sábado, 14 de julio de 2012

Increasingly deepened in humility

July 14

Distrust not the providence of God, trust in God, abandon yourself to him, let him whole care of yourself, stay calm and not stay confused. I understand and I understand that the test is hard and grim battle, but I also understand that the fruit, gather it in time, is very abundant. The crown that weaves up there is by far superior to anything we can imagine. [...]. Judge me as you see, but what I want from you is that increasing evidence will also increase the abandonment and trust in God deepens more and more humility and bless the Lord, who deigns to visit you in your goodness that way to dispose yourself to be part of the construction of the heavenly Zion.  (April 10, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 393)

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