lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Lives in tune with the Spirit of God

June 17The love, joy and peace are virtues which become the perfect soul about what you own, the patience, however, the perfect back around what it supports.He said so far is what is necessary to the perfection of the soul within. For external perfection of the soul are necessary virtues, some of which refer to the way how the soul that strives for perfection must behave with others, others, however, refer to the regime's own senses.Among the virtues that the soul needs in relation to others, we find, first, the kindness, with which the devout soul, with their behaviors nice, polite, civil, unrelated to any rudeness, captivates and those with whom it attracts to imitate your life devout.But this is still very little. It should come down to the facts: and, behold, immediately comes kindness, virtue pushes the soul to be of use to others. And here it is worth noting two things very important to the soul that strives for perfection. One is to see that the neighbor does not take advantage of the good that is done, the other is not only that the neighbor does not always takes advantage of the good that is done, but, what is worse, to see that sometimes corresponds with insults and outrages. As well instructed soul happens frequently falling into deception. God save us from being victims of such ambushes laid by the enemy to ruin and run without prize.It is necessary, therefore, that, against the first ambush, we arm ourselves with the beautiful virtue of magnanimity, which is a virtue that allows the soul to never go back to seek the good of others, even when they see that no profit has neighbor . Against the second, you need to arm yourself with gentleness, which leads to suppress anger, even when it is matched with ingratitude, with insults and offenses.But all these beautiful virtues still insufficient if they are not joining the virtue of fidelity, by which the devout soul acquires prestige and each ensures that no act in bending.
(October 23, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 197)


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