lunes, 2 de abril de 2012

Divine Verb

April 2

 I hope that the humiliation of the Son of God and the glory that came from the same are the subject of your daily meditations. Consider the anonadamientos the divine Word, the "which - in the words of St. Paul - being the form of God ',' dwelling in him bodily fullness of divinity," humble oneself not considered vile thing to us, to rise to the knowledge of God.
This divine Word, by his full and free will, self-abasement wanted to be like us, hiding the divine nature under the veil of human flesh. St. Paul says so humbled the Word of God who came as to annihilate: "He wiped himself taking the form of a servant". Yes, my sister, he wanted to hide so his divine nature he assumed in all the similarities of man, submitting even to hunger, thirst, fatigue, and, to use the same expression of the Apostle of the Gentiles: "Such to us, having suffered like us, except sin. "
But where, later, there was the ultimate humiliation was his passion and his death, which, being put to human will to the will of his Father, endured many indignities to suffer the most infamous death, and death cross. "He humbled himself - according to Paul - obedient unto death on the cross." This obedience, for the dignity of that was due, at work than I ordered and spontaneity to obey the Father of heaven, because it was not prompted by fear of punishment, it is the only begotten of the Father, nor seduced by the interest in reaching an award, it is God in all things equal to the Father, it pleased both the eternal Creator, who praised "giving it a name - says the apostle - that is superior to any other name."
(November 4, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 217)

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