viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

Leave it freely to this Divine Physician

Nov. 16
Be assured that your present situation is not imposed by God as punishment but for purification of your spirit, to prepare for higher communication. Believe me when I tell you that your situation is not at all deplorable, but worthy of envy. Leave act freely to this divine physician, and estate will sure everything for the glory of God and for your sanctification. As for fears of offending God and not knowing what to do to please him, I pray and I beg you moderate your anxieties. Create the assertions of authority, that tells you that by God, in whatever way you act, if not with full clarity discover that your actions are contrary to God's law and the mandates of legitimate authority, Jesus is always happy with you, provided that such acts be directed to the glory of God.
With this safe standard of conduct must act without question, must continue to act without hearing the voices of your fears. Look, my good daughter, I use the word listen, that is, to ignore, attention, etc.. I'm not saying feel them, because it is impossible not to feel them, but they should not be ignoring. Go ahead with this course of action, as if to ignore the barking of a dog that lies along the street. These small, empty and untimely certainly heard barking, but far from giving importance, one laughs at them and just.
(March 30, 1917, to Mary Gargani - Letters. III, p. 269)

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