martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Saciémonos with the delicacy of Heaven

In these sad times, in which many souls fall away from God , I can not persuade me that you can live the true life without food for the strong. In these times when we are constantly surrounded by people who have at heart the hatred of God and blasphemy on his lips , the sure way to keep away from smelly spread around us , is to strengthen the eucharistic meal .Now, stay blameless and progress in life of perfection may not reach those who live for months without meat fed with the immaculate Lamb of God . I do not know what others think on this point ; for me , given the particular circumstances in which we live is always illusory to convince advancing towards perfection which is limited to Communion once or twice a year.

( May 9, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - . Ep II , p 87 . )

The Christian who is convinced that only the mercy of God can make us docile to the Spirit of truth and holiness , which is the Spirit of the Risen Christ child , is the Christian who accepts the truth and holiness offered by our Good Father God. Is required for a deep humility and a humble living the truth in one's life to discover the work of God in humanity and in every one of the people around us . This is only attainable through the food that God gives us every day and we received undeserved and unworthy by his grace alone . This Food is the Most Holy Body and Holy Blood of Jesus Christ . Let us go regularly every day at Sacred Feast of the Wedding of the Lamb and the blancmange saciémonos sky which is his Body and Blood. Food and drink that give eternal life and keep us ever faithful to the love of God and our faith.

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