martes, 20 de enero de 2015

The infinite Love!

January 20

I see almost absolute inability to express the work of the beloved. The infinite love, with its immense strength, finally conquered the hardness of my soul; and I look canceled and reduced to impotence.
He leaves spilling fully in the small glass of this creature, untold suffering and martyrdom is unable to carry the weight of this immense love.Oh! Who will come to support me? What shall I do to bring the infinite into my little heart? What I do to always keep in the narrow cell of my soul?

(January 12, 1919, Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p 1111).

My God, my shield and rock in me under. What mystery is this? Immersed in the ocean of your divinity, in the sea of Your mercy and the infinity of your love. L It is impossible to put into words what God generates in the soul that is entrusted to your care. The first thing you do to us is that we are not alone and that life that you agree to your chosen life's pain and suffering. Only chosen souls can discover and refine the immense evaluate the suffering of exile, the disappointment and lack of understanding. But oh how wonderful it is to discover that this is the way of the saints! OMG You're slowly conquering the soul of anyone who is slowly discovering the immense love you have him. This soul reaches such a degree that only minority is before her the immensity of your Love, Eternal True and Living God. Being the person is increasingly overwhelmed before your greatness while you witness the raising You offer him after being captivated by Ti. Oh terrible mystery that God wanted to come live, to dwell in people allow. Let Yourself Sweet love of my soul be my strength and my fortress, my defense and my eternal life.

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