lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

What God wants from you is always right and good.

Nov. 11Trust in God and hope in his fatherly goodness , that light will come. Elevate your mind with great faith the heavenly abode and she is directed all our affections and all our aspirations . He admires those who have reached the sky , that did not get there by another way than following the path of pain. AThat one is our true homeland . Who cares if it is reached only by the rough roads of tribulation and sacrifice ? !What God wants from you is always right and good. Be eternally blessed . Let's get to work, in the sky will have no other task than to do the will of God. Let us bless the Lord in humiliation and in the offenses of which we are made sign. Bendigámoslo in the distress of our mind and heart in tears because everything is ordained by God with wise foresight , and this is what you are going to meet in a special way and for a particular fondness of the heavenly Father . He is blessed forever in all our miseries and all our sufferings .Bless all that you do down here suffer and rejoice, because each victory is achieved corresponds a new crown in paradise. Do not stop the violence or frighten you to be asked , because the Lord is faithful and will not allow the temptation to beat you.
( August 15, 1914 , to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep . II , p . 153 )

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