viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Will spend the winter and the endless spring, the richer the more harsh beauties were the storms.

February 3

 The tests that pierced the soul feel, be assured that they are signs of divine love and jewels for the soul. Everything that happens in you, is the work of Jesus, and you must believe that it is. To you does not touch you judge the work of the Lord, but you must submit yourself humbly to those divine performances. Get full freedom to grace at work in you and remember you should never fret to the adverse situations that may arise will, in the belief that doing so would be an impediment to the action of the divine Spirit.
So, as you feel some sense of concern will inspire in you, turn to God and abandon yourself into it with full and filial confidence, for it is written that those who trust in him will never be never disappointed. Courage always, and always on. Will spend the winter and the endless spring, the richer the more harsh beauties were the storms.
The aridity of spirit, in which you feel immersed and lost, is a painful test but lovable by the fruit it comes to mind. God wills you to end in a superficial devotion, that sanctifies the soul and that is and can be harmful. It is also beloved by God to lead the soul to acquire true devotion, which is a determined will to implement leading the service of God, without any satisfaction. In short, does good because it is well and that glorifies and pleases God.
The soul that is in this state in any way should not lose heart, not to stop doing anything I used to do in times of spiritual consolation, on the contrary, should seek to multiply their devotional practices and always be attentive and vigilant about itself.
(August 26, 1916, Mary Gargani - Letters. II, p. 236)

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