viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

The Light of Christ shine in your heart

July 19

What produces such desolation in your spirit is a singular grace that God gives only to those souls who want to raise a mystical union. It's just that, my dear Raffaelina.
The fear and terror that such grace leads to poor soul, if I remember correctly, it happens in this way.Such grace is a very simple and very light splendid and clear, that by penetrating the poor soul, finding unprepared and unfit to receive it provokes in you exactly what is happening right now. To give a comparison test or better, than anything has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I invite you to think of an individual affected by a disease in the eye. This individual, to look at light, suffering and could accuse the sun of enemy sight. Now, look a bit, the sun, generally speaking, we all prefer to darkness, all say that the sun is good, it is optimal, but those who are sick of the eye prefers darkness to light, the sun, and be tempted to accuse the sun to be his great enemy. [...].I can conclude that the same thing happens to the soul that looks similar penetrated by light, it is almost sick and absolutely incapable of receiving such a supernatural light, and, therefore, the poor thing, assaulted by this light, scares, panics in the soul and its powers, memory, intelligence and will, and, although indirectly, these scares and fears the inner senses also experience body. But when after the soul, little by little, he will be cured of his disability, soon begins to feel the healthy effects of this new grace.

(February 28, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 360)

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