viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

He in whom I put my trust

January 25In St. Paul these two feelings came from perfect charity. The being dissolved to join Jesus in perfect union in glory, it would have been better for him, or whether he was more desirable than continue living on this earth, and this desire was driven only by perfect charity which was their God. In contrast, the other feeling or desire him also came a perfect charity, but that was to the salvation of others immediately. In other words, this desire was motivated by the main object, God, but by reflection took shape in the salvation of souls.The first wish, ie be dissolved this body, he sees it and find it more useful to himself, and I wish with all the ardor with which a righteous soul may want to join your God. In contrast, the second desire, ie stopping or, rather, to continue living in the midst of work and fatigue, for the salvation of souls, he, full of the spirit of Jesus Christ, sees more necessary for others or, better, to have had the revelation (as it appears from what he says immediately after, and the very fact seems to confirm my interpretation, because he was martyred by then, but was released) of would not die then, and have resigned for the sake of the salvation of souls, to the way a son who loves his father dearly, is subjected, by the affection he has, to all the humiliation and compliance exact certain services that his father very low pleases impose.This sweet son does it all, not only not to violate in any way the wish of his father, but to please him at all.
(February 23, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 340)

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