sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Jesus has given me all

April 21

 How is it, father, that when I'm with Jesus, not all that strong will attempt to ask me comes to mind? In addition, I feel a great sorrow to this forgetfulness. How to explain? Nobody, so far, been able to convince me at all.
Listen, well, something even stranger. When I'm with Jesus, also occurs to me to ask things that Jesus had never crossed my mind, and also introduce people not only have never been on my mind, but also what leaves me in wonder, never I have known or heard of them.
And I want also to acknowledge that when this happens I do not in any case I know that Jesus has granted me what I asked for the good of those people.
(April 21, 1915, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 569)

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