jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Love and let yourself love

February 7
Aim therefore respond generously [to God's special love for you], making it worth it, ie like him in the adorable perfections as indicated in Scripture and the Gospel, and that you have learned and . But, my brother: for there to be this imitation is necessary the continuous reflection and meditation on the life of reflection and meditation esteem born of their actions, and esteem, desire and commitment of imitation. All this is provided by our laws. Keep us steadfast in exact compliance therewith and be perfect.
Above all you have to emphasize what is the basis of Christian holiness and the foundation of goodness: in virtue of which our Divine Master and our Seraphic Father as models are proposed to us: I mean humility. Humility internal and external more internal than external, more vivid than shown; deeper than visible.
(August 19, 1918, Fry Gerardo de Deliceto - Letters. IV, p 25).

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