miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013
Be faithful to the practice of virtue
February 27
Virtues are like someone who has a treasure that, if it is not hidden from the eyes of the envious, being stolen. The devil is always watching, and he, the worst of all envious, looking snatch this treasure, which are the virtues, as soon as you discover, and does assaulting us with that enemy is so powerful that vainglory.
Our Lord, always attentive to our good, to preserve this great enemy, warns us in several places of the gospel. Do not tell us that if we want to pray, we retire to our room, close the door and pray one on one with God, that our prayer is heard by others?, What, when fasting, we wash face so that we discover our fasting to others in the dirt and the pale face?, what, to give alms, let not your right hand what the left?
(August 2, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 396
jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013
The loneliness of being last.
February 21Meditate the fiat of Jesus in the garden, how heavy would have to give blood sweat and sweat! So do you pronounce this fiat, both things prosperous and in adverse, and do not worry or break your head wondering how you pronounce it. It is known that in the difficult questions flees nature of the cross, but no one can say that the soul is not subject to the will of God, when we see it, despite the force felt against, put in practice.Want to have concrete evidence of how the will pronounce its fiat? Virtue is known by its opposite. Posted by the Lord in a trial, whether difficult or easy, tell me you feel driven to rebel against God? Or better, say for example the impossible: trying to rebel. O, tell me, do not you horrorizas to simply hear these phrases blasphemous? Well, between yes and no, there can not be, nothing in between.If your will flee the rebellion, rest assured it is subject, tacitly or explicitly, to the will of God, and therefore also its own way she utters her fiat.(January 30, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 321)
lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013
Fear nothing God is with you.
February 18
My daughter, do not fear anything in relation to your spirit. Everything is the Lord, and therefore, how can you be afraid? Consequently, let him act, even when you do not feel you leave him alone, that is, accept with resignation the will of God, even when he will not let a sweet resignation. My daughter, you suffer and you have reason to complain. Lament therefore and shouting, but fear not. The victim of love that seeks the will of God, you can not cry over and that he is unable to withstand the vagaries of love, who loves and leaves, and leaves as the wants.
Ask God to grant me a while what I'm asking earnestly, ask him to make me understand clearly intimate light what authority tells me, and as a reward, you get the same grace. In your suffering follows mine, that are far superior to yours, and learn how to help. You say that it is enough to ensure that I and thou why not enough?
(April 26, 1919, to Margaret Tresca - Letters. III, p. 219)
viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013
"Yes, I love the cross, the cross alone"
February 15Jesus tells me, in love, it is he who delights me me at pains, however, who would delight me to it. Therefore, health wish would be to fetch joy for me and not seek relief for Jesus. Yes, I love the cross, the cross alone, because I love her forever in Jesus' shoulders. But Jesus looks great that all my life and my heart are entirely devoted to him and his suffering.Oh, Father, forgive me if I use this language, only Jesus can understand how great is my grief when the scene unfolding before me painful Calvary. Equally incomprehensible relief given to Jesus, not only to share their pain, but when he finds a soul, for your love, do not ask consolations, but rather take part in their own suffering.When Jesus wants me to know that he loves me, I do like it, of His sorrowful Passion, the wounds, the thorns, the anguish ... When you want to cheer, fills my heart with that spirit which is all fire, I spoke of his delight , but when is he who wants to be loved, I talk about their pain, invites me, pleading voice and mandate at a time, to give my body to lighten their suffering.Who will resist? I realize that I've made you suffer too much with my miseries that I have made too mourn with my ingratitude that I offended you too. I do not want another but only Jesus, not desire anything else (which is the same desire of Jesus) that their sufferings.(February 1, 1913, to Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 334)
jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013
God is Love "He loved us first"
February 14
Imitate Jesus in charity, because he recognizes as his own only those who jealously guarded this precious pearl, and always remember that when we stand before the divine presence, all his judgment will turn on charity. Do your the saying of the great Bishop of Hippo: "My weight is my love." Yes, weigh all your actions with the balance of love, and you will go weaving a crown of merit for heaven.The boredom you experience to practice virtue and prayer, neither should scare you or I must carry back in the practice of one and the other. Continue on it, and you do not have to look like a waste of time, because that time is spent on employee and practice obedience.Do not be afraid Temptations: are proof that God wants to bring to the soul, when he sees her with the strength to sustain the fight to get into their own hands the crown of glory.Divine grace will serve defense and support throughout.(January 7, 1919, the novices - Letters IV, p. 380)
martes, 12 de febrero de 2013
Think only do good today
February 12
Content with walking at ground level, being at sea for us and makes us vomit tide. Let's keep the feet of the divine Master with Magdalena. Practice small of your littleness virtues: patience, tolerance with our neighbor, humility, gentleness, kindness, the suffering of our imperfections, and many other virtues.I advise the holy simplicity, a virtue that I consider much. Look at what you have before you, without breaking a headache thinking about the dangers you see in the distance. You seem powerful military units, and they are nothing but willows with many branches. Do not pay attention, because otherwise, you could make missteps. Always have a firm and general purpose to serve God with all your heart and throughout the life time. Do not worry about tomorrow; thinks only do good today, and when tomorrow comes, today will be called, and then think about it.For simplicity holy practice, also requires great trust in divine providence. It is necessary, my daughter, imitating the people of God, when I was in the desert, was strictly forbidden to gather manna in greater quantity than needed for one day. Also we make the provision of manna for one day, and not doubt, my daughter, that God will provide for the next day and all the days of our pilgrimage.(March 3, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 678)
lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013
"We can not achieve anything without land"
February 11Do we want to walk properly? Let us dedicate ourselves to walk with determination the path is closer to us. Recorder well in mind what I have to say we want to be good often neglect to be good angels and men. Our limitation to accompany us to the grave, we can not achieve anything without land. We must not relax or distracted, since we are like little chicks, but without wings. In physical life, we die slowly, and this is an ordinary law willed by Providence, and, in the same way, we must die to our imperfections, also daily. Happy imperfections, might exclaim, that we make known our great misery and exercise we humbly in contempt of ourselves, patience and diligence. But despite these imperfections, God observes the preparation of our hearts, that's perfect.(March 3, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, 678)
jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013
Love and let yourself love
February 7
Aim therefore respond generously [to God's special love for you], making it worth it, ie like him in the adorable perfections as indicated in Scripture and the Gospel, and that you have learned and . But, my brother: for there to be this imitation is necessary the continuous reflection and meditation on the life of reflection and meditation esteem born of their actions, and esteem, desire and commitment of imitation. All this is provided by our laws. Keep us steadfast in exact compliance therewith and be perfect.
Above all you have to emphasize what is the basis of Christian holiness and the foundation of goodness: in virtue of which our Divine Master and our Seraphic Father as models are proposed to us: I mean humility. Humility internal and external more internal than external, more vivid than shown; deeper than visible.
(August 19, 1918, Fry Gerardo de Deliceto - Letters. IV, p 25).
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