domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2013

Family Congratulations core of love, peace, dialogue and holiness !

Peace and Good
Dear brothers and sisters rather dear father , mothers and sons and daughters congratulations . Today we celebrate the day of the family and we do it in a very specific way : to the family of Jesus our Lord and Savior , born of woman , born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law . Son of God, but born after the breed of David , ie having as adoptive father Joseph . Thus the prophecies were fulfilled : "Born as the House of David " .Hence all the mystery of God's love for humanity is clear . A love that is present and palpable in the incarnation of the Son of God, who has come to give full meaning and sacred to each and every one of the families . A love that extends beyond doubt in the marriage union of a man and a woman .We just heard two fundamental relations which together constitute the family: husband - wife relationship and parent-child relationship. They also indicated the contents and characteristics of the two relationships : love on the one hand and on the other submission between husband and wife ; obedience of the one part and patience on the other between parents and children. We have absolutely all parents and most have few children , so it is an essential relationship . Ie gives foundation , security, support, balance and accuracy sanctity to human life .Of the two most important relationships is the first : relationship, because it depends largely also the second , that of the children . Two parents can love whatever they want to their children , but , if not also love each other , nothing can also prevent the child grows insecure , spoiled , depressed and elusive in life. It often happens that when two spouses no longer love each other more , each child turns on all the affection itself, unconsciously seeking to link it to himself, and often also flushes the courage or contempt for the spouse, putting the child against the husband or wife .But is not this what you secretly want the child. Try it and ask your child will see it. He wants to be loved and love with a different apparent ; wish , however , that his father and mother love each other and admit you love this . The children know what that love , in which they were born . They are the fruit of that love, and if interrupted them as if they came to miss the ground underfoot.Love is necessarily reciprocal and generous. This is a full , unconditional and generous style of delivery that Jesus has done in his life, of his divinity and his humanity by the great family of God gives .It is also about mutual submission because this is a requirement of love. For lovers , undergo the object of love does not humiliate himself but instead makes them happy. Submit, in this case, means taking into account the will of the spouse, your mind and your sensitivity , and where you want to walk, talk , communicate, do not decide alone or alone . Learn to give up at times own view . In short, remember that it has become " Couple " , that is, to the lyrics, people who are under the same yoke freely admitted .The Bible is the living testimony of the beauty , the greatness and dignity of the relationship : " God make man in his own image I , the image of God he created them , male and female created he them ." ( Gen 1:27)The Bible puts a strong relationship between being created "in the image of God" and being " male and female " .But what relationship is there between the two? What he felt the male and female being, the human couple , is an image of God? God is not male or female !
The similarity is that God is one and alone, but not lonely . Love demands communion , personal exchange , requires that there be an "I " and " Your " . Therefore, the Christian God is triune .
It coexist unity and distinction : unity of nature , to will, intentions , and distinguishing characteristics and people.The human family is the image of God precisely in this. The human family is a reflection of the Trinity. Husband and wife are indeed one flesh , one heart, one soul, even in the diversity of gender and personality . In the couple closer together unity and diversity. Husbands are opposite each other , with an "I " and " Thou " and are ahead of the rest of the world, starting with their own children , as a "we." As if it were a single person, no longer singular but plural . "We," that is, " Your mother and I," " Your father and I " . The result of all this are healthy, strong , mature and holy families .
Congratulations to each of the members of your family!

Peace and Good

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

Prayer of thanksgiving for the Pope Francisco.

Happy Birthday
Father Francisco
Father, God of our fathers and Lord of mercy , the Creator of the universe and all that exists in your infinite wisdom and goodness formed man and you gave the whole universe to govern it with justice and righteousness , wise and caring wisely the work of your hands we give thanks for this great gift. But we thank you that reaching the fullness of time you sent your Word to becoming man in the belly of the Most Pure Virgin Mary put his dwelling among us , save us , reconcile us and show us the face of love and Mercy you have for all your children . And this Son Yours and Brother Our after passing through this world doing good I was pleased to always and your will , to give his life as a ransom for all mankind and once resurrected told his disciples : go around the world and make all brothers , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and let everyone know that we are a family and this will be a reality until my next coming forever . We thank thee because throughout history raised the beam in your Church men and women you've managed to be faithful witnesses and transmitters of the love you have for us . Today Good Father , Holy Father we thank you especially because you have entrusted the mission of your church to the apostles and their successors , including you looked with special love your son, your servant Pope Francisco. We pray for Him today and always we commend to thy fatherly protection. Mary Immaculate will wrap her maternal mantle , that your holy angels accompany you and protect you , your Precious Blood you from all evil , and your servant Francis always be your inspiration and model to reach poor and humble Christ crucified and rebuild your Church, always leading her into the way of peace, justice and holiness.Happy Birthday Papa FranciscoIt is the desire that prayer of a poor son of Francis of Assisi in communion with the Church and humanity rejoices today for his birthday and his testimony of Holiness fly . Thanks Papa Francisco !
Fray Pablo Jaramillo OFMCap.
Diciembre 17 de 2013

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Confidence will fill you with joy and strength

December 5

Not abandoned but it shows you what I love the most sweet Jesus. No way is it true that you, in this state of aridity and desolation of spirit that has made you the most loving Savior, offend God, for his grace guard you well preserves such offenses. Therefore, if, as is true not offend God and, on the contrary, you're loving this dear situation for him, what reason have you to distress?, Why do you have to grieve? Resumes, then you rise to the cross, lie about it and be patient with yourself, because your patience - tells us the Divine Master - you save your soul. And this situation will be more durable is the less mixed with worries and concerns. 

(December 6, 1916, Herminia Gargani - Ep III, p 659..)

lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013

Jesus holds you closer than ever to his divine Heart

December 2

You look abandoned, and I guarantee you that Jesus has you closer than ever to your divine Heart .Also our Lord on the cross lamented the abandonment of the Father , but the Father ever left or may leave his Son ? Are the supreme evidence of the spirit , Jesus wants them :Grow ! You pronounce resigned this when you find yourself in such tests, and fear not .Be sure to whine to Jesus as you see fit and as you pleases ; invoke it as you like , but you believe what the speaker assures you on your behalf.Write me often about the state of your soul and do not be afraid of anything, I will use you all the love of which is filled with the heart of a father, I - unworthy - Gold and I pray for you ; estate you glad Jesus treat you like you want :a parent is always very good!
 ( June 28, 1918 , to Antoinette Vona - . Ep III , p 865. )