such luxury of abundance and tenacity , that if God had not prevented , cappuccino future had been at the gates of their vocation
He was eighteen when he applied the rough sackcloth San Francisco . A few days later , their aspirations were extinguished completely . A nervous disease populated his fantasy images of sad and melancholy forebodings. The tempter got a momentary victory . The novice left the convent and went home .
Just entered the gates of his home, recovered the joy and health, and felt an inner voice telling him shrewdly : " Rest assured , God does not want cappuccino ".
A few months later , repentant and tearful , Lucas Antonio was presented for the second time in the convent . The monks received him with great joy . It was believed and the young in the land of promise , when they returned the sorrows and disappointments . Shattered, broken , had to return back home. Something extraordinary had in those sudden changes of the will, the young man began to maliciar the wiles of the devil, and proposed to solve the situation with penance and prayer.
He went to his beloved Virgin , offered his life and his whole being , and immediately knew that his vocation was determined, and he could count on the aid of heaven.

Seldom has the most beautiful fulfillment saying: ' Third time lucky' . Counting twenties , rejecting the promises of bliss that his uncle whispered insistently, our young gave final farewell to the world and dressed the Capuchin habit in the convent of Belvedere . Our saint had , many years later , that go to the novitiate , the river reached Crati and could not get through , for the extraordinary strength of water . Given the unexpected difficulty, made ​​a fervent prayer , asking the Lord to help him in this predicament . He was still with the prayer on his lips , when he saw his side a gigantic man and degustation awful , that stout carrying him on their backs , in a moment he stopped on the opposite bank . The mysterious man suddenly disappeared . " God revealed to me much later , 'said the saint, the man was the devil himself .
The Lord , as punishment for getting me out of the convent twice forced him to serve at the third attempt . "
In the year of novitiate , Fray Angel threw solid and unshakable foundation of his future sanctity . Long meditations , penances of all kinds, perfect command of character, bremsstrahlung of self-will , enthusiastic cult seraphic poverty , angelic purity : brief words that contain an abyss of fervor and energy. The incessant assaults of temptation crashed and vanished against that spirit with joy railway to bear the enormous weight of the monastic life.
And when the young Capuchin made ​​profession , like a mature and perfect in religious virtue, rather than a beginner who took the first steps .
The study of ecclesiastical sciences was to Fray Angel, until the day of his ordination , fertile field of knowledge that fed at the same time , his clear intellect and his will without limits. Meditating on the new horizons that theology was discovering in the eyes of his soul , he knew the spirit acquire more builds , which swells the vain science , drawing from every page of his books a new zeal reason that would soon be the fire eater all his life. Uncanny ability to harmonize with the mortification of the senses with the knowledge of God was the counterweight humility regulating progress in wisdom, and faithful observance of their religious duties put a framework of fairness and seriousness in the perfect picture of all their works.
Fray Angel 's soul acquired in a short time , scientific and spiritual fulfillment is given only in men admire very tested.

After ordination, the servant of God began an endless series of hard work apostolate.
His first Mass , which were mixed fervor of the new priest with the intense excitement of the audience showed that Father Angel was a man of God , seraphic transports of love and invincible fighting spirit.

The superiors , who knew and admired the excellent skills of the young religious, he immediately sent his true activity field . He possessed all the qualities which ensure a life of triumphs and suggestive penetrating eloquence , wit grown in all sciences, unblemished virtue , irrepressible zeal for the salvation of souls.
And Father Angel was mandated obedience with all his heart craving excited .

Our saint was a reformer original sacred eloquence at the time of oratorios aberrations that almost all preachers were contaminated . The gimmicky phrases and shocking , twisted turns and subtle , arbitrary and ridiculous applications of scriptural texts had such luck rife among Catholic priests , who only eloquent and witty was said by the others expiring quirky rarities .
The public, misled by custom, eventually all the more enthusiastically applaud the least understood of those entangled concepts .
Our Blessed Angel of Acri began his apostolic ministry by making a small concession to the tastes of the time . No default commit him debase the word of God with the suggestions of self , no obscurecerían his sermons with exquisite metaphors , unintelligible , or with mazes of ideas , but wrote his sermons with rhetorical punctuation , take care and Limaria periods , looking
delight in them galanas poetic phrases , and learn their speeches to the letter , for the greater glory of God and spiritual good of the hearers.

With these ideas wrote a collection of Lenten sermons , putting them all charms that his talent and imagination were powerful teaching. Those pages that flowed from his pen in well-cut days of youthful enthusiasm had to be masterpieces of beauty dialectic and oratory. Our young missionary learned them faithfully , thanks to his prodigious memory and Lent began in the town of Corigliano . He knew the novel preacher than a fervent prayer is more effective than a hundred beautiful speeches , and that penance again thank heaven reaches the empty words of pride.
Before the pulpit , mortification and prayer were the last hand to his scientific .

But there in the chair of the Holy Spirit , we expect the grace of God to give him a tremendous lesson to learn admirably , and would not forget and throughout the course of his long apostolic career .

The sermon confusing entry was a whirlwind of ideas and affections memory unfortunately had betrayed him for the first time in his life. Do not know what to say , would not think anything all phrases that had stamped on their notebooks they carried on their wings the wind of a sudden oblivion. He stammered some words trembling , and down from the pulpit , ashamed and saddened by the sudden misfortune .
The days following the failure was repeated , with the growing bitterness of the preacher.

At the bottom of his soul was like a voice warning him of the futility of their efforts , and also encouraged him to rely solely on God's grace . Moved by the irresistible force , fell to his knees in the middle of his cell , asking the Lord to deign to express their will. Before he had finished his ardent prayer , when he clearly heard a voice saying to him, "Fear not, Angel , I will give the gift of preaching, and bless all your work ahead ." "Who are you? " Asked the priest. And the same voice replied, "I am who I am . You speak out now in other words , and your speeches are understood by all . "
Biographers have this voice was accompanied by a kind of earthquake, the missionary fell fainting on the ground , like another Saul, and later, whenever she recalled the words of the mysterious voice , trembling from head to foot .
The lesson gave excellent results . The missionary completely changed methods and oratory.
Prayer was the main source of his sermons , and in his cell not seen more than two books : the Bible and the crucifix .
I will never lower the pulpit dissatisfied or humiliated : his word is like the thunder of the prophets and apostles, it will vibrate with astounding property , all biblical accents , from the terrible omens of Jeremiah to the prophetic hidden and maximum of Revelation.
Theologians who heard the Father Acri Angel drew the conclusion that her speech did not learn in the classroom.
And all this accumulation of wonders left her lips wrapped in plain dress and tight, with plain words without frills , off -honored ways an old habit.
Father Angel had a strange originality , very difficult to be attained: the originality of simplicity and clarity , in an age dominated by conceptualism and extravagance.

No shortage superficial spirits mock oratory plainness cappuccino.
His speeches did not deserve , in the opinion of such sacred eloquence name : family talks were unworthy of a minister of the Most High .
Very soon pedantic critics had to disabuse : the new apostle appealed to his pulpit to all kinds of people , eager to hear that word warmly remembered for his kind discussions of the divine Master . Audiences were moved to a degree unspeakable with Father Angel sermons . It was often a case of having to interrupt the speech to unleash the sobs of the audience : the explosions of fervor or sublime repentance bursting with spontaneity , according to the wishes of the preacher.
With the crucifix in his left hand , at the end of his sermons , was irresistible : the most hardened hearts are softened and tenacious surrendered in those supreme moments when he communicated to all present the affections of his tender heart .
The crucifix Father Angel , now take him on the chest , now it estrechase between the arms , or take it into their hands at him with eyes of love , was so inseparable and so inherent in his figure , that figure could not be separated of the cross of Christ. The cross was the ornament and the complement of his habit , which is never forgotten or lost , which is carried everywhere, reference book , comforting and tasty food , the preferred object , the friend who never leaves .
Of Christ and of his Passion spoke in all the sermons and even in private conversations , the thoughts most original , the most heated phrases , the most exciting tenderness out of his mouth to try to Jesus Crucified and the Sorrowful Mother.
At the end of the missions, looking for a mountain or a hill that would look good in all people, and there fixed three crosses to remember all the people continually immense love of Christ, but had previously worked for print , in the hearts of his listeners , love and devotion to the cross. He organized a solemn procession of penance , which used to be an unforgettable event for impressive ceremonies that followed. He opened the procession a large group of men crowned with thorns, were clerics and sackcloth sackcloth behind surrounded the village , Father Angel was loaded with the heaviest cross , and beside two other priests walked with smaller crosses . Along the way back to the top of Calvary , is prayed and sang the " Clock of the Passion ", divided into twenty-four meditations which included all the drama of Golgotha ​​, from the Last Supper to the burial of Jesus .
The event ended with a lively speech, in which the missionary , transformed by his love seraphic inculcated devotion to the cross and asked all the people to Christ Crucified daily salute .
Angel Blessed Acri , who rightly been called " the apostle of Calabria ", sowed crosses all mountains and villages through which he passed . In the hamlet of Mendicino , God demonstrated with an unusual wonder how much he liked those fervent devout missionary practices . In the final procession , when the crowd was about to worship the cross which was to put the angel on a mountain Father , appeared in the air three shining crosses , as formed by clouds and sunshine , well-drawn , which were seen by whole audience for a long time .
The people, giving cries of wonder and pity , fell to the ground on his knees , while the cappuccino uttered one of the most inspiring sermons of his life.

Our saint was also a tireless propagator of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament , letting no chance without inciting the people to frequent communion , availing for that of his prodigious skill and inexhaustible inventiveness made ​​him one of the most notable apostles of the Eucharist . The practice devoted universally known by the name of "The Forty Hours " was an immediate success , thanks to the work of Blessed Angel propagandist Acri . He himself adorned the altar and placed flowers and candles with exquisite taste ; organized Eucharistic processions and night worship choruses and, above all, lit the hearts with his warm words and example of his fervor . It can be said that the Father Angel lived in the perpetual company of the Blessed Sacrament : the shrine visits were so frequent , who seemed unable to live without continually closer to their God , the celebration of the Mass was the most anticipated event of the day, and saw that the altar was a source of delight and a rest of his ceaseless activity . Everywhere we went the servant of God , was , as a souvenir of your visit, fervent cult of the Blessed Sacrament : was the fire of his soul that sowed everywhere fiery sparks of love. "How beautiful it is to love God ! ", Often repeated .
And that phrase came to be familiar among all the friends of Father Angel.
The Blessed Virgin , especially in the Dolores and her Immaculate Conception , was another dominant apostle loves cappuccino. In the vigils of the feasts of Mary , his sentence was longer , harsher penances , their gifts more frequent. Every Saturday of the year fasting on bread and water in honor of Mary, greeted thousands of times , adorned their altars and preached about its glories .
I could see an image of their Queen and Mother without running eagerly to his side, and often was seen in deep reverie as if contemplating , or tasty entertaining talks , which gave a strange ecstatic animation to your figure.
When he spoke of the sorrows of Mary , nor the preacher nor the listeners could hold back the tears , it was so vivid expression of his face , so effusive his word and so sincere and intense compassion that one time was enough to hear any of those sermons
cappuccino for communication immediately feel irresistible tenderness.

Most of the apostolate of Blessed Angel of Acri was to stage the two provinces of Calabria , provinces that ran in all directions , for thirty-eight years of uninterrupted work . Only in exceptional visited other Italian provinces : God had intended to be the quintessential Calabrian Apostle , and among the people of the land planted with both hands the abundant treasures of his eloquence and clear examples of virtue .
The bishops of Cosenza , Bisignano , San Marcos, Nicastro , Oppido and many others solemnly declared that his diocese had been removed and sanctified by the preaching of Father Angel , by his miracles and his eminent virtues .

One of those monsters of immorality and degradation which are usually the scandal perennial fields and cities , known by the nickname Patacca , came in one day by chance in the church of the Capuchins, during one of the sermons of Father Angel . He liked that way of speaking , simple and energetic at the same time , and placed near the pulpit to hear better.
Finish the sermon , Patacca entered the sacristy , he fell to the servant of God , made a tearful confession of all his crimes and left there completely transformed : the good Patacca was henceforth under model and example of penance.

In 1711 he preached in Naples one Lent , who came to be a series of miraculous events . At first, the Neapolitan , accustomed to speaking another brighter , the Capuchin despised and mocked his sermons. The third day came to hear only five or six people. The rector of the church, in view of the failure , dismissed him abruptly and even banned the celebration of Holy Mass . Father Angel began his return to the convent , but when he was already at the gates of the city , was hit by an envoy of the archbishop, who asked , in the name of God , go back and resume his preaching. The humble Capuchin did so, and continued his Lent with such success that , to finish , I had to go to church escorted by a group of men threw the crowd after speaker, he cut pieces of habit as precious relics ,
cheered him everywhere and were screaming his blessing and advice.

Father Angel activity was not limited to the apostolate in the cities and countryside , also within the cloister left deep traces examples of holiness and observant spirit and austere.

Franciscan poverty appeared in our holy passion he nurtured and robustecía with heroic constancy . His cell was a sanctuary of Poverty: A straw mattress , threadbare blanket , a crucifix , the picture of the Sorrowful against the wall , the breviary and the Bible , hidden behind the door could be a lot of hair shirts and disciplines . His preaching and works were always free , never accepting for himself the smallest alms, and that was also the order that he gave his subjects being Provincial of Calabria. He found particular pleasure in lack of everything, as the most perfect of beggars , and was content to what is absolutely necessary for life.
His habit patched and clean , food scarce, he professed to hate everything superfluous made ​​Father Angel ideal figure perfect cappuccino.

Another of the most marked features of our saint was his virginal chastity , never tainted with the slightest shadow of impurity. In constant contact with all kinds of people , often had temptations and dangers. But Father Angel , his filial devotion to the Virgin and courageous exercise harsh penances , resisted all attacks undefeated meat and spread everywhere the fragrance of purity. It is said that one day, furiously assaulted by temptation that would not let him soothe , and fell on the floor of his cell and asked God , tears of humility , to come to his aid .
The Lord's answer was quick and comforting : the saint in ecstasy sudden , saw Christ coming to him and played with his divine hands , assuring that henceforth , feel perfect peace and an absolute mastery of the passions .

But neither poverty nor chastity perfect would a religious , if they were not linked with obedience, third foundation of the monastic life. Father Angel , the first two paragon of virtues , was also an excellent model in the third. Being subject, never allowed , or thought, out of the limits imposed by his superiors , and that behavior was accompanied by such sincerity and promptness , that from the earliest years was a religious issue all tried to imitate.
Chosen top of several convents , and later Provincial , was ready to obey the last of his subordinates not to be deprived of the merit of obedience .

For all these virtues , enhanced by the prestige of his science and his miracles , Father Angel Acri was once perhaps the most popular man , loved and admired inside and outside of his Order.
Religious regarded him as a new San Francisco , who is looked up in physical appearance , the people heard him as an oracle , the bishops called for prayers for the reform of their dioceses.

He had reached his seventies with the aura of holiness and wisdom .
The last time was completely blind : only opened her eyes when she went up to the altar to celebrate mass.

He knew his life was about to die , and prepared for the big trip to the enviable serenity of the righteous. A religious said clearly : "My brother , know that in the morning of Friday , waking the day, go out of this world." His illness , mysterious and baffling to medical science was more a longing of the soul that a condition of the body. He himself called Extreme Unction , and then went down to the church to receive the Holy Viaticum , insisting the announcement of his impending death .
The doctors, who knew his prophetic spirit , claimed : " The Father Angel disease is not serious , but he will die , because he says , and we know that this man's life is governed by special laws ."
The patient in raptures through continuous , kept repeating his favorite line : "How beautiful it is to love God ! " And his strength was fading fast .
On Friday October 30, 1739 , shortly before sunrise , taking names on the lips of Jesus and Mary , died in the convent of his native town , leaving behind a trail of virtues and glorious miracles that his
The apostle of Calabria was raised to the altars by Pope Leo XII in 1825.
[ Prudencio de Salvatierra , OFM , Blessed Angelo of Acri , in Idem, The great figures nasturtiums . Madrid , Ed Studium , 1957 , 2 . ª ed . , P. 231-248 ] .

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

I feel very changed

October 25

Most of the time gives me great pain to deal with others , except for those people who talks about God and the preciousness of the soul.
Precisely because of this love so much loneliness.Very often I assumed great job meeting the needs of life ie eating , drinking, sleeping , and submit to them , like a condemned, just because God wills it .It seems that time passes quickly and I have not enough time to pray. I 'm very attracted to good reading , but I read quite recently, because I'm crippled by the disease and also because , opened the book, after a brief reading, I find profoundly collected , so that reading becomes a prayer .Since the Lord will grant me these things , I feel very changed, as to not recognize myself in what I was before.

( November 1, 1913 , to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep . I, p . 420 )