sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

This force you love the feel

 July 28
If the grace of God I would not have lit and attracted to him, you would have been like a fool, after all-night walk along the river without realizing it, because of the thick darkness that surrounded him, at the dawn of light that warns of the danger he found, neglecting the light, the road continues to defy the danger.Wretch, at any time the bank is completed under his feet, falls and drowning. You too recorriste for much of the night the path of the cliff, but the grace of Jesus was so possessed not merely enlighten and warn of real danger that so far you've run, but wanted to do something more with you: draw you to him, without leaving your free will, with the power of love. This force you love the feel and could not do anything but give up. Now, Jesus could have behaved like the light you behaved with that unhappy: but no, you want your pity for him. Look at the loving ways of treating this good Father, since with admirable affection did not leave you a moment. He is always by your side, you govern, you care, will hold, so that you will not succumb to the enemies that assail you everywhere.  (November 4, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 217)

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

In the spiritual distress

July 23

Your only thought is that of loving God and grow more and more in virtue and in holy charity, which is the bond of Christian perfection.
In all life events recognizes the will of God, love it, bless it. In particular, in the things that are more harsh, do not look with concern to be released from them. So more than ever turn your thoughts to the Father of heaven and say, "Both my life and my death are in your hands, do with me what you like best."
In the spiritual anguish, "Lord God of my heart, only you know and read thoroughly the heart of your creatures, only you know all my sorrows, only you know that all my troubles come from my fear of losing you, to offend, the fear I have not love me as I deserve and desire, and thou, for whom everything is present and you're the only one who read the future, if you know what is best for your glory and my salvation that I am in this state, which is done well, do not want to be liberated, give me strength, that I fight and get the reward of strong souls. "
(March 4, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 368)

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

How to please God?

July 18

The question that always hits me and chasing me everywhere, is not to know if what I like or not God. It is true that on this point you have spoken to me many times, but what do I do if, as in this ordeal, forget everything, and even, if I remember, I remember nothing accurately and all is confusion?Woe is me, for charity, be good enough to wear it again in writing. God also will increasingly agigantando in my mind, and I always see in the sky of my soul, which becomes coated with dense fog. I am close and I see too far away. And to increase these desires, God makes me more intimate and the experiment, but these desires also make me see more and more distant.My God!What a strange thing!  (July 16, 1917, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 909)

martes, 17 de julio de 2012

A very great confusion fills me completely

July 17

There are times when temptations assail me violent against faith. I'm sure it will not accept them, but the fantasy is so turned on and the temptation which turns in the mind, is presented with such clear colors that presents sin as something not only indifferent, but nice.Hence also all those thoughts born of despair, distrust, despair and even - do not fear, father, for charity - thoughts of blasphemy. I was horrified at such struggle and strive always tremble, and I am sure, by the grace of God, not fall.Add further to this the dark picture of past life in which there is more than my misery and my ingratitude to God. I feel my spirit is broken with pain, and a very great confusion fills me completely. I feel, therefore, as placed under a harsh media and as if all the bones are shredded and separated from each other.And this operation so hard feel, not only in the recesses of the spirit but also in the body. And here I find myself strong fear that God may not be the author of this strange phenomenon, because if it was him, how would explain the physical mess? I do not know if this is possible. (July 16, 1917, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 909)

lunes, 16 de julio de 2012

How can tell what I feel?

July 16

How can tell what I feel? Believe me it is precisely this that constitutes the climax of my internal martyrdom. I live in a continuous night, the darkness is densísimas.I want the light and this light I never arrives. And, if you can see also some faint ray of light, which happens very rarely, it is this which kindled in the soul desires desperate to see the sun shine again, and these desires are so strong and violent, Very frequently, I do languish and melt with love for God, and I am ready to faint.All this without wanting to experiment and not to do anything to get it. Most often, this happens to me outside of prayer and when I am engaged in indifferent actions.I would not feel these things because I realize that when they are so violent, physical also suffers heavily, and for this reason, I have much fear that it is not convenient for me. At all times I think I'm going to die, and I would die to not feel the weight of the hand of God, which goes over my spirit.What is this? How do I have to act out of this deplorable state? Is God which worketh in me or someone else is acting on me? Tell me clearly, as usual, and let me know how this happens? (July 16, 1917, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 909)

sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

Increasingly deepened in humility

July 14

Distrust not the providence of God, trust in God, abandon yourself to him, let him whole care of yourself, stay calm and not stay confused. I understand and I understand that the test is hard and grim battle, but I also understand that the fruit, gather it in time, is very abundant. The crown that weaves up there is by far superior to anything we can imagine. [...]. Judge me as you see, but what I want from you is that increasing evidence will also increase the abandonment and trust in God deepens more and more humility and bless the Lord, who deigns to visit you in your goodness that way to dispose yourself to be part of the construction of the heavenly Zion.  (April 10, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 393)

viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Do not be discouraged never.

July 13

However great test to which you subject the Lord, for it is untenable desolation of spirit at certain moments in life, do not give up ever. It uses more filial abandonment to Jesus, which may not grant you lose a drop of refreshment and consolation. He always uses, even when the devil, to embitter the days of your life, you remember your sins. Raise your voice to it with force, the voice of the spirit of humility, contrition of heart and prayer of the lips.At these demonstrations, Raffaelina, it is impossible that God does not look pleased, not to give in, do not give up. The power of God is truth triumphs over everything, but humble prayer that comes from suffering due to the same God, stop arm, turn your anger, disarms him, beats him, he relents and returns it, so to speak, dependent and friend.Oh, if all men were to experience in themselves, as did the publican in the temple, Zacchaeus, Mary Magdalene and Peter and many illustrious penitent and pious Christians, the great secret of the Christian life taught by Jesus deeds and words, what abundant fruits of holiness would experience them! Would know right away this secret would soon arrive in this way to beat the justice of God, to placate angry however that he was against them, to change it in loving mercy, to get everything you need: forgiveness of sins, grace, holiness, eternal salvation and strength to fight and overcome themselves and all their enemies. (September 7, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 482)

jueves, 12 de julio de 2012

Frecuenctu Levantaon soul to God

July 12

 I know you because you fail to correct entristecéis your imperfections, but, keep your spirits, my dear children, and remember what this point I have said many times, that you have to deliver with the same intensity to practice fidelity to God and the practice of humility. Fidelity to renew your resolutions to serve God with the same frequency with which transgress, and that having them present, not quebrantéis on. Humility, when you happen to have transgressed your intentions, to recognize your misery and abjection. City painstakingly purify your hearts, according to the number and the inspirations that are going to receive. Lift up your souls frequently to God leed good books that I always possible, but with great devotion, be constant in prayer, meditation, and self-examination several times a day.  (No date, the novices - Letters. IV, p. 383)

miércoles, 11 de julio de 2012

Pray and pray always in the serenity of our faith

July 11

Let us continually oriented thinking toward heaven, our true homeland, of which the land is not more than the image, preserving the serenity and calm in all events, whether happy or sad, as becomes a Christian, and a soul formed with special care in the school of suffering. In all this I always encourage the reasons given by faith and encouragement of Christian hope, and behaving well, the Father of heaven sweeten the bitterness of the test with the balm of His goodness and mercy. And it is this goodness and mercy of our heavenly Father to whom the pious and beneficent angel of faith invites and urges us to use a persistent and humble prayer, taking the firm hope of being heard, because we trust in the promise that we makes the Divine Master: "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened ... For whatever you ask the Father in my name you shall receive." Yes, pray and pray always in the serenity of our faith, in the tranquility of the soul, for the cordial and earnest prayer penetrates heaven and contains within it a divine guarantee.  (June 24, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 452)

lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Jesus Christ is the Physician of Body and Spirit.

July 9

Open your heart to this heavenly physician of souls and abandon yourself with full confidence in his arms most holy. He treats you like chosen to closely follow Jesus along the road to Calvary, and I see with vivid joy and excitement of my mind, this mode of action of grace in you. Be assured that whatever is happening in your soul is set by the Lord, and therefore not afraid to meet with evil, that is, to offend God. Just know that you all this offend you in any way to the Lord, on the contrary, it is increasingly glorified.  (May 19, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p 87).

sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

Sweetness and humility

July 7
It is necessary to cultivate these virtues with enthusiasm: the sweetness with others and with God's holy humility. I have confidence you will, because the great God who has taken you by the hand to draw you to him, do not leave until you get settled into eternal tabernacle. It is, my dear daughter, you struggle to eradicate the claims and the thoughts of superiority, because the honor of any other way is best to despise, but still, restless soul and leads them to commit mistakes and errors against the sweetness and humility.  (October 18, 1917, the sisters Campanile - Letters. III, p. 943)

jueves, 5 de julio de 2012

Love is not seven, lives

July 5

You're wrong, and you're wrong in full, if you want to measure the love of a soul to his Creator by the sensible sweetness experienced by loving God. This love is peculiar to the souls who are still in the simplicity of childhood spiritual love that could be fatal to the soul who seeks it too much. By contrast, the love of souls that have come out of this spiritual childhood is one that loves without receiving pleasure or sweetness in that part we call sensitive soul. The sure sign to know if these souls truly love God is always ready to discover the observance of the holy law of God is always attentive and vigilant watch them from falling into sin is his usual desire to see the Father glorified the sky and that it does not leave, as up to them, to spread the kingdom of God is to see them continually praying to Heavenly Father in the words of the Divine Master: "Our Father ... Thy kingdom come. " (December 29, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 288)

martes, 3 de julio de 2012

Always put your trust is in God

July 3

Do not be frightened by the attacks of Satan, always put your trust is in God, it must be growing every day, and you must demonstrate a special way on the test stand it now, and shall inure to the glory of God and a big win for your soul. Do not worry more than necessary; glad that the war will soon come to an end. Will not be long before negotiations begin and the costs of war be awarded the enemy of God, the enemy of souls.How beautiful will be at noon that the good Lord will shine after the purge! Anime you should be this sweet thought to fight the good fight bravely. Even now I wish you great joy in the Lord the beautiful day of our redemption.Live Jesus always in your mind! (March 25, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 373)

lunes, 2 de julio de 2012

the lights and comforts you is God

July 2

 That disturbs you and haunts you is satan, the lights and comforts you is God. The soul that is increasingly driven to self-abasement and humble themselves before their Lord, and at the same time is urged to suffer all, to bear all, to merit the approval of their heavenly Bridegroom can not fail to recognize that everything that comes of God. The deepest longings of the soul to love your Lord are not, can not be, hallucinations or delusions. So, I return to guarantee that is the grace of Jesus as the author of beautiful happens in you. So let your divine Spouse acting on you and lead you along the paths he wants. Everything you experience within yourself to see you surrounded by so many pious souls, all dedicated to love and serve God, it means that your soul with conviction and earnestly seeking its creator.  (July 14, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 126)