martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Think only do good today

February 12

Content with walking at ground level, being at sea for us and makes us vomit tide. Let's keep the feet of the divine Master with Magdalena.
Practice small of your littleness virtues: patience, tolerance with our neighbor, humility, gentleness, kindness, the suffering of our imperfections, and many other virtues.I advise the holy simplicity, a virtue that I consider much. Look at what you have before you, without breaking a headache thinking about the dangers you see in the distance. You seem powerful military units, and they are nothing but willows with many branches. Do not pay attention, because otherwise, you could make missteps. Always have a firm and general purpose to serve God with all your heart and throughout the life time. Do not worry about tomorrow; thinks only do good today, and when tomorrow comes, today will be called, and then think about it.For simplicity holy practice, also requires great trust in divine providence. It is necessary, my daughter, imitating the people of God, when I was in the desert, was strictly forbidden to gather manna in greater quantity than needed for one day. Also we make the provision of manna for one day, and not doubt, my daughter, that God will provide for the next day and all the days of our pilgrimage.(March 3, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 678)

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