sábado, 28 de abril de 2012


April 28

You say that you can tell if the rays of light that sometimes occur at the bottom of your spirit come from God or from others, fearing to be deceived at all because of your fine self.
Well, here are the signs to know if these rays of light from the Father of lights. These signs are limited to three. The first is that these lights produce more and more admirable knowledge of God, which, in so far revealed to us, gives us an idea of ever higher their incomprehensible greatness. In summary, this light leads us to love more and more to God our Father and sacrifice every day for his honor and his glory. The second sign is a growing awareness of ourselves, a deepening sense of humility at the thought of so vile a creature has had the audacity to offend, and yet dares to direct you look, to observe it. The third is that these celestial rays produced in the soul a growing disregard of all earthly things, exempted only those that may be useful for the service of his God.
Therefore, if these light rays produced by these three effects in the soul, as coming from God retenlos. These effects can not in any way produce in the soul or the enemy far from our imagination and our imagination.
(April 25, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 76)

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