jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Lose yourself in the divine heart of Jesus, and all your worries leave it to him

January 26
Keep up the good cheer: Lose yourself in the divine heart of Jesus, and all your worries leave it to him. Stand ever in the last group who love the Lord, taking them all better than you. Be truly humble to others, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. The bigger the graces and favors of Jesus in your soul, the more you humble yourself, always imitating the humility of our Mother in heaven, which, at the instant it becomes Mother of God, declaring himself the servant and slave God. In the prosperous and adverse things happen to you, humble yourself always under the mighty hand of God, accepting with humility and patience, not only those things that are to your liking, but also, and with humility and patience, all the tribulations he will send to make you more and more pleasing to him and more worthy of the heavenly homeland.
Being tempted is a clear sign that the soul is very pleasing to the Lord. Accept, then, all in an attitude of gratitude. Do not think this is just my opinion, no, the Lord himself gave his word of God: "And because you are pleasing to God - the angel said to Tobias (and Tobias in the person of all souls pleasing to God) - was necessary for you to try the temptation. "
Cheer up, then, beloved daughter of Jesus and be happy too, even amid the trials and tribulations, knowing that this is a very unique gift that the goodness of the Heavenly Father does to your soul and all I know forever grateful such a good Father, through His beloved Son Jesus Christ.
(January 29, 1915, to Anita Rodotà - Ep. III, p. 48)

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