viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

What ardent charity!

June 29

"Oh, how miserable I am! - Exclaimed the great vessel of election, the apostle of the Gentiles - who shall deliver me from this body of death? '. No one can doubt that this apostle was one of the greatest saints and almost a first magnitude star in the field of Holy Church. Many persecutions, how much suffering, how many jobs suffered by Jesus Christ! What ardent charity, what flames of love, what ardent zeal for his honor! Many revelations, many visions, many ecstasies and raptures to the third heaven! And yet, the holy apostle, full of such great virtues and gifts so sublime, utters the lament mentioned above. Confess the saint have been stoned, beaten many times, have been in danger of sinking in the sea, carried day and night by the waves from one party to another: "Thrice was I beaten with rods, once stoned, thrice I shipwrecked, I spent a day and a night adrift at sea. " Confess your sleepless nights, his many fasts, hunger, thirst, nakedness and the rigors of cold, tolerated for the sake of Jesus, "often sleepless nights, hunger and thirst, often without food, cold and nakedness '. Claim has been caught up into paradise while still in mortal flesh, "was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which man can not express." He even said that he no longer lives in himself, which only lives in Jesus, transformed by love into it: "I live and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me."Now tell me, my little one, what is missing from this great apostle and teacher of the Gentiles to declare it perfect? Although he felt in himself an army, consisting of his moods, dislikes, habits and natural inclinations, which plotted their ruin and spiritual death. And, because it fears this shows that he hates, and hates it because it can not suffer the pain that makes you burst into the exclamation to which he responds: that the grace of God through Jesus, will preserve , no fear, no terror, not of the fight (all things, my beloved daughter, that you feel), but rather the destruction, and not allow it to be defeated.(June 18, 1917, Mary Gargani - Letters. III, p. 276)

jueves, 28 de junio de 2012

Invest in the glory of God and the salvation of mankind

June 28

The time dedicated to the glory of God and the salvation of souls, do not regret ever, is never time wasted. Do not worry, therefore, to steal my time, because time very well spent, as I said, is the one used procuring the salvation and sanctification of the souls of others. And I do not know how to thank the mercy of the heavenly Father when I presented souls, which I can help somehow.Oh, yes, would have liked to heaven the whole time of my life would have used in this holy ministry, because I look so deformed in the eyes of the Almighty!  (May 31, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 100)

miércoles, 27 de junio de 2012

Learn how to serve God with your own strength

June 27

How happy is the inner realm where this holy love reigns there!How happy are the powers of our soul when they obey a king so wise! No, my dear father, under his obedience and his kingdom, he does not let us have no serious sin or disordered affection, not even mild. True, he leaves them close to the border, in order to exercise the inner virtues in combat to make them stronger, it is also true that it allows the spies, which are venial sins and imperfections, run back and back in his kingdom, but he allows this to let us know that without your help, we would be prey to our enemies. Humble ourselves much, my good father, and confess that, if God is not our armor and our shield, we would be immediately injured by all sorts of sins. And that is why we must always rely on God, persevering in our exercises and learning to serve God with our own strength.
(July 23, 1917, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 914)

martes, 26 de junio de 2012

A place where you will be always safe

June 26

The afflicted souls are divine Heart's favorite, and you be assured that your soul chose Jesus to be the youngest of his adorable Heart. In this heart you must hide, in which you must vent your heart desires in this heart must also live on that Providence grant you, in this heart must die, when the Lord wants it. In this heart I will have relocated, in this heart, then you must live, be and move. (May 31, 1918, the sisters Campanile - Letters. III, p. 961)

lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

Consolidates the vocation to which the Lord is calling ...

June 25

The Christian world appreciates the great honors, riches, vanities, amenities and everything you can offer this vilísimo world. Oh, fool, think again, remember that in baptism you renounced the world, you're dead to him. The Holy Spirit speaks through Paul tells you: "... you are dead to the world, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." Remember, oh, silly, not always the life of those living with the spirit of Jesus will remain hidden and unknown. Remember what is to come on the day of the Lord: "When Christ your life, then you also will be revealed with him in glory." "Dear - wrote the beloved Apostle St. John comforting the faithful - now we are children of God and not yet appear what we shall be. We know that when he appears we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is ". The certainty of such an enormous glory, oh, foolish, is not enough to make you go in yourself and make you settle down for the rest of your days, according to your vocation? (November 16, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 226)

sábado, 23 de junio de 2012

The test is hard

June 23

Do not be discouraged if the intensity of the test is constantly growing, you believe and put your heart in the sky, and you can be sure there is no danger of fainting. The test is hard, and who does not see it? But what you make of this? Is not God who arranges everything and anything available for our highest good? So take heart at the time of the test and wait a bit, the good Lord hear our desires. Not many people have heard so far? Then, it can not accommodate the last crown of all other desires.A little more! This little do we know how long?We did not amount, my good little girl! Come when you want the divine Spouse and when we all have been processed there. But that certainly will, "I see." You cling to the assertions of authority and sufficient. Now there is no anchor, no other driver to drive the bark of the soul in the stormy sea of ​​this world. Jesus wants your present state, who has been called by God to direct your mind you have insured. And believe you should strive for. So what if you do not see the light on this? You should not see it because this is the best for you. (October 22, 1916, at Assumption di Tomaso - Letters. III, p. 399)

viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

You see a light shine

June 22

Be patient a little longer to endure the state of spiritual desolation, have patience to endure trials to love Jesus with admirable providence, to asemejarte him, subjecting going, and you will see that the Lord one day attend at all your desires, which are also mine. Do not fret if you doing the night is darker and more gloomy, do not panic if you do not see with eyes serene sky material that surrounds your soul looks up, lifting you about yourself, and you'll shine a light that participates in the eternal sunshine. Living faith, blind faith and complete adherence to constituted authority by God to you, this is the light that lit up the steps of the people of God in the desert, which is the light that shines forever in the highest part of the spirits pleasing to the Father, this is the light that led the magi to worship the Messiah at his birth, which is the star predicted by Balaam, which is the torch that directs the steps of the desolate spirits. And this light and this star and this torch are also illuminating your soul, direct your steps to not hesitate, fortify your spirit in divine love, and without the soul is aware, he is always moving towards the eternal destiny . You do not see it and do not understand, but not necessary. You will not see nothing but darkness, but these are not those involving the eternal sun. Stay strong and believe that this sun shines on your soul, and that the sun is precisely that which the prophet of God said: "In your light, I see the light." (October 22, 1916, at Assumption di Tomaso - Letters. III, p. 399)

jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Where is my God?

June 21

Oh! Father, you know it, tell me, I beg, I throw in my face spread, my desire, my wandering in search of him, I do not take on face lack of abandonment of this spirit, he also wants to vehemently break blind and more humble in the Divine favor, tell me, for charity, where is my God? Where can I find it? What I can do to devote myself to look? Tell me, did you find? Tell me, where I pose this heart of mine, to be sick of death and who instinctively feel it in a laborious and painful search?
Oh God, oh God, I can not say otherwise, why have you forsaken me? This spirit, just beaten by your divine justice, lies in a vehement contradiction, without any resources or knowledge, beyond the fleeting flashes, made ​​to sharpen the suffering and martyrdom. I am dying, I burn burning, faint with hunger, O father, but now I think hunger is reduced to only uniformarme desire to the divine will and the way he wants.

 (June 19, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Lettera. I, p. 1033)

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012

My God, my shield and rock in me under

June 20

Yes, my father, I am deprived of everything, even the appearance of virtue, so much to seem to be a fatal lukewarm state, by which God will just reject me your heart every day. And I feel that my doom is irreparable, and can not find way out of this.Woe is me, I lost the road, the media, support, standards, and if I try to wake my mind off, I get this a mysterious dispersion, and I feel more lost than before, more unable to rise , and the mysterious darkness thickens. My God, why do you shake and shake remuerdes and return to again and mystify so violently to this troubled soul, this soul destroyed in a while and whose destruction would say it is moved, it caused and loved by your own mandate and permission ? (June 19, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1033)

martes, 19 de junio de 2012

Arid and dry your God is my heart

June 19

Where do I find my God? Where support this poor heart, I feel like breaking away from the breast? I search constantly, but can not find it, call the heart of the divine prisoner and is unresponsive. What then is this? My infidelity has done so for inflexible? Can I hope for mercy and that he, at last, hear my cries, or should I give up this hope? Oh God, that my stubbornness horridez is finally up.Well my, I love you on the edge of the love that you ask me, that I finally found this laborious and agonizing search. Father, naked and helpless is my spirit arid and dry for God is the heart, spirit and heart and hardly move because of Him who created them for their kindness. I have almost no faith, I am unable to rise on the wings of hope fortunate, as required pursuant to abandon God, when the height of the storm hits and the overflowing measure of my misery crushes me. I have no charity.Ah, to love my God is the result of a thorough understanding of a faith expressed in works, and some promises on which the soul plunges, is recreated and leaves, and even lies in the sweet hope. I have no love for his neighbor, because this is a consequence of it, and, missing the first, which descends to the lifeblood branches, all branches are dried. (June 19, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 1033)

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

Virtues which perfect

June 18

 The virtues which perfect the devout person in relation to the regime's senses are three: modesty, continence and chastity. With the virtue of modesty the devout soul gets regulate his every move outdoors. Rightly, then, Paul encourages all states that virtue and necessary, and, as if all this were not enough, also wants this virtue is apparent to all. With continence, the soul gets away all the senses: sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing, the excessive pleasures, though lawful. With chastity, a virtue that elevates our nature to that of the angels, the soul repressed sensuality and away from the delights that are prohibited.
This is the noble picture of Christian perfection. Blessed the soul that has all these beautiful virtues, all fruit of the Spirit who dwells in it. It has nothing to fear in the world will shine like the sun in the middle of the sky.
(October 23, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 197)

viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Have need of patience

June 15

Joy is an offshoot of the charity, but, for this joy be full and true, is required to have as its invisible companion to peace, which is in us that the good we have is the supreme good and safe. But is it not God the highest good that the soul loves and loving what you have? It is therefore necessary that the goods, as well as being high, is also safe. Well, the Divine Master assures us that "Your joy no man can remove it." What testimony safer than this? The soul, the thought of this, it may not feel entirely happy. Here's what does jubilant mood face the bitterest contradictions. However, it should be noted that just as the soul while you are in a state of pilgrim may never reach perfect charity, just as his peace can never be perfect. The contradictions, trials are many, contrasts with the poor soul is being abused are so numerous as to make dying at certain times of life, so much of life itself find it unbearable, and this arises from being undermined able to ruin.  But to resist as hard evidence, you have need of patience, a virtue that makes us supporting, without failure, adversity. Look for the soul that makes a profession of perfection bear in mind this virtue, if you are concerned about not working in vain, for it is by this virtue that remains internally ordered.
 (October 23, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 197)

jueves, 14 de junio de 2012

Charity the bond of perfection.

June 14

 The first virtue of the soul that needs tending to perfection, is love. In all natural things, the first movement of the same, your first inclination, his first impulse is to build, go to the center: is this a physical law. The same applies to the supernatural: the first movement of our heart is to go to God, which is nothing but love their own true good. Rightly in scripture is called charity the bond of perfection.
The twin sisters love is the joy and peace. The joy born of the desire to possess what one loves. But from the moment that the soul knows God, is naturally driven to love, if the soul is this natural impulse, fueled in turn by the Holy Spirit, you are loving the supreme Good. Consequently, this fortunate soul is already in possession of the beautiful virtue of charity. However, loving God, and is sure to possess, because this does not happen, as usual unfortunately he loves money, honors and health, which is not always what you love, who loves God owns it immediately.
This is not an invention of my mind is the scripture that says: "He who abides in love abides in God and God in him." What does this phrase mean writing "Whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him"? Does not mean that, as the soul oriented to God God is all love, just as God for all communication is the soul?
(October 23, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 197)

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

The tender mothers spoil their children

June 13

My daughter, do not be condescending yourself: tender mothers spoil their children. Do not be easy to lament and mourn. Marvel not these difficulties and violence, which both manifest suffering, no, dear, do not marvel, God allows them to make you humble with true humility, abject and vile in your sight. In this fight should not be otherwise than God willing, making your way from the spirit creatures to the Creator, and aspirations of the Blessed continuous humility and simplicity of heart. c) Be kind to others and not be misled by the impulses of anger, at those times too often repeated these words of the Master: "I ​​love these neighbors, Everlasting Father, because you love them," and you gave them to brothers have given, and you want as you love them and I love them. And more still loves these girls, your disciples, with whom the very hand of divine providence has accompanied you and united with heavenly union. And do not be surprised to outbursts of impatience to get used to have, because there is no blame on them rather than those from a conscious, that is, with a warning that no effort to master them. Supports those poor girls, acarícialas, tenlas in your heart, my dear daughter, as I have you in mine, a very great and growing desire specially true of your spiritual development, because God himself has made me all this.

(June 11, 1918, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 735)

martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Connect with God all day

June 12

You know, dear, that charity has three elements: love God, love yourself and love of neighbor, and my poor teachings put you in the way of practicing this. a) During the day, often put all your heart, your spirit and your mind on God with great confidence, and say with the royal prophet: "Lord I am yours, save me." Do not stop long to consider what kind of prayer God gives you, but still simple and humble grace in the affection that you have you yourself. b) Although not stop with pride, keep your eyes open on your evil inclinations to eradicate them. Do not be scared to ever see you miserable and full of bad moods, focus on your heart with a great desire to improve it. Try to straighten sweet and lovingly when he stumbles. Above all, strive with all your might to strengthen the top of the soul, not entertaining you in feeling and consolation, but in the making, aims and aspirations, that faith, guide and inspire you the reason. (June 11, 1918, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 735)

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

I have not been tempted

June 11

 There are some physical illnesses, whose recovery depends on a successful lifestyle. Self-love, self esteem, the false freedom of spirit, are roots that can not easily eradicate the human heart. Only you can prevent the production of its fruits, which are sins, because their first shoots and branches, that is, their first jerking and his first moves, in fact can not be prevented while in this mortal life, although can be moderated and reduce its quality and strength through the practice of the contrary virtues, particularly the love of God.
It is therefore necessary to have patience to cut bad habits, dislikes tame and overcome their own inclinations and mood swings, for, my good little girl, this life is a struggle and no one can say, "I have not been tempted. "The stillness is reserved for heaven, where we expect the palm of victory. Here on earth, we must always fight between hope and fear, but for the purpose of that hope is always stronger, and bearing in mind the omnipotence of that helps us. Do not get tired because of work, consistently, with confidence and resignation, for your conversion and perfection.
(June 11, 1918, Herminia Gargani - Letters. III, p. 735)

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012

What am thorn stuck in my heart!

June 9

I am put in extreme desolation. I am alone to carry the weight of all, and thought they could not provide relief of mind to those whom Jesus sends me, the thought of seeing so many souls who want to dramatically justify evil in spite of the highest good, I grieve, tortures me, tortures me, I slowly consumes the brain and my heart breaks to pieces.Oh God! What am thorn stuck in my heart! The two forces seem completely opposite in appearance, that of wanting to live to be useful to the brothers in exile and wanted to die to join the Bridegroom, in recent times, I feel superlative degree agigantarse the highest point of the spirit. I tear the soul and take away my peace, though not the deepest. While it is true that peace is touched, so to speak, but outside, I acknowledge that I much needed to act more gently and more anointing.Oh, father, father, do not leave me alone auxílieme with prayer and with his advice. I say that I am in a loneliness that I removed the quiet and rest and even the appetite. If you continue in this way, say you are at the door of a major crisis, because I realize that the body is also suffering from the actions of the spirit, and I fear more for that than this, not by me but absolutely and exclusively by others.(October 8, 1920, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1180).

viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Nicholas of Gesturi Capuchin Fraiar

"Love for the cross is the surest possession of God" - Brother Nicholas

Blessed Nicholas of Gesturi

Capuchin Friar (1882-1958)

Brother Nicholas, known in the world as "John Medda" the son of John Messa Serra and of Priama Cogoni Zedda, was born at Gesturi in the province of Cagliari and Archdiocese of Oristano on 5 August 1882. His parents were of humble social condition, but of exemplary morality and deep piety. On the following day, the 6 August, the new baby, the sixth child, was baptised in the parish church of St Theresa of Avila, with the names of John, Angelo and Salvatore. On 2 June 1886, John received the sacrament of confirmation. Not long after, both his parents died. His eldest sister, who was married to a rich man of the village, then took care of him. Having finished his elementary school, he worked on the farm. He was a good boy with nothing special about him. However, when on 18 December 1896, John made his first Holy Communion, his life changed. He began to pray in an extraordinary manner, frequently receiving Holy Communion and mortifying himself. He safeguarded his spiritual life by keeping away from all worldly attractions, even those that would be acceptable. His love of nature taught him to have a nobility of soul, a fine sense of spiritual beauty, and a good sense of judgement. As well as this, he had excellent affective and moral qualities in his familiar relationships.

He had no desire to possess anything. He handed the administration of his properties to his brothers. Then he put himself at the service of his brother-in-law whom he greatly esteemed. He was content with just the food and a little nook to live in. The work, which he carried out scrupulously, did not stop him from going to Mass every day in the morning and to the Eucharistic devotions in the evening that were held in the parish. It seems that there was a desire for priesthood, but poverty was an insurmountable obstacle. He had a strong desire to live a religious vocation and after he was cured from a rheumatic illness, he took the opportunity to satisfy his desire to become a friar.


Accepting the Lord’s call, he knocked at the door of the friary of the Capuchins of Cagliari in March 1911. He was 29 years old. Highly recommended by the Parish Priest, he was accepted as a tertiary oblate at this Friary dedicated to St Anthony. However, on the 30 October 1913, John Medda donned the Capuchin religious habit with the name of Nicholas. After novitiate, he made his first profession on 1 November 1914 and his solemn profession on the 16 February 1919. He was first assigned to the fraternity of the friary of Sassari as cook and from there he went to Oristano and then to Sanluri. His main work during these ten years was cooking.

At the Chapter, held at Cagliari on 25 January 1924, he was posted to the friary of Cagliari with the specific duty of questor in the city. From 1924 to 1958, in all seasons and every day, the people of Cagliari saw him going up and down the uneven and narrow streets of the Castello as well as those wider streets of Villanova. The people became increasingly impressed by the humble and modest behaviour of this little friar. With the passing of the years, he seemed more and more to become in his example like St. Ignatius of Laconi, who had lived in the same friary before him. For 34 years Brother Nicholas carried out his duty of questor as a true son of St. Francis, not only in the city of Cagliari, but also in the near-by villages of Campidano. In him, as he went about knocking on doors for alms the poverty of Christ showed forth to the people. He went along with his head bowed down and his eyes lowered, as if to hide a treasure; indeed, his two eyes were like two jewels shining with the simplicity and purity of his soul. As time went on, he did not have to ask people for anything; it was they who wanted to give him something. He simply made his rounds in silence and recollection.


He obtained without begging. He received without asking. It has been justly remarked that he was not a brother quester, but rather a brother quested - people looked to him for help. Not only common ordinary people, but also those high in society, both men and women, went to him asking him for a prayer, advice, or just to touch his habit or cord, or to slip in his hand an offering which he always accepted with "May God reward your charity!" a typically way of expressing thanks in Sardegna.

As soon as they saw him, mothers would send their little ones running towards him, or after him, to give him an offering and receive back from him a smile or a caress which was always considered as a blessing. Then it became customary to call him to the bedside of the sick in hospital or at home. Extraordinary cures took place. It was understood that the hand of God worked through this humble friar. The fame of his holiness and the power to work miracles spread everywhere. He became more the one who gave than the one who received. His life, the way he walked and presented himself, were for everyone an invitation to conversion, to prayer, and to the love and service of God and neighbour.


Br Nicholas was a man given to the silence noted in the Capuchin Constitutions Number 57. Through his continued silence, Br Nicholas evangelised and taught that "indeed only one thing is necessary" His sanctity was "silence." His silent prayer was his thanksgiving to those who gave to him; silence was his reproach to those who did not give to him when they could still do so; silence was his answer to useless questions or questions that could not be answered. It was only to recall the will of God that he broke his silence. His was a particular silence: a way to express himself, of being freed of the superfluous, a way to concentrate on what is essential without distractions. To Br Nicholas silence was a destination, not a departure point. It was a very great virtue not a fault.

A religious of constant loyalty and piety, Br Nicholas distinguished himself for his laudable zeal for souls and ardent charity for the needy he met during his daily walks as quester. He faced all difficulties with admirable patience and charity, acting with supernatural single-mindedness, courage and perseverance. The axis supporting his moral and spiritual personality was his profound spirit of prayer, which was typically expressed in his habitual behaviour of being a contemplative person, even in the middle of his daily chores. His entire behaviour was characterised by a living sense of the presence of God and by a constant union with the Lord. Every act and every word of his were transformed into a continuous, ardent prayer.

Through an authentic Gospel life lived in penance, Br Nicholas witnessed to the message of Christ through the streets of a distracted and problematic city and indicated to all the Gospel Way, which leads to holiness and true happiness.


After 45 years of religious life in humility, penance, charity, silence and constant prayer; exhausted under the burden of years, work and various infirmities; and having had surgery in a local clinic, Br Nicholas was aware of the seriousness of his sickness. After having received the last rites and being comforted by almost all his confreres in tears, he calmly expired in the provincial infirmary at exactly 3.00 p.m. on 8th June 1956 at 76 years of age.

The news of his death spread through the city like a lightening. It was given prominent space in the daily morning papers. From the early hours of the morning, people of all conditions and states of life, began to arrive, all anxious to see and touch his remains. It was then that God revealed to his brothers just what an apostolate Br Nicholas had been about over his many years. Because of the constant flow of people, the police had to be called and they could hardly control and keep in order the ever-increasing crowd. On the 10th of June the body, carried by the friars and other people, proceeded slowly towards the pubic cemetery of Bonaria. Some 60 thousand people obviously moved by his holy life and death accompanied it, and from wherever it passed flowers were showered on his procession.

However, it did not end there. With affection and gratitude his many devoted people, kept putting fresh flowers on this grave every day, thus transforming it into perennial flowerbed.

On the grounds of this continued, widespread and firm fame of holiness, the archbishop of Cagliari opened the cause of beatification and canonisation by establishing the Ordinary-Informative Process in 1966-1971. On 15 June 1977, the Decree of the Introduction of the Cause was published. During 1978-1982, the Process Recognition was established. The validity of both Processes was confirmed on 23 January 1986. On 25 June 1996, the Decree on the Virtues being Heroically practised was published. For the beatification of Br Nicholas, the Postulation presented to the competent Decaster an extraordinary case: the surviving of a newly-born baby terribly immature of only 23 weeks in the womb and of a very low weight, etc., The event happened in 1986 in the city of Cagliari. The Decree of the miracle was published on 21 December 1998 after all the demands of the law had been met.

The Holy Father has declared Brother Nicholas of Gesturi Blessed on 3 October 1999, to the joy of his Capuchin brothers and all the people who have showed such gratitude and devotion to him.


  • "Let us pray... let us pray!"
  • "It's what the superior wants... let it be for God's love!"
  • "Charity is holiness!"
  • "May the Lord reward your charity!"
  • "Behold the Angels' Bread!"
  • "O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us!"
This story is taken from the leaflet: Beato Nicola da Gesturi: Frate Cappuccino 1882 – 1958 prepared by Fr. Clemente Mellon, OFM Cap Vice-Postulator for the Beatification cause of Br Nicholas of Cresturi. And from the Booklet: Beatificazione Piazza S. Pietro, 3 Ottober 1999 used for the celebration of his Beatification. Both were translated into English by Fr Hugo de Maria OFM Cap and combined by Br John Cooper OFM Cap.

I'm lost

June 8

 I'm lost, yes, lost in the unknown. I am deprived of all. But I am determined, though I find comfort, to follow only the voice of one who serves God. I have hunger, my father, the return of my God to my soul, give it to me, Meet me of him, my life and my everything. The current conditions of my mind have no other reality than a complete ruin, sinister lights, which serve only to discover the rot and torture the victim, a prey to their unknown destination.My God, it is necessary, my father, this cry, just as I have this sorrow. I do not understand anything I'm afraid to be abandoned forever myself and, to this fear, I hold and I venture to hold on to obedience, that, without knowing how, I also think that away from me.
Term, because the intensity of the pain that oppresses me, my mind deprives the necessary clarity.
Bless me always and I, in turn, will not let you always sacrifice myself to this God that I lost.
(June 4, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1026)

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Thy will be done

May 7

How good is the Lord with all, but is much more kind to the one with true and sincere feelings to please him in everything and expect to meet in him the divine wishes!
Learn so special you, to discover and worship the divine will in all human affairs. Often repeated the words of our beloved Divine Master: "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven." Yes, this beautiful exclamation is always in your heart and on your lips at all times of your life. Repeat it in afflictions, repeat it in the temptations and trials that Jesus wants to submit yourself, repeat it even when you feel immersed in the ocean of love of Jesus. She will be your anchor and your salvation. Do not fear the enemy, he will not try anything against navecita of your spirit, because the helmsman is Jesus and the star is Mary.
(6 February 1915, Anita Rodote - Letters. III, p. 54)

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012

It is necessary to look for You

June 6

 My Well, where are you?, And do not know you and find you, but you need to look for you, you're the life of the soul that dies.My God! and my God! ... I do not know tell you something: "Why have you forsaken me". Beyond this neglect, I do not know, I do not know everything, even life I do not know if I live. My dear father, do not leave me in this wrenching agony, I am about to lose, I am to be crushed under the heavy hand of an angry God just me. Remember that the Lord entrusted to his guidance, comfort and salvation. Remember that from the very moment that the Lord entrusted to you, I've had a father to my soul, committing myself to the sky to show him all my tenderness of a child, I feel it and still growing, and have always followed eagerly his commands and teachings. Oh my father, auxílieme! I would if I could, spilling my soul in this letter, which wastes away, but you understand well that I can: I am in a painful impotence ... I can only cry out, and this will include what my poverty and meanness my misery and destitution. Implore for me the help of heaven, perfect conformity to the pure, hidden, divine and holy desires, docility, firm, and iron to obedience, the only table that cling to the strong clamor of the storm, the only table which cling to the wreck of the spirit. 
(June 4, 1918, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 1026).

lunes, 4 de junio de 2012

Trust and expected

May 4

 Yes, stay alive forever united to Jesus Christ dying and suffering in the Garden of Olives, and thus participating in the anointing of His grace and strength relief, you are in the same orchard of olive trees on your death, to participate in the joy of his ascension and glory. [...].
Learn, then, to suffer all Christian and not fear, for no suffering, no matter how low the reason thereof, will be without merit eternal life. Trust and hope in the merits of Jesus, and thus the humble clay is transformed into the finest gold that shine in the reign of the heavenly king.
(August 4, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 470)


viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Pray to Jesus and put their trust in Him

June 1

How sweet it is to live forever in the shadow of the Lord, back in the sacred cloister! Perhaps I have become too unworthy to rest in that sacred enclosure, where so lovingly called me, and that is why the Lord, and because almost forced my ingratitude, I want to get away from him.Let it be your will, for all that he commands is right! Want to test extreme fidelity of his servant. The Lord, to the detriment of mine wants to hear the prayers of all this people that absolutely devoted, so it shows, wants to keep me by force in the middle of it, sending up prayers and almost doing violence to the heart of God to get this its intense desire. [...].I was moved to tears! But I cringe and shudder at the thought, my dear, I fear that the Lord wants to pay me in this life something I've done for love. Pray to Jesus, pray for me that the prize reserved for the afterlife. (June 15, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 111)