martes, 6 de enero de 2015

"Light for revelation to the Gentiles"

January 6
I have the eyes always fixed on the east, in the middle of the night that surrounds it, to distinguish that miraculous star that guided our parents to the cave of Bethlehem. But in vain fixed my eyes to see the emergence of this bright star. The more I look, the less I get to see; The more effort and more ardently I know I look, the more I am involved in greater darkness. I'm single day, I'm alone at night and no light comes to enlighten; never a drop of refreshment comes to fan a flame that consumes me continually, never consume me.
Once I felt, in the most intimate and secret part of my spirit, something very delicate that I know not how to explain it. The soul began to feel his presence, unable to see it; and then, I'll say so, he approached so closely to my soul that it clearly warned his touch; exactly - to give a pale figure - as often happens when our body touches another body closely.
I can not say anything about it; only confess to him that, at first, was seized with a great panic; but this panic, gradually was transformed into a celestial euphoria. I found that I no longer was in a state of wayfarer; and I could not tell if, when this happened, I realized it or not I was still in my own body. Only God knows what; and I know not to say anything more to give better understand this event.

(March 8, 1916, Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p 756.)

With what tenderness and deep love we celebrate on this day the Epiphany. God has put his dwelling among mankind, now reveals that does not come for a few, but for all humanity. Since there is no difference between slave or free, male or female between between pagan or Jewish. God has twinned all of us and has given us the ability to be sons through our membership in the Body of Christ. Jesus Christ today has been revealed as light to the nations. Wizards discovered by the star light was poor and humble Christ was born in a stable radiated for all humanity. Wizards went on the road, left their stability, security left left their possessions and took to the adventure in search of the King of the Jews. They knew what it meant to "go after him", ie follow in his footsteps, do the same path and end up as and where he ended up. The wizards along with the pagan world rejoiced because we were born the Savior. Instead Herod was troubled, was so engrossed that all he wanted was to keep selfishly what God himself had given him. His confusion took him even end the lives of so many innocent children and making his reign a kingdom of darkness and death to spare. The chief priests and scribes of the people even knew of that happy event remained indifferent. What is your attitude: that of the Magi, Herod or that of the scribes and priests? Christ has been revealed to mankind grant you the grace to feel him close, very close to your mind and your heart so that you can give joyful witness to the love of God in your life. A life which reaches its fullness in the moment when God wanted to become man, that You be like Him. "Rise and Shine" by your works, your faith, of your hope and your charity. Happy Epiphany.

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