lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

We are part of God's Being

January 5
The maximum fourth is that of eternity. Shortly should matter to God's children to live this very brief moments that pass, provided they live in glory forever with God. Daughter, believes that going and aimed towards eternity, you've put there foot. As long as she is happy because of you, so what are these transitory moments of suffering for you?
The fifth maxim I beseech you have always fixed in the mind, is that of the apostle St. Paul: "Look at me I do not boast of anything except the cross of my Jesus".
Keep in your heart, my child, Jesus Christ crucified, and all the crosses of the world will seem roses. Those who have felt the pangs of the crown of thorns Savior, who is the head, in any way feel other wounds.

(November 15, 1917, Antoinette Vona - Ep III, p 822..)

God our Father has given us the grace to be part of your Being. It is truly glorious and wonderful power to discover that from all eternity have been with him. Yes my dear children this is a reality. We are part of your being. Perhaps when we did when we created when we formed no breathed His Spirit in us? We are somehow eternal as He that is already what we must always aim at all times. However, we know that at some point God himself sent us to earth that we should be followers of the establishment of His Kingdom. Therefore every man and woman is discovered and found son and daughter of God never to put their aspirations in this world where we are pilgrims and strangers. Remembering our true identity and our earthly pilgrimage has to make constantly aspire to eternal homeland where we can fully share life with the One who created us. So avoid all that separates you from the desire to live happily in heaven. Do not let yourself be enveloped by the lies of this world nor what apparently is so sublime, so beautiful and so good that makes turn away your mind, your heart and life of God and his Kingdom. Never think that situations and adverse circumstances are playing you live by reason that God has forgotten you, just think that in these moments are closer to the heavenly homeland because you are living the reality of the Cross in your life. La Cruz by weighing it, will never be more than that of Jesus Christ. Remember that He loaded Contigo and Ti. Thank him and transform into a Cireneo for others, so that those who have no faith you have, can discover it by your works and give glory and praise to our Father God, Creator of the entire universe.

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