jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Trust in God!

July 18
The question that always haunt me, and follows me everywhere, is not to know if what I do pleases God or not. It is true that on this point you told me many times, but what I do if, as in this ordeal, forget everything, and even, if I remember, I do not remember exactly and all is confusion?
Woe is me, for charity, be kind enough to wear it again in writing. God also will increasingly agigantando in my mind, and I always see it in the sky of my soul, which becomes coated with dense fog. I feel close and see it too far away. And to increase these desires, God makes me more intimate and the experiment, but these desires also make me see more and more distant.God!What a strange thing!
  (July 16, 1917, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 909)

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