miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012
How we meditate on the Passion of Christ
How we meditate on the Passion of Christ
"Heart of stone into hearts of flesh"With tender love and intimateMeditate who he is and why he wanted to be put to death to rescue us from eternal death. Let him start your heart of stone and put you a heart of flesh and so stay a prisoner of your love.Let us realize that we have been saved at the price of the Blood of the Lamb. Had God sent an angel to save us, we should be grateful, but our salvation has cost him dearly, he would not trust it to anything or anyone but himself. He and He alone has done. How lovingly loved us! How much love makes us so great condescension of our Father God.Consider who you are You who are beloved by God. Only God loves you with an everlasting love (cf. Jer 31.3). Loves as the apple of their eyes. We must recognize our poverty, we are an unholy creature, but immensely loved by God. We are people full of sins, often we become enemies of our Creator and Savior. "You can hardly find anyone who wants to die for a friend innocent," says St. Paul, but Jesus Christ our redeemer willingly and lovingly surrender his life for each one of us. Jesus Christ willingly surrender his life for you, often you become your own enemy. For you, a sinner, "the righteous for the unrighteous" (1 Peter 3.18). He died in the hands of sinners, to become the enemy into a friend of his, because he is the friend who never fails to become the sinner just, exiled king. What should we do for Christ who died for us, miserable sinners? How can we con-sagrar our hearts to this world, forgetting God, offending our Creator and Savior? If our soul is yours because He created it, redeemed it, the purified, washed with His precious blood, how can we forget this friendly and Holy Redeemer?Deepens, sees where God has rescued you. From what depths of filth you out your salvation. How many times have you been on the brink of death? He has rescued you out of love. You were on the brink of hell, carrying the weight of your sins and in danger of losing eternal happiness about to consume you in the fire that never dies. Jesus Christ to save you from this danger, took your place and you bought them, not with ephemeral goods, gold, silver, money, wealth, material goods, but at the price of your precious blood (cf. 1 Peter 1.17 to 21). Is not it enough to love Him with deep love and generous? Is He to case your God and your Creator, who made you and established you? Moreover, is not He who saved you? (Cf. Deuteronomy 32.1 to 12).How has your salvation cost the Son of God and God Himself! How, how, how! To save us wanted to come down from the top of the throne of heaven to the earth becoming a "man" in the pure womb of the Virgin Mary, to become flesh, is annihilated and becomes our slave to save us. Have many physical and moral pains to make you happy. Generously combat against your enemies, giving their lives for you on the battlefield, covered with wounds, blood, salivasos reproaches and insults but raised and now lives immortal and glorious eternity in the Father's Kingdom. Kingdom belonged to him before the creation of the world. Can you doubt his love? Can you deny your love who loved you on end? They exclaimed loudly: Yes Lord I love you, I love you my Lord, I love you are my fortress, my refuge, my savior, my rock, my eternal life! All my life, my strength, my mind, my soul and my heart is for You from now on.Fix your mind: deep admirationIn the whole universe and in our daily lives there are many objects, images, events that surprise us with certain demand and claim our attention. We dive into a deep trance and were "in-diosamos". However, none so profound, admirable and sublime as the Passion of the Son of God. It is necessary that we set our minds on that event with a profound admiration.What show, what can be more extraordinary event that God dying on the cross for my salvation? Who do you admire and not exceed the excess of love for us to give his life for ours? Is not amazing patience with such travail for thy love? Who is not ecstatic when considering the indignity with which it is addressed the God of glory and love?Who can contemplate without wonder the union of these two terms: the God-Man, and Man of Sorrows: as a man accustomed to suffering (cf. Isaiah 53.2-5). In heaven adored by the angels and all the heavenly spirits, and here on earth spat upon, beaten, abused, and crucified by the creatures in the sky sitting upon the throne of infinite greatness, and on earth, rooted to the gibbet of the cross! Up there, absorbed in an endless sea of delight, and down here in a deluge of blood and tears which washed, purified and cleansed us our trespasses and beautified, embellished and we won us eternal life.Practice this way of praying constantly, watching the events before written. Fix your mind and immerse yourself in a deep admiration and attain high levels of evangelical perfection. Try to awaken your faith and love, and raise your spirit within you exclaiming: Oh great! The immortal is mortal! The impossible possible! The sovereign power in weakness, the eternal, dying!Sometimes cries along with the saints: O Lord! Who are you and who am I? Is it possible that the Creator of the entire universe for the creature dies, the Lord by the slave, the All for nothing? Oh dear, be amazed by the beauty of my God! Oh incomprehensible greatness, to what end has come your annihilation! Oh Jesus! What I love is you, who has led to such extreme suffer and suffer for me? Lord! How great are your plans impenetrable, are sublime and I do not understand. No understanding can understand! There is nobody in the entire universe that can explain such a sublime praise or gift of your love, that's why I have only God! silence, admiration and deep contemplation to adore and worship. Your cross will always be for me the ultimate test of your love and your mercy and therefore the most admirable of all the manifestations of your greatness and your love.Madly in love with your love - tenderness and compassionNow consider and sympathize with all the instruments that were used in the Passion of our Redeemer: The spear that pierced his heart, causing blood shall flow from his side and water (cf. John 19:31-37) twine and disciplines with which he struck to tear the meat and bring forth a torrent of blood that has cleansed. The crown of thorns pierced the most holy temples who thought only of love. The nails that pierced his hands extended only to bless, to heal and raise the fallen. The nails that moved his feet that were only used to go on the roads by establishing the Kingdom of God ...Fix your eyes on the multitude of his wounds and fill yourself with tender compassion. Behold the streams of blood that they sprout, you spit the saliva and disfigure her beautiful face, fixed on the bitter taste of gall and vinegar they gave drink to quench their thirst, and finally heard the terrible experience of abandonment and our beloved Maestro total experiment for a moment: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Remember finally that those who suffer horrible torment is innocent, is the Son of God is the King of Glory.So full of love, admiration and compassion as incomprehensible mysteries, my Lord I bow to your sacred plants, at the foot of your cross sacred to bathe, purify, and cleanse me with your Holy embellecerme Precious Blood poured out of my price redemption. Fall on me and all mankind that divine stream of irrigation and make us more and more lovers of Jesus and recognizers of our sins and deep purpose of amendment on us daily to preserve the beautiful gift of salvation.
Souls who suffer
February 29
For the mundane seems incredible that there are souls who have to see that providence extends life. However, there is the history of the saints, which is and will be the master of mankind.
Of suffering such torment the souls of the righteous to be far from its center, we can form, oh Raffaelina, a faint idea by looking at what these souls are suffering, having to satisfy even the most vital needs of life such as eating, drinking and sleeping. And if God's mercy not to go, especially at certain times and on certain days, with a kind of miracle, depriving them of reflection while performing such acts necessary for life, for the poor things is such torment experienced in making such a action also can not help that I, without fear to lie, I could not find a proper comparison and not what should experience the martyrs who were burnt alive, thus surrendering their lives to Jesus in witness to their faith.
It is easy compared to this one would be an exaggeration beautiful and empty, but I, my dear Raffaelina, I know what I'm saying. The day of universal judgment certainly see these souls who, without having given their blood for the faith, we will say that crowned, like the martyrs, with the palm of martyrdom.
(23 February 1915, at Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 340)
lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012
Meditating on the Passion of Christ
First Monday of Lent
Meditating on the Passion of Christ
Fix your mind and your heart in Christ nailed to the cross. Look at him, contémplale, love him! Falls to his knees before him, prostrate at his feet with great reverence, humility and deep respect, love and faith. Ask! Suplícales from the depths of your heart! Grant you the grace to dive into the ocean smooth and scorching of his Passion and death.Desire to participate in the Cross of Christ"I am crucified with Christ. I live but not I, but Christ lives in me! (Gal 2.20)"I only know Christ Crucified and that is enough" (St. Francis of Assisi)It is necessary to ask God for the sublime action and loving, attentive and close of his Holy Spirit to inspire in us the desire and the need to meet and taste the mystery of the cross of Christ, are needed now more than ever crucified souls by love for the salvation of mankind, the conversion of sinners and to relieve pain and suffering in the world. Also to participate actively in the love God has for humanity and that it does this through the Passion of her Son. Also needed are crucified souls, lovers suffer and who can penetrate into the heart of Jesus Christ in supreme moments, highlights in his Passion and Death.We have a large repertoire of men and women who have looked deeply and lived the Passion of Christ and today we call them saints, for the clavario is the place of the saints. The cross is the headquarters of the martyrs. Therefore, the saints more like the Divine Model crucified spent their whole life or kneeling at the foot of the cross both spiritually and physically or suspended in the cross of Jesus together with HimContemplating the divine mysteries of the Passion of our Redeemer, we moved to his loving heart to let God and only Him consume us, embrace us and make us a living image of "Christ the poor, humble and crucified."You approach the cross of Jesus and Jesus Christ himself with forward eagerly to share their distress to relieve and make him find the desired and longed for consolation in Thee. Participating therefore of the Passion of Christ, their sorrows, love your cross, Christ is to love our God and Savior as He wants to be loved, to love freely and sacrificed in deep union and sincere friendship towards him and towards the brothers.Christ only model of virtue"To contemplate and you will be radiant. Your face will not be ashamed "(Psalm 33.2-23)It is necessary to reach the cross to meditate its mysteries with great desire to see Christ crucified, not only our Savior, but the model of all virtues and inexhaustible source of all graces.That desire to right the Lord will concedérnoslo, making us see the infinite riches, not only of pain but of purest consolations that are enclosed in the cross of Christ, which participate in the cross of Christ looking around. Jesus Christ on the cross is immensely generous because the cross is the throne of his graces. The more grace we receive from Him from the cross is salvation and the glory of God, so those who come to the cross from this world already enjoy such deep thanks to generosity of God.If you want to be more humble contemplation of Christ Jesus that despite Divine status did not count equality with God something of his, contrary emptied Himself and became the slave of all, it must inspire in you a contempt of world and you will die in pride.Want to achieve chastity: The wealth of their pain will make you overcome temptation and the taste of earthly pleasures, and his precious blood, falling drop by drop upon thee, extinguish the fire of lust that threatens abrasarte. So you do: look at the Cross of Christ to overcome all the vices and sins and achieve a high degree of virtue, because they all are in poor and crucified Christ, and He wants to share with us.Come to me Lord Jesus!"As the servant seeks to streams, so my soul longs for you My God""Lord have mercy on me a sinner"What should be the attitude with which I have to submit to Jesus Christ? As the hungry who come to the food that gives eternal life. As the thirsty servant goes to the source of fresh water that flows from the open side of Christ. As the miser to his treasure and his unbridled desire to possess more and more. With a huge sigh of the soul desire and wish and sigh as Saints by the presence of Jesus Christ in his life, screaming, begging, pleading with all my heart: "Come to me Lord Jesus Christ" Come to me! And then the "Lover" solicitous attend the wishes of the beloved, because we must not forget that the "Lover" is Jesus and I'm loving "I". He loves me more than anyone because he alone has given his life for me.Fe line and live! Vivid faith in the mystery of the cross!Fruitfully to meditate on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ is necessary for accurate and eyes of body and soul behold, as if we had this before us, the divine scene of Calvary stand at the foot of the cross, collecting the divine blood of the immaculate Lamb without spot or wrinkle it gushes and falls about You and me, on the whole world to purify, to hermosearnos for beautifying, to save us. This you must always bring your mind and heart as something past but as the most current and contemporary, as this is what happens every day in every Eucharist. This is present in your eyes and your faith today. Contemplating this scene must lead to a deep appreciation and intense pain of your guilt to see Christ suffer and die for you before your eyes.You need to have in mind that although Christ died for each and every one of the men and women of all time, you will apropies this redemption personally. Just as the love of God is unique to you, for me and for every human being, that the redemption is for everyone, personally, so you have to look at the Passion as if Jesus Christ did not suffer more than you. "Christ loved me and gave himself to death for me," says Paul.Enter and dive through the eyes of faith into the heart of Jesus to discover in it the excess of love with which he has suffered for you, to feel the torments of his passion as if You're living. There will discover and understand how they burned in a zeal so ardent about health and your soul, if it had been necessary had he stayed until the end of the world on the cross.Be humble because God resists the proud!"Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you." (St 4.10)To meditate on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ is needed most profound humility. Christ, the Son of God gives us a clear example of this, he never prayed to His Father God with such humility, submission and reverence as in Gethsemane, done by his agony and sweat drops of blood from there the bloody sacrifice of the cross. The Holy of Holies humbled himself to ask God for forgiveness for our faults and sins and was heard, so God granted the grace to make all things new.Humiliation is necessary, not because God likes us humble, but because it is a sign of humility and submission to God, we discover that the greatness and majesty of God revealed in the Passion of her Son to resuscitate him after such an atrocious suffering and death so terrible, so full of glory and majesty in the eyes of the universe and everything in it, to the extent that the name of Jesus every knee should bend in heaven on earth into the abyss and all we can say that Christ is Seño for the glory of God the Father. (Cf. Phil 2.10). Amen
The Virtues
February 27
Virtues are like someone who has a treasure, which, if it is not hidden from the eyes of the envious, I steal. The devil is always watching, and he, the worst of all the envious looks seize this treasure, which are the virtues, as soon as it finds, and makes assaulting us with that enemy so powerful that it is vainglorious.
Our Lord, always attentive to our good, to preserve us from this great enemy, warns us in various parts of the gospel. Do not tell us that if we want to pray, we retire to our room, shut the door and pray one on one with God, that our prayer is not known by others?, What, when fasting, we wash our face so that we discover our fasting to others in the dirt and the pallor of the face?, what, in giving alms, let not your right hand what the left?
(August 2, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 396)
sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012
The pride
February 25
St. Jerome was right, when comparing the pride with shadow. In fact, the shadow follows the body everywhere until you count your steps. Withdraws the body, she also walks away, walks slowly, she also does the same, feel, and then she also takes the same position.
So does the pride, followed everywhere to virtue. In vain attempt to flee his body shadow it always and everywhere followed and walks beside him. The same thing happens to those who are devoted to virtue, to perfection, the more escapes from vainglory, more is assaulted by her. All be afraid, dear father, to this our great enemy. I fear even more those two chosen souls, because the enemy has some impregnable.
Always be alert, do not let this enemy as powerful inside the mind and heart, for, if he gets in, deflowers virtues, holiness corrodes, corrupts everything of beauty and goodness.
Try to continually ask God's grace be preserved from this pestilent vice, because "Every perfect gift comes from above, the Father of lights." Open your hearts to trust in God. Always remember that everything that is good in them is pure gift of great kindness of the heavenly Bridegroom.
(August 2, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 396)
viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012
The vainglory
February 24
St. Chrysostom, speaking of the vainglory , says: "The more work you do, seeking to crush the pride both stimulate more." And what is the cause of this? Let us say the same holy Doctor: "For all the evil is evil, only the pride from good, and, therefore, is not extinguished with the good but more inflated."
The devil, dear father, is well aware that a lecher, a thief, a miser, a sinner, have more reason to be ashamed and blush for glory, and, therefore, is careful to tempt them in that direction, and I save this battle. But it is not good saves, especially when striving to strive for perfection. All other vices that stand only on the left to win and dominate them, but the pride rears its head in those very people who fight and overcome. Is emboldened to attack his enemies, using the same victories that have made against it. It is an enemy that never stops, is an enemy that comes into battle in all our works and if you are not vigilant, it makes us victims.
Indeed, we, to escape the adulation of others, we prefer the fasts hidden secrets to the visible, the silence, speaking eloquently, to be despised, to be taken into account, the scorns, honors.Oh, my God. Here too, the pride you will, as they say, put the nose, acometiéndonos with vain complacency.
(August 2, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 396)
jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012
Is an enemy that lurks on all the souls
February 23
The conceit is an enemy that lurks on all the souls that are consecrated to the Lord and who have given to the spiritual life, and, therefore, can be called, rightly, ringworm of the soul that strives for perfection . It has been rightly called by the holy rottenness of holiness.
Our Lord, to show how greatly the pride is contrary to perfection, he does with that rebuke the apostles did, when he saw them full of complacency and pride, because the demons obeyed the orders they were given "However, do not rejoice because the spirits are subjected. "
And to eradicate from their minds all the sad effects of this wretched vice, which usually get insinuate themselves into the hearts, the scary putting before his eyes the example of Lucifer, precipitated from the heights by the vain complacency in losing to the greatness to which God had exalted: "I saw satan fall from heaven like lightning."
This vice is to be feared even more because there is no opposite virtue to fight it. Indeed, each service has its remedy, and the opposite virtue; banishes anger with gentleness, the jealousy with charity, the arrogance with humility, and so on. Only pride has no opposite virtue to be fought. She creeps into the holiest acts, and even in the same humility, if you are not careful, she proudly puts his shop.
(August 2, 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 396)
martes, 21 de febrero de 2012
Ponder the fiat of Jesus in the garden
February 21
Ponder the fiat of Jesus in the garden, how heavy would have to make you sweat and sweat blood! Pronounce you too this fiat, both things prosperous and in adverse, and do not worry or break your head thinking about how you pronounce it. It is known that the difficult issues flees nature of the cross, but no one can say that the soul is not subject to the will of God, when we see it, despite the force felt against, put in practice.
Want to have concrete evidence of how the will pronounce his fiat? Virtue is known by its opposite. Posted by Lord on a test, whether difficult or easy, tell me do you feel driven to rebel against God? Or, better, say for example the impossible: trying to rebel. Or, tell me, do not you horrified at the mere fact of hearing these phrases blasphemous? Well, between yes and no, there can not be, nothing in between.
If your will run from the rebellion, be sure that it is subject, tacitly or explicitly, to the will of God, and therefore also in their own way she utters her fiat.
(January 30, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 321)
Ponder the fiat of Jesus in the garden, how heavy would have to make you sweat and sweat blood! Pronounce you too this fiat, both things prosperous and in adverse, and do not worry or break your head thinking about how you pronounce it. It is known that the difficult issues flees nature of the cross, but no one can say that the soul is not subject to the will of God, when we see it, despite the force felt against, put in practice.
Want to have concrete evidence of how the will pronounce his fiat? Virtue is known by its opposite. Posted by Lord on a test, whether difficult or easy, tell me do you feel driven to rebel against God? Or, better, say for example the impossible: trying to rebel. Or, tell me, do not you horrified at the mere fact of hearing these phrases blasphemous? Well, between yes and no, there can not be, nothing in between.
If your will run from the rebellion, be sure that it is subject, tacitly or explicitly, to the will of God, and therefore also in their own way she utters her fiat.
(January 30, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 321)
lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012
Jesus also gave me this cup to me
February 20
Jesus, the man of sorrows, that all Christians would imitate him. But Jesus also gave me this cup to me, and I accepted it, and that is why it does not prevent me. My poor suffering is useless, but Jesus is pleased him because he loved him so intensely here on earth. Therefore, in certain special days, in which he suffered more intensely on this earth, I feel the pain even harder.
Should not this alone enough for me to humiliate and to seek to live hidden from the eyes of men, because I've been made worthy to suffer with Jesus and like Jesus?
Oh, my father, I feel my ingratitude to the majesty of God is too big.
(1 February 1913, Father Agustin de San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 334)
jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012
Is because man was created for the happiness
February 16
Cheer up, because your suffering is in God. If nature complaint and claim their rights, because this is the condition of man is coming. Yes, secretly or quietly experiencing the pain of suffering and of course would run from them, is because man was created for the happiness and the crosses were a consequence of sin. While in this world, we have always felt natural aversion to suffering. Is this a string that will accompany us everywhere.
Be assured that, with the top of the spirit we want the cross and finally embrace it and we submit to it for the love of God, so we will feel on the inside of the claim that nature does not suffer . In fact, who loved the cross over the Divine Master? Well, also his sacred humanity, in his agony voluntarily accepted, asked that the cup away from him, if that were possible.
May 13, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 417)
miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012
Yes, I love the cross
February 15
Jesus tells me, in love, is he who delights me me at pains, however, who would delight me to it. Therefore, health would be desirable to seek happiness for me and not seek relief for Jesus. Yes, I love the cross, the cross alone, the master because I always see on the shoulders of Jesus. But Jesus sees very well that all my life and my heart are entirely devoted to him and his suffering.
Oh, Father, forgive me if I use this language, only Jesus can understand how great is my grief when deployed before me the painful scene of Calvary. It is equally incomprehensible relief given to Jesus, not only to share their pain, but when he finds a soul, for his sake, do not ask consolation, but rather take part in their own suffering.
When Jesus wants me to know that I love, I feel like it, of His sorrowful Passion, the wounds, the thorns, anxieties ... When you want to cheer, fills my heart of that spirit which is all fire, he speaks of his delight , but when is he who wants to be loved, I speak of their sorrows, invites me, with the voice of supplication and command at a time, to offer my body to lighten their suffering.
Who will resist? I realize that I have made you suffer too much with my miseries that I have made too mourn with my ingratitude that I have offended too. I do not want to others but only to Jesus do not want anything else (which is the same desire of Jesus) that their sufferings.
(1 February 1913, Father Agustin de San Marcos in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 334).
lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012
Be imitators of Jesus Christ
February 13
To propose, My dear little children, always respond generously to your call, making them worthy of Jesus, like him in the adorable perfections already covered in sacred scripture and the holy gospel and I learned from you. But, my little children, for there to be an imitation, it is necessary to daily meditation and reflection on his life of meditation and reflection springs esteem for his actions and esteem, desire and the force of imitation .
Yes, little children, imitate Jesus in obedience prompt and without discussion; imitate Jesus in patience, because patience possess ye your souls imitate Jesus in humility, both internally and externally, but more internal than external, heartfelt shown that, deeper than visible.
(January 7, 1919, the novices - Letters IV, p. 380)
viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012
God is infinitely good
February 10
It is now time to admit it: we are miserable, because there is little we can practice well. But God in his goodness has compassion on us, it also indulge in that little, and accepts the preparation of our hearts. But what this preparation of our hearts? According to the word of God, God is infinitely greater than our heart, and it outperforms all other realities when, apart from worrying about himself, sets the service to be offered to God, that is, when you accept the commitment to serve God, to love, to love our neighbor, to observe the mortification of the senses external and internal, and other good purposes.During that time, our hearts are prepared and have their works to an eminent degree of Christian perfection. All this, my dear daughter, is not in any way commensurate with the greatness of God who is infinitely greater than all the universe, our capabilities, our external actions. An intelligence consider this greatness of God, his goodness and immense dignity, can not fail to offer great preparations.That this preparation to submit a mortified body without any rebellion, a focus on voluntary prayer without distraction, a very great sweetness to speak without bitterness, a humility without any sense of vanity. Behold, my dear, good preparations. It is true that some people do not see much larger preparations would be needed to serve God, but we must also find out who can perform them, because, as we prepare to implement them, it's easy to stop, seeing that in us these perfections can not be neither so high nor so absolute.You can mortify the flesh, but not quite, because there will always be a rebellion. Our attention is often interrupted by distractions. But above all this, do agree restless, troubled, worried and grieving? Not at all.
March 3, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 678)
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