viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012
Become a friend of God and be at peace in your heart
Nov. 30
Remember that peace of mind can be maintained in the midst of the many storms of this life, you know very well that is essentially in harmony with our neighbors, wishing you all well, which is also in friendship with God through sanctifying grace , and the test of being united to God is the moral certainty that we do not have mortal sin that weighs upon your soul. In short, peace is to have gotten the victory over the world, and the devil's own passions.
So, tell me, is it not true that this peace brought by Jesus can keep well, not only when our spirit is in abundance of consolations, but when the heart is immersed in bitterness because of the grunts and screams of enemy?
(October 10, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 185)
jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012
Aviva in you the gift of faith
Nov. 29
Avivemos above all our faith and we present the resounding victory that speak the sacred letters, which got the people of Israel on the Midianites. At the heart of the night, it reads, while the immense throng enemy, leaving the trenches, and encamped in the plain, without suspecting it, was quietly surrounded by only three hundred warriors of Gideon, all with the trumpet in one hand and in the other a pitcher containing inside a burning torch. The signal from the captain, loudly break the pitchers, is sounded the trumpets and, after each touch, hear the battle cry: "The Lord and Gideon."Given the tremendous shouts, the sound of trumpets, the immense glare of torches, a huge horror invaded the enemy camp, and everyone began to run rashly, still half asleep, while the trumpets kept its mournful sound, and enemies, in the indescribable confusion of the hurried flight, many killed each other, leaving corpses in the field in droves.This victory secured the Israelite people, as we have seen, not with arms, but with a particular war strategy.Well, we too, while we live, we must sustain a pretty tough fight. Overpowering this war with that singular strategy used by Gideon. Let's make this fight go ahead in light of good works, the virtue of the knowledge of God, the burning desire of the word of God. Then we also fight them to the sound of hymns, psalms and spiritual songs, singing and raising strong voice to the Lord, and so we will achieve victory worthy of our Lord Jesus, to whom is the glory and the power for ever.
(October 14, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 514)
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012
In the silence of your heart worships God
Nov. 27
I say that because of your spirit drowsy, distracted, fickle, miserabilísimo, which often bind physical discomfort, you do not get to stay in the church more than an hour and a half. Do not worry about this, just give them the opportunity to avoid them, striving to overcome any discomfort and boredom all, and not tire your spirit proudly with very long and continuous prayers, when the spirit and not the head for it.
Meanwhile, attempts throughout the day to be alone, as you can and, in the silence of your heart and loneliness, offers praise your Father in heaven, your blessings, your contrite heart and your whole person . And so, while most of the creatures, creatures made in his image, forget the kindness of the divine Spouse, we, with such withdrawals and such practices, we have always near.
(September 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 174)
lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012
Pray and offer yourself for everyone, especially for those who do not want to become
Nov. 26
Not all are called by God to save souls and spread his glory through the high apostolate of preaching, and you must know that this is not the one and only means to achieve these two great ideals. The soul can spread the glory of God and work for the salvation of souls by a truly Christian life, constantly praying to the Lord that "His kingdom come," his most holy name "be holy," that "we do not drop into the temptation "that" deliver us from evil. "
This is what you should do well, fully and continuously offering to the Lord for this purpose. Pray for the wicked, pray for the lukewarm, pray also for the earnest, and pray in a special way by the Supreme Pontiff, by all spiritual and temporal needs of the Holy Church, our very loving mother, and raises a special prayer for all those who work for the salvation of souls and for the glory of God in missions, so many people unfaithful and incredulous.
(April 11, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p 68.)
sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012
God loves your soul love like yours
Nov. 17
I know you will not be convinced that you will not see clear, you will not experience the comfort of this great truth, during this test, but due to indications of who God loves your soul like yours and just loves. "I wish - I repeat the words God said one day to the holy virgin Gertrude - want to be convinced my chosen this truth: that I like much your prayers and good works when I serve at the expense of their own suffering. Serve at the expense of own means suffering, not feeling any joy delicious satisfaction, are faithfully performing their prayers and devotions in the best way, and hope that I willingly accept all of my goodness. "Then the Lord added these significant words: "Know, Gertrude, that most pious people are such that, if I gave satisfaction and spiritual consolation, they do not serve for salvation and, far from increasing its merits, the lost. "
And this, unfortunately, yes, I can prove it by the long experience of a soul very close to me. So, my daughter, live in peace, that there will come a day when the Lord, you, too, you will know the truth of what you are told, or rather, it will give you convince yourself, because you manage to know that tells you the truth, because nobody wants to deceive, but you fail to convince.
(March 30, 1917, to Mary Gargani - Epistolary. III, p. 269)
viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012
Leave it freely to this Divine Physician
Nov. 16
Be assured that your present situation is not imposed by God as punishment but for purification of your spirit, to prepare for higher communication. Believe me when I tell you that your situation is not at all deplorable, but worthy of envy. Leave act freely to this divine physician, and estate will sure everything for the glory of God and for your sanctification. As for fears of offending God and not knowing what to do to please him, I pray and I beg you moderate your anxieties. Create the assertions of authority, that tells you that by God, in whatever way you act, if not with full clarity discover that your actions are contrary to God's law and the mandates of legitimate authority, Jesus is always happy with you, provided that such acts be directed to the glory of God.
With this safe standard of conduct must act without question, must continue to act without hearing the voices of your fears. Look, my good daughter, I use the word listen, that is, to ignore, attention, etc.. I'm not saying feel them, because it is impossible not to feel them, but they should not be ignoring. Go ahead with this course of action, as if to ignore the barking of a dog that lies along the street. These small, empty and untimely certainly heard barking, but far from giving importance, one laughs at them and just.
(March 30, 1917, to Mary Gargani - Letters. III, p. 269)
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012
Fidelity must be unblemished as gold high heat
Nov. 14
What you should do now that Jesus for His goodness wants to test your loyalty is always solicitous to show compliance with your homework and do not neglect anything you usually practice in times of comfort and prosperity, without stopping to think sensitive taste do not feel, as this is something accidental, which often can also be harmful to the soul. Serving God without testing it on some comfort sensitive part is what constitutes substantial and true devotion. This is what it means to serve God and love for love itself.
Until the soul comes to acquire this substantial devotion, your situation is very dangerous and needs to proceed with great discretion and foresight.
(July 14, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 126)
martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012
Christ your Perfect Model
Nov. 13
Always keep the eyes of the mind, as a prototype and model, the modesty of the divine Master; modesty of Jesus Christ that the apostle, in words to the Corinthians, placed flush with meekness, that was one of his most cherished virtues and almost his characteristic virtue: "I, Paul, I urge you by the meekness and modesty of Christ," and, in light of a model so perfect, reform all your external actions, which are manifesting faithful mirror inclinations within.
Never forget, oh Anita, this divine model, imagine you contemplate some kind majesty in his presence; certain pleasant authority in his talk, some nice composure in his walk, in his look, in speech, in his talk, some sweet serenity in the face, imagine the face of that face so calm and so sweet that drew the crowds to him, took them out of the cities and towns, taking them to the mountains, forests, into the wilderness, and deserted beaches sea, forgetting even to eat, drink and domestic obligations.
Yes, let us try to copy us, as we can, such modest actions, as decent, and endeavor, as far as possible, to become like him at the time, later to be more perfect and more like Him for all eternity in the heavenly Jerusalem.
(July 25, 1915, to Anita Rodote - Ep. III, p. 86)
lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012
Jesus wants us holy at all costs.
Nov. 12
In order to reach our ultimate goal must follow the divine Head, who does not usually lead to soul chosen by different way he walked, for the one, I say, self-denial and the cross: "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. "Are not you lucky to call you and see you treated by Jesus? Fool who can not penetrate the secret of the cross.
To reach the port of salvation, the Holy Spirit tells us, the souls of the elect must pass and purified in the fire of painful humiliations, such as gold and silver in the pot, and thus saves the atonement of the afterlife: "in suffering stand firm, and setbacks of your humiliation be patient. Because the fire purifies gold and silver, and men acceptable to God, in the way of humiliation. "
Jesus wants us holy at all costs, but most of all wants to sanctify you. He'll continually being manifested, seems to have no other concern at hand to sanctify your soul.Oh, how good is Jesus! The crosses continued to submit you, giving you the strength not only necessary but abundantly, to support them with merit, are very certain and particularísimos signs of his deep love for you. The strength that he gives you, believe me, is not barren of you, I assure you from God and you must listen humbly aside any feelings you otherwise.
(August 15, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 153)
viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012
Living God in the highest heaven!
Nov. 9
It's a terrible crisis they go through, and do not know what you're booked. The crisis we go through is more spiritual than physical, but it is also true that all physical and participates feels extraordinary of all suffering from that, and that both documents together to make me wither in pain.
Woe is me, who will save me from this dark prison?, Who will deliver me from this body of death? But living God in the highest heaven! He is my strength, he is the salvation of my soul, he is my portion forever. In it I hope and trust it will fear no evil.
(July 14, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 462)
martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012
God offers everything that happens in your life
November 6
Ponte frequently in the presence of God and give him all your actions, not just your sufferings. I'm not opposed to that, in the sufferings, you refrain from whining, but I wish you did with the Lord, with filial spirit, as would a tender child with his mother and, provided it is done lovingly, not ill regret or ask to be released from suffering. Do it with love and resignation in the arms of God. Do not worry if you can not do the acts of virtue as you would, because, as I said, they are still good and pleasing to the Divine Majesty, even if they are made, not your fault, coldly, heavily and almost by force.
(June 3, 1917, at an unknown target - Letters. III, p. 918)
Ponte frequently in the presence of God and give him all your actions, not just your sufferings. I'm not opposed to that, in the sufferings, you refrain from whining, but I wish you did with the Lord, with filial spirit, as would a tender child with his mother and, provided it is done lovingly, not ill regret or ask to be released from suffering. Do it with love and resignation in the arms of God. Do not worry if you can not do the acts of virtue as you would, because, as I said, they are still good and pleasing to the Divine Majesty, even if they are made, not your fault, coldly, heavily and almost by force.
(June 3, 1917, at an unknown target - Letters. III, p. 918)
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012
From all we have to give account to God
November 5
What is distressing to think that one must give account to God for the sins that others have committed because of a spiritual direction and watchful of good practice that have stopped by my ignorance and - God forbid - for my negligence! ... It is true that I have always entrusted to God in this important ministry, but who assures me that I have done all I had to do? My God, this, my daughter, is a thorn still stuck always being there, in the depths of my soul, I am continually punctured!Ah, daughter, pray much for the successful performance of my ministry and if the good Lord allows it, tell me a word that I guarantee.
(April 9, 1918, to Mary Gargani - Letters. III, p. 312)
viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012
Dying and love God
November 2
Let us go, my dear children, never tiring to go up the celestial vision of the Savior; let us leave stepper earthly ties, throw off the old man and put on the new man, and aspire to happiness, we are ready.
Before ending this letter, I ask you to pray to Jesus for me much, to grant me submit to his will, expressed by my superior, and serve faithfully and honestly.
I want, and you do not not know, dying and loving God or death or love, because life without this love is worse than death. My daughters, help me! I die and agonize at every moment. Everything seems like a dream and do not know where I move.My God! When it came time for me to sing, "This, O God, is my rest for ever."
(October 31, 1916, at Assumption di Tomaso and other - Ep. III, p. 404)
Let us go, my dear children, never tiring to go up the celestial vision of the Savior; let us leave stepper earthly ties, throw off the old man and put on the new man, and aspire to happiness, we are ready.
Before ending this letter, I ask you to pray to Jesus for me much, to grant me submit to his will, expressed by my superior, and serve faithfully and honestly.
I want, and you do not not know, dying and loving God or death or love, because life without this love is worse than death. My daughters, help me! I die and agonize at every moment. Everything seems like a dream and do not know where I move.My God! When it came time for me to sing, "This, O God, is my rest for ever."
(October 31, 1916, at Assumption di Tomaso and other - Ep. III, p. 404)
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