lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013

God wants to marry the soul in faith.

November 25 God wants to marry the soul in faith and soul should celebrate this celestial marriage should walk in pure faith, which is the only suitable medium for this unique union of love. The soul, I say, to rise to the divine contemplation, must be purified of all imperfections, not only today, which is achieved with the purification of the senses, but also all the usual imperfections, such as certain emotions, attitudes imperfect that the purification of the senses has not earned removed and left in the soul and roots, and that is achieved with the purification of the spirit, with God, with a high light pervades the soul, renews and transcends intimately altogether. This high light which God infuses into these souls, the spirit of these places in a situation of suffering and distress, able to carry to extreme suffering and death sentences interiors. In that situation, they are unable to understand this divine action, this high light, and this happens for two reasons: first, by the same light, which is high and so sublime that absolutely overwhelms the capacity of souls , so it's more for them because of darkness and light torments. The second reason is due to the baseness and impurity of the same souls, why this high light is not only dark but also painful and distressing them, and therefore, rather than comfort them, the torments, filling them great suffering the senses and serious anxieties and horrible pains in spiritual powers. All this happens at the beginning, because the light is divine souls unprepared to divine union and therefore puts them in a state of purification, and then, when this light already been purified, the state leads to illuminative, elevating them vision and perfect union with God. Therefore, rejoice in the Lord for the high dignity to which he's going to raise, and to fully trust the Lord himself, as did holy Job that God also put him in that situation, expected to see the light after darkness.

(December 9, 1913, Father Augustine of San Marco in Lamis -. Ep I, p 439.)

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