viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

You see a light shine

June 22

Be patient a little longer to endure the state of spiritual desolation, have patience to endure trials to love Jesus with admirable providence, to asemejarte him, subjecting going, and you will see that the Lord one day attend at all your desires, which are also mine. Do not fret if you doing the night is darker and more gloomy, do not panic if you do not see with eyes serene sky material that surrounds your soul looks up, lifting you about yourself, and you'll shine a light that participates in the eternal sunshine. Living faith, blind faith and complete adherence to constituted authority by God to you, this is the light that lit up the steps of the people of God in the desert, which is the light that shines forever in the highest part of the spirits pleasing to the Father, this is the light that led the magi to worship the Messiah at his birth, which is the star predicted by Balaam, which is the torch that directs the steps of the desolate spirits. And this light and this star and this torch are also illuminating your soul, direct your steps to not hesitate, fortify your spirit in divine love, and without the soul is aware, he is always moving towards the eternal destiny . You do not see it and do not understand, but not necessary. You will not see nothing but darkness, but these are not those involving the eternal sun. Stay strong and believe that this sun shines on your soul, and that the sun is precisely that which the prophet of God said: "In your light, I see the light." (October 22, 1916, at Assumption di Tomaso - Letters. III, p. 399)

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