viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Third day of the novena in honor of St. Francis of Assisi

Three .
LORD, DO YOU WANT TO DO?FRANCISCO :VE AND REPAIR MY CHURCH !By the sign of the Cross + + Deliver Us From our enemies Lord our God + In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit + AmenAct of Contrition :Lord Jesus Christ, true God and man , Creator , Father and Redeemer mine, for being who you are and why you I love you above all things , weighs me Lord , I repent in the soul and in my heart I offended . I firmly believe and propose amendments to never sin, to turn away from the times of confession and penance was imposed on me for my sins . Lord I offer you my life , work and work satisfaction of all my sins . So as I pray , and trust in your infinite mercy forgive me and give me light and grace to mend and persevere in your holy service until the last moment and end my life amen.
BIBLE TEXT TO REFLECT13 Therefore , keep the spirit alert , live soberly and put all your hope on the grace to receive Jesus Christ when he appears . 14 As obedient children, do not come under the evil desires you had before, while living in ignorance. 15 just as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 according to what is written : Be holy , for I am holy . (1 Peter 1,13-16 )Having witnessed the great need that Francisco had to make sense of his life, and after being found by Jesus Christ leaving , now one must be really love and get down to work. We must emphasize that Francisco experienced a fairly long period impregnated search existential crisis. These processes in the life of any person and there take time to mature to be able to hit with the grace of God and the assistance of the Holy Spirit to do the will of God. This crisis in Francisco lasted at least three years. It was shortly before starting work as a bricklayer , when Francis was kneeling before the Crucifix of San Damiano , meditating , looking at himself with the inner eyes , those contemplating what we are , works , thoughts , omissions ... indecipherable to the eyes of others, from time to time raised the exterior look to the cross presiding over the church of San Damiano , to which Francis was prostrate , when he felt those words : "Francis, go and repair my house, because , you see, threatens ruin " . Francisco immediately began working with the trowel and place stones that conceal the gaps or cracked unite to rebuild the chapel of San Damiano. But suddenly , he realized that the church was the chapel of San Damiano ... realized that the face of Jesus , that Jesus who was watching him from the cross , was more alive, more latent , more dialogue. He realized that the Church had a body of men , and men a face of Christ.We are facing a chain of events quite "normal" , which manifest the provisions of Francisco and his encounter with Christ Progressive : numerous visits to the church of San Damiano , prolonged moments of prayer and contemplation of the Crucified Syrian , during of which came the Lord's answer to the heart of Francis.
Encounter with ChristTherefore, Francisco regularly visiting the church of San Damiano and begs the Lord: " High , glorious God , enlighten the darkness of my heart , give me a straight Fe . Certain hope and perfect charity . Hit and knowledge oh Lord to fulfill your holy and true command . Amen . >> This was insistent prayer Francisco , pleaded with the Lord to show him his will Lordtell me what to do! . Francisco is a restless and tormented man , but sensitive and waiting for a sign from the Lord.One day , while praying before the Crucifix , Francis is strongly impressed by the contrast between the dark and dilapidated chapel and light Christ above the altar there . That day did not discover all the theological richness of the Crucifix , but was stunned by its brightness . Until then Francisco was too turned in on itself , but that day was the Christ light . Was it before or after asking : " Enlighten the darkness of my heart" ? What matters! At that moment confirmed the darkness and decay of the sanctuary. Was not it a sign from heaven , an answer to your hopes ? Francisco understands this : should restore the church and make a lamp burning before the crucifix . Do not try to find out if the Crucifix Francisco spoke truly , there is no doubt that his heart came a response avid Lord clarity before Christ was well aware of the darkness of the place where Christ reigned bright and living from his dark cross, and realized : "Francis , do not you see my house is crumbling ? Go therefore and repárala "( TC 13c , 2 Cel 10). At the same time, in the light of the Crucifix , Francis undergoes further comprising their own darkness and the light of Christ is an answer to his anguished prayer . According to the Legend of the Three Companions , Francisco " really felt in his soul that had been crucified Christ who had spoken " ( TC 13c ) , while Celano says that "the image of the crucified Christ , spreading the lips , speaking from table Francisco "(2 Cel 10a ) ; Bonaventure says that Francis" heard with his bodily ears a voice coming from the same cross that told him three times ... "( LM 2.1 a) . Schmucki writes: " The spectacle of the ruined chapel had to produce a vivid impression on the sensitivity of Francis. In such a mood, it was enough to hear the inner voice of God ... to feel called by the crucifix to restore the church. "Here again we see Christ and Francis. Two loving hearts had turned to find and where two in need of love , it talks and understood from heart to heart and not think too much about how to act , just act, to the letter , without gloss , - as Francisco said later face the Gospel. Francisco reconstructs the Hermitage material, but soon understood to another church , another house that needs repair . It is the Church , the Mystical Body of Christ that is not entirely in tune with the Head. It has suffered a sharp schizophrenia and now we must insist in season and out and witnessed it is necessary to look and heart to Jesus Christ in order to live in the lofty dignity of the Sons of God. Go task Francisco ! Go task to us if we truly have found also with Jesus Christ .1. Am I aware of the need to discover the grace of God in my life ?Two . Do I feel in me the need to repair the church of God which is my own life and that of others ?Three . ? Discover in those around me the face of Christ who invite me to love them and serve them ?April . My struggles , my seizures , my doubts where do I lead ?May . Would you ask the Lord to enlighten me constantly ?June . What is my response to this reflection ?
Prayer to the Trinity
Almighty, eternal , just and merciful God , grant yourself to us miserable , do e know what you want and to always want what pleases you , so that , inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit
, we follow the footsteps of your Son , our Lord Jesus Christ , and reach , by your grace alone , to you, Most High, who in perfect Trinity and simple Unitylive and reign and are glorified , Almighty God, for ever and ever. Amen .
Bless the Lord , living and true God ,and restituyámosle , always praise , glory , honor , blessing and all good . Amen .( Office of the Passion of the Lord)
Fear and honor ,praise and bless ,give thanks and worshipthe Lord God Almightyin Trinity and Unity ,Father and Son and Holy Spirit,creator of all things.( Earlier Rule , XXI , 2 )Pray three Our ​​Fathers . Three Hail Mary's and three Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

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