lunes, 8 de julio de 2013

God sees me constantly!

July 8

I think that Jesus is watching me continuously. If I ever happen to lose the presence of God, I feel at once that our Lord calls me back to my duty.
The voice that calls me express I do not know, but I know that is very penetrating and, for the soul who hears it, it is almost impossible to reuse.Do not ask me, my father, how do I know who is our Lord which shows me that vision, when all eyes see not the body or the spirit, because I know I can not say about it more than I said. I can only say this: that he who is to my right is our Lord and no other, and also that even before he told me, I was already deeply etched in my mind it was him.This grace has made me much good. The soul remains in great peace, I feel completely consumed by an intense desire to please God, since I was favored with this grace, the Lord makes me look with immense contempt all that does not help me get closer to God . I feel an indescribable confusion unable to explain where I come as well.My soul is driven to express heartfelt thanks to the Lord for the grace he grants it without in any way the merits, and, far from believing so superior to other souls, think, however, that , how many people are in the world, it is the least serve the Lord, because, by this grace, the Lord has illuminated so the soul, which can not fail to recognize that it is much more compelling than all the others to serve and love his creator.
(July 7, 1913, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 381)

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