lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012

Meditating on the Passion of Christ

First Monday of Lent

Meditating on the Passion of Christ

Fix your mind and your heart in Christ nailed to the cross. Look at him, contémplale, love him! Falls to his knees before him, prostrate at his feet with great reverence, humility and deep respect, love and faith. Ask! Suplícales from the depths of your heart!
Grant you the grace to dive into the ocean smooth and scorching of his Passion and death.Desire to participate in the Cross of Christ"I am crucified with Christ. I live but not I, but Christ lives in me! (Gal 2.20)"I only know Christ Crucified and that is enough" (St. Francis of Assisi)It is necessary to ask God for the sublime action and loving, attentive and close of his Holy Spirit to inspire in us the desire and the need to meet and taste the mystery of the cross of Christ, are needed now more than ever crucified souls by love for the salvation of mankind, the conversion of sinners and to relieve pain and suffering in the world. Also to participate actively in the love God has for humanity and that it does this through the Passion of her Son. Also needed are crucified souls, lovers suffer and who can penetrate into the heart of Jesus Christ in supreme moments, highlights in his Passion and Death.We have a large repertoire of men and women who have looked deeply and lived the Passion of Christ and today we call them saints, for the clavario is the place of the saints. The cross is the headquarters of the martyrs. Therefore, the saints more like the Divine Model crucified spent their whole life or kneeling at the foot of the cross both spiritually and physically or suspended in the cross of Jesus together with HimContemplating the divine mysteries of the Passion of our Redeemer, we moved to his loving heart to let God and only Him consume us, embrace us and make us a living image of "Christ the poor, humble and crucified."You approach the cross of Jesus and Jesus Christ himself with forward eagerly to share their distress to relieve and make him find the desired and longed for consolation in Thee. Participating therefore of the Passion of Christ, their sorrows, love your cross, Christ is to love our God and Savior as He wants to be loved, to love freely and sacrificed in deep union and sincere friendship towards him and towards the brothers.Christ only model of virtue"To contemplate and you will be radiant. Your face will not be ashamed "(Psalm 33.2-23)It is necessary to reach the cross to meditate its mysteries with great desire to see Christ crucified, not only our Savior, but the model of all virtues and inexhaustible source of all graces.That desire to right the Lord will concedérnoslo, making us see the infinite riches, not only of pain but of purest consolations that are enclosed in the cross of Christ, which participate in the cross of Christ looking around. Jesus Christ on the cross is immensely generous because the cross is the throne of his graces. The more grace we receive from Him from the cross is salvation and the glory of God, so those who come to the cross from this world already enjoy such deep thanks to generosity of God.If you want to be more humble contemplation of Christ Jesus that despite Divine status did not count equality with God something of his, contrary emptied Himself and became the slave of all, it must inspire in you a contempt of world and you will die in pride.Want to achieve chastity: The wealth of their pain will make you overcome temptation and the taste of earthly pleasures, and his precious blood, falling drop by drop upon thee, extinguish the fire of lust that threatens abrasarte. So you do: look at the Cross of Christ to overcome all the vices and sins and achieve a high degree of virtue, because they all are in poor and crucified Christ, and He wants to share with us.Come to me Lord Jesus!"As the servant seeks to streams, so my soul longs for you My God""Lord have mercy on me a sinner"What should be the attitude with which I have to submit to Jesus Christ? As the hungry who come to the food that gives eternal life. As the thirsty servant goes to the source of fresh water that flows from the open side of Christ. As the miser to his treasure and his unbridled desire to possess more and more. With a huge sigh of the soul desire and wish and sigh as Saints by the presence of Jesus Christ in his life, screaming, begging, pleading with all my heart: "Come to me Lord Jesus Christ" Come to me! And then the "Lover" solicitous attend the wishes of the beloved, because we must not forget that the "Lover" is Jesus and I'm loving "I". He loves me more than anyone because he alone has given his life for me.Fe line and live! Vivid faith in the mystery of the cross!Fruitfully to meditate on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ is necessary for accurate and eyes of body and soul behold, as if we had this before us, the divine scene of Calvary stand at the foot of the cross, collecting the divine blood of the immaculate Lamb without spot or wrinkle it gushes and falls about You and me, on the whole world to purify, to hermosearnos for beautifying, to save us. This you must always bring your mind and heart as something past but as the most current and contemporary, as this is what happens every day in every Eucharist. This is present in your eyes and your faith today. Contemplating this scene must lead to a deep appreciation and intense pain of your guilt to see Christ suffer and die for you before your eyes.You need to have in mind that although Christ died for each and every one of the men and women of all time, you will apropies this redemption personally. Just as the love of God is unique to you, for me and for every human being, that the redemption is for everyone, personally, so you have to look at the Passion as if Jesus Christ did not suffer more than you. "Christ loved me and gave himself to death for me," says Paul.Enter and dive through the eyes of faith into the heart of Jesus to discover in it the excess of love with which he has suffered for you, to feel the torments of his passion as if You're living. There will discover and understand how they burned in a zeal so ardent about health and your soul, if it had been necessary had he stayed until the end of the world on the cross.Be humble because God resists the proud!"Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord and He will exalt you." (St 4.10)To meditate on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ is needed most profound humility. Christ, the Son of God gives us a clear example of this, he never prayed to His Father God with such humility, submission and reverence as in Gethsemane, done by his agony and sweat drops of blood from there the bloody sacrifice of the cross. The Holy of Holies humbled himself to ask God for forgiveness for our faults and sins and was heard, so God granted the grace to make all things new.Humiliation is necessary, not because God likes us humble, but because it is a sign of humility and submission to God, we discover that the greatness and majesty of God revealed in the Passion of her Son to resuscitate him after such an atrocious suffering and death so terrible, so full of glory and majesty in the eyes of the universe and everything in it, to the extent that the name of Jesus every knee should bend in heaven on earth into the abyss and all we can say that Christ is Seño for the glory of God the Father. (Cf. Phil 2.10). Amen

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