martes, 17 de abril de 2012


April 17
All your life you will spend in accepting the will of the Lord in prayer, work, humility, thanking the good Lord. If you come back to feel that impatience is installed on you, immediately resorted to prayer, remember we are always in the presence of God, we must take account of each of our actions, good or bad. Above all, turn your thoughts to the humiliations that the Son of God suffered by our love. The thought of the sufferings and humiliation of Jesus I want the ordinary object of your meditations. If you practice this, as I'm sure you do, soon you will experience healthy fruit. Such meditation, done well, will serve as a shield to defend against impatience, but the sweet Jesus I command you work, you put in some distress, want to make you a target of contradiction.
(6 February 1915, Anita Rodote - Letters. III, p. 54)

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