viernes, 13 de marzo de 2015
Guide our feet into the way of peace
March 13Be lovingly guided by divine providence, just want to make you walk along the ground and deserts, which the waters of sensible and spiritual consolations. Please hand your perfume; but if it exhibits any other delicious aroma, be sure to smell it, giving thanks, because the perfume is used to not stay for long without some comfort and spiritual joy.Stand firm in any state in which Jesus wants to get your heart be totally for him, because there is nothing better than that. Shed therefore based on continuous sacrifices, your earthly affections, of all the things you have prisoner; and be certain that the king of heaven will give your gifts to lure his holy love.I see in your heart a deep determination to want to serve God; and this guarantees that I will be faithful in pious exercises and constant practice leading to the acquisition of virtues. But I warn you one thing, you certainly do not ignore. When faults occur due to illness, need not marvel why, but after detest the offense that God receives them, it is necessary to seek a joyful humility, to discover and realize our misery.
(January 12, 1917, Herminia Gargani - Ep III, p 669..)
The love and mercy of God outweigh your sin and darkness, life and death to spare. But you need to fully trust that love and mercy of God and that you let be guided by him. If you you abandon your hand that guides you, He will know to take you to the fullness of life. No matter where you carry, but where it takes you. No slip, no obstacle, no suffering. God is a Father who can trust you. Do not let your looking neither to the right nor to the left, but quite simply behold him to Him. Let love for Him and live for Him.
viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015
No glory without Cruz
March 6
I feel the ardent desire, but I almost never think about attempting it, to spend every moment of my life loving the Lord; would be closely united to him by one of his hands and walk with joy that painful path, which has put me; but I also say with a heavy heart, with confusion in the mind and facial flushing, my wishes do not correspond precisely with reality.Just anything to shake me; just me forget the assertions you make me throw myself into the thick night of the spirit which makes me suffer day and night. My God !, my father !, what a great punishment infidelity brought me my last!My mind would not think rather than Jesus, the heart not beating rather than himself and always, and all this promise Jesus repeatedly. But, alas !, give me fully realize that the mind forgets, or rather, it stays in the grueling test, under which is the spirit; and the heart does nothing to wither in this pain.
(March 6, 1917, at St. Mark Benedict in Lamis - Ep I, p 872..)
The love of God is able to captivate the hearts of people so that the person is experiencing love in his mind and in his heart the deep and pure desire to always live this love. For this to be true in your life encounter and inner transformation of everything that can separate you from the love of loves needed. Your mind and your heart must want to be so perfectly united to God so that you do not experience already in fear or temptation not to please a God who is so holy and good, but rather that you insist that these holy desires to reciprocate so sublime and pure love go slowly seeing reflected in your daily life. Do not grieve if at some moments fall into despondency or sin. Trust in the infinite mercy of God. Trust in God's faithfulness that is always attentive to your needs. It is true that it is often necessary to walk in the dark night, in the densest darkness of spirit, but it is also true that when thickest darkness are closer to being of light. Always remember there can be no day without aurora has not gone through the darkness of the night. As there can be no resurrection without death. Similarly there can be no glory without the cross.
martes, 3 de marzo de 2015
Burning Love
March 3Sometimes I wonder if there souls who feel chest burning with divine fire, especially when faced with him in the sacrament. This seems impossible, especially if he is a priest, a religious. Perhaps the souls who claim they do not feel this fire, do not feel that perhaps his heart is bigger. Only with this benign interpretation I can not apply the shameful epithet of liars.There are times when I comes to mind the severity of Jesus, and that is when I suffer bitterly; I start to consider their jokes and this fills me with joy. No I can not abandon this sweetness, this happiness ... What is, my father, what I feel? Jesus I'm so confident that even if I saw the open before me hell and I were at the edge of the abyss, no distrust, despair not me, trust him.Such is the confidence that inspires me his meekness. When I start to consider the great battles against the devil, with God's help, I passed, so many that you can not count them.Who knows how many times have hesitated my faith and my hope and charity would have weakened, if he did not have reached out; and my intellect would have been obscured, if Jesus, eternal sunshine, would not have lit!Also acknowledge that I am fully work of his infinite love. Nothing has denied me; further, I have to say that it has given me more than I asked for.
(December 3, 1912, Father Agustín de San Marcos in Lamis - Ep. I, p 316.)
Love and mercy are infinite. Only someone who has not had the experience of staying humbly kneeling in prayer before Jesus and Jesus will not experience the sweet and the terrible this love. A love that burns the soul consuming the bowels and gives you the strength and fortitude to continue on the path he appointed unto you. Without this love is impossible to remain in the faith. A faith that leads us down the path of blind trust, a trust that leads to the ultimate consequences. Also to the consequences of giving everything. Absolutely everything. God's love illuminates the heart and life of the person the flame of love and absolute certainty that the fire of divine love leads us to live as persons wholly consecrated to God for the good of society. The experience of God is so terrible that removes the life and being of the person the slightest experience of darkness and the shadow of death. Hurriedly runs to the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist, let yourself be enlightened by him and allows him to turn the flame of hope in your life. God is there and is waiting like that fire that is never extinguished.
sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015
The wisdom of spiritual direction: postmodern Christians
February 28Be cautious to never talk to others, except for its director and confessor, of those things that the good God will favor. Always directed all his actions to the glory of God, exactly as you want the apostle: "Whether you eat, and drink, and whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Are renewed this holy intention to time. Examine the end of each action; and if they discover any imperfection not be troubled by it; but ashamed and humble yourselves before God's goodness; apologize to the Lord and Pray to the preserve of such failure in the future.Give up all vanity in his clothes, because the Lord allows these souls falls in these vanities.Women seeking vanities dresses, can never put on the life of Jesus Christ and lose the ornaments of the soul as soon as this idol enters into their hearts. Her dress is, as Paul wants, decent and modestly decorated; but sewn skins, without gold, without pearls, precious garments without sounding wealth and luxury.
(August 2, 1913, Father Augustine of San Marcos in Lamis - Ep. I, p 396.)
Today, those who call ourselves Christians of the century, or postmodern Christians think that everything we have, everything we have for our efforts, by our dedication, intelligence and wisdom. When we have reached such a degree that the self we manifest our constant attitudes are very poor Christian name we have gained from our baptism. We have endeavored to take God out of our lives and our history, we have set away from us and make our life independent of God but unfortunately dependent on other things that do us good, humiliate us, kill us, belittle us but we are so "happy", that's what we say, we argue. When we are left with this sad reality then we run haste in seeking psychologists, psychiatrists. We want everything right when you really can not be any good because God is not part of one's life. And when we no longer find the door then yes we answer to everything that passes, we want and demand explanations from whom we have not even met. We question the existence of God, the image that we have of him and end the blame for what happens to us. How terrible!When people today discover the profound importance of not being guided only by cheap sentiments when advocating not seek the easy god and cover holes. When you dare to live a radical follow then things will be different. The sun will shine in your life and God's grace will be present in your story. To make this a reality in your life it is necessary that you realize that there are things that can go preaching or discussing with everyone but you must find that person that God has placed in your path as a spiritual director and confessor to I can guide your steps along the path of peace. God is always ready to meet your needs, is eager to share his love, His mercy, His faithfulness. Only God can answer all your questions, all your sufferings and all your troubles. Trust Him. Look for a spiritual director to lead you down the path of God, not where you want to go. Your confessor can truly take the path of conversion and not someone who gives you by your side. Spiritual direction and confession are tools to reach the fullness of life, to go to the encounter with Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Both the confessor and spiritual director are the person God has placed in the world that favors the humble, simple, passionate and pure state of your soul that is the pure temple of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.
lunes, 23 de febrero de 2015
Universal Call to Holiness
February 23
The pride is an enemy that lurks especially souls who are consecrated to the Lord and who have surrendered to the spiritual life; and, therefore, may be called, rightly, ringworm of the soul that tends to perfection. It has been rightly called the saints rottenness of holiness.Our Lord, to show how greatly the pride is contrary to perfection, what makes this rebuke did the apostles, when he saw them full of complacency and pride, because demons obeyed the orders they gave them " However, do not rejoice that the spirits are subject. "And to eradicate completely from their minds the sad effects of this cursed vice, often get insinuate itself into the hearts, frightens putting before him the example of Lucifer, precipitate from above by the vain complacency in which he lost to greatness to which God had exalted him, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning."This vice be feared even more because there is a contrary virtue to combat it. Indeed, every vice has its remedy and the opposite virtue; banishes anger with gentleness; envy with charity; pride with humility; etc. Only vainglory no anti virtue to be fought. She creeps into the holiest acts; and, even in the same humility, if you are not careful, she stands with pride his shop.
(August 2, 1913, Father Augustine of San Marcos in Lamis - Ep. I, p 396.)
The Second Vatican Council reminds us of something that is apparently new, yet it is the most genuine, most exquisite, the most essential of every Christian Holiness. We are all called to open ourselves to God's grace and exercise ourselves in the way of holiness. All, like the shepherds, the souls entrusted to them. The universal call to holiness comes as a reminder that we are children of God. We do not own anything we have not received, that all that belongs to us are our vices and sins and the only thing we should be rejoicing in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is easy to say and hard to live because you risk the danger of wrapping under a halo of virtue the meanest intentions of the heart, where if you are not careful, alert to the conscientiousness and we're leaving alagar by others, and thinking we are the best, and everything we do, even the name of the Gospel we do well, and no one can do better than "I" ... How dangerous is it. A deep examination of conscience is needed. An urgent conversion is necessary. To discover that God is the one who will performing his work of salvation in ourselves and in others. Therefore, in this holy season of Lent we are able to find ourselves, with our inner demons, take them out, let God eject and open to the grace of a new life.
martes, 27 de enero de 2015
Fully trust God
January 27
If providence far from us the reason for neglecting the soul to worry about improving our body, has been infinite wisdom of God to be put in our hands all means to beautify our soul, also after having deformed with fault. Enough that the soul wants to collaborate with divine grace to its beauty can reach such splendor, such beauty, such beauty that will attract to itself, for love or astonishment, not only in the eyes of the angels but those of God, to according to the testimony of the same scripture: "King, ie God, he will desire your beauty."
(November 16, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p 226.)
Grace is a gift that God our Father has given us his pure mercy and the ever faithful love for us. Therefore we must always be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit that God will always acting and increasingly in us. The grace of God always acts dramatically in people who take risks and trust God fully. Sin causes us to kill that grace, that action of God, the divine presence in us. So we always try to be vigilant, alert on not miss at least consciously and deliberately to this very good father because the slightest distraction can lead to total loss of the work God is doing in the soul of the person. When I speak of "minimal distraction" I refer to the attitude that knowing that goes against the Spirit we strive for pride, selfishness or negligently to continue growing in us. Let us labor therefore to walk the narrow path that increasingly is becoming wider and appealing if we discover that Jesus is the Way. Let us not hesitate to abandon it to the grace of God and walk hurried down the path of their mandates.
lunes, 26 de enero de 2015
"Abandon yourself to the Divine Heart of Jesus"
January 26
Keep up the good cheer; abandon yourself to the Divine Heart of Jesus; and all your worries déjaselas him. Put always in the last place in the group of those who love the Lord, taking everyone by better than you. Be truly humble with others, because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. The more you grow the graces and favors of Jesus in your soul, the more humble you should always imitating the humility of our Mother in heaven, which, at the moment it becomes Mother of God and servant of the servant declares himself God. In the prosperous and adverse things happen to you, always humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, accept with humility and patience, not only those things that are to your liking, but also, and with humility and patience, all the tribulations he will send to make ever more pleasing to him and more worthy of the heavenly homeland.
Being tempted is evident that the soul is very pleasing to the Lord sign. Therefore accepts all in attitude of gratitude. Do not think this is just my opinion, no; the Lord himself gave his divine word: "And because you are pleasing to God - says the angel Tobias (and in the person of Tobias to all souls pleasing to God) - was necessary for you to try temptation."
Come on, then, beloved daughter of Jesus; and be glad too, even amid the temptations and tribulations, knowing well that this is a singular gift that the goodness of the heavenly Father do unto thy soul; and around forever grateful to know such a good Father, through His beloved Son Jesus Christ.
(January 29, 1915, Anita Rodote - Ep. III, p. 48)
When chosen the soul begins to experience the affects of Amado, also starts his way to Calvary and his life Cruz. The fights are intense and exhausting but the strength always well of Him who is the quintessential Force.Much true humility and how much humble truth! It is to cultivate the person who has ceased meet God. Discover that God is watching you with a predilection still in testing and sufferings of daily life is not simply a matter of sentiment, but of affection and spiritual sense. It is therefore necessary that the soul leaves in God and that allows the Good Shepherd be guarded and guided by him according to the love and mercy as Good Father. Jesus of Nazareth teaches us how to be the life and what has to be delivering one whom the Lord calls, so at all times exclaim with him "Father if possible away this cup from me, but not do my will but Thine. "This will bring peace amid the storm and faithfulness in the midst of trial. Abandon yourself as confident in the Lord's hands as a child in the arms of his father and then come whatever.
jueves, 22 de enero de 2015
Love has been left to find!
January 22
Father, I can not get over this pain; in the effort to me, I feel wiped out, I feel faint; and I could not tell whether or not alive at the time. I am beside myself. Pain and tenderness are opposed me and reduce my soul to a bittersweet fading.
Hugs beloved, that currently occur in profusion and say that without pause extent, are not able to extinguish it acute martyrdom of feeling unable to bear the weight of an infinite love.
(January 12, 1919, Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p 1111).
Love has made finding and has awakened in me a volcano of pain and love that I can not describe the sharp martyrdom that my soul is living. I do not know if I live or die, just know that the outpourings of the Spirit of God, the love and hugs tip that surrounds me do that is beyond me. Although this being out of me back more and more strongly to my reality immensely beloved creature of God. The volcano of fire that God's love has awakened in me burning me and not extinguished, calcined and does not consume me. God of love and goodness how big and how deep is the love you profess to souls who so conscious of their weakness put all their trust and hope in You. You oh God of love! Never cease to make them feel your love and mercy until they increasingly are going to enthrall you, the you doing yours and you're becoming Ti. Here is this poor soul, look at her with such love and compassion that she and make you fit while all be for good and salvation of the souls entrusted to her and for your greater glory. Amen.
miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015
Come after me!
January 21
My soul melts of pain and love, bitterness and sweetness at the same time. What shall I do to hold immense performance of the Most High? What I have in me, and is of such a joy it brings me, without being able to avoid, to say the Blessed Virgin: "My spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
What I have in me, and I feel the urgent need to say with the bride in the Song of Songs: "I found my soul loveth ... I hugged him and not let him go." But that's when I feel unable to support the weight of this infinite love, to keep it entirely on the smallness of my existence; and I am filled with terror, because you may have to leave by the inability to contain it in the narrow space of my heart.
This thought, which, moreover, is not unfounded (I measure my strength, which are very limited, incapable and powerless to have always strongly embraced this divine love), I torture grieves me, and I feel that my heart skips chest.
(January 12, 1919, Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p 1111).
Love causes death in the beloved to the lover can generate a new life. This death is not carried out without a deep pain that means shedding temporary and own "self" that will generate abundant life eternal and proper "Other". How much pain, how much suffering and confusion experienced by the soul that is in this state. However, at the same time is entering a peace and a true trust where more than experience the pain, experiences love, mercy and the caress of the Lover who speaks to the ear and says: 'Come after Me I'm the only one who can give you the true and everlasting love. I am the full truth has to give a deep, solid and true to your life meaning. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, which made you and constituted. I have created you for me. Only for me - The soul that hears these words discovers his incalculable smallness and the same time the way how God is raising. What is this love? Why God can love me so much? How can love like that Creator the creature?My God, sweet love of my life! Do not let go, do not walk away, do not abandon me because without you I'm lost without you I would die.Without you perish! I have nothing or anyone else where to turn. I am unable to contain the fire volcano that you generate in me, and at the same time wish to continue experiencing your sanctifying presence, renewing your presence, your presence fills the soul with hope.
martes, 20 de enero de 2015
The infinite Love!
January 20
I see almost absolute inability to express the work of the beloved. The infinite love, with its immense strength, finally conquered the hardness of my soul; and I look canceled and reduced to impotence.
He leaves spilling fully in the small glass of this creature, untold suffering and martyrdom is unable to carry the weight of this immense love.Oh! Who will come to support me? What shall I do to bring the infinite into my little heart? What I do to always keep in the narrow cell of my soul?
(January 12, 1919, Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p 1111).
My God, my shield and rock in me under. What mystery is this? Immersed in the ocean of your divinity, in the sea of Your mercy and the infinity of your love. L It is impossible to put into words what God generates in the soul that is entrusted to your care. The first thing you do to us is that we are not alone and that life that you agree to your chosen life's pain and suffering. Only chosen souls can discover and refine the immense evaluate the suffering of exile, the disappointment and lack of understanding. But oh how wonderful it is to discover that this is the way of the saints! OMG You're slowly conquering the soul of anyone who is slowly discovering the immense love you have him. This soul reaches such a degree that only minority is before her the immensity of your Love, Eternal True and Living God. Being the person is increasingly overwhelmed before your greatness while you witness the raising You offer him after being captivated by Ti. Oh terrible mystery that God wanted to come live, to dwell in people allow. Let Yourself Sweet love of my soul be my strength and my fortress, my defense and my eternal life.
martes, 13 de enero de 2015
Be guided by God!
January 13
Estate careful not to lose sight of the divine presence because of the activities you do. Never you undertake some task or other action anyone, having raised before the mind to God, guiding him with holy intention, actions that you are making. You will do the same with thanksgiving at the end of all your activities, examining you if all you've done along the straight desired at first intention; and if you find stained humbly ask forgiveness from the Lord, with the firm resolution to correct errors.
You must not discourage nor grieve if your actions do not come with perfection seeking your intention;What you want! We are fragile, we are earth, and no road produces the same fruits as the intention of the sower. But, to our miseries, always humble ourselves, recognizing that we are nothing without God's help.
(December 17, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 273)
How much we need meeting to focus our attention on the essential and important in our lives. How easily and often we can perform a number of good things, maybe even excellent, but without God. When avert our eyes and lose attention in the God of Jesus Christ, in His divinity and in His mercy, everything we do, whether in word or deed, if not inspired by God, everything is vain. How important is this. The challenge presented to a Christian soul is big, strong and demanding that at all times he has to turn the mind, attention, life and heart to God. All this needs to be carried out with good intention from the beginning to the end, and not just for a petty personal or pro who reliza intention. That the constant examination of conscience we make always lead us to encounter God and learn to recognize that what little of righteousness which we live is thanks to his loving presence that never leaves us together. Because we recognize that we owe everything to providence and love God has for us so that our inner bud the most sublime and humble song of thanksgiving for all that God does in us.
martes, 6 de enero de 2015
"Light for revelation to the Gentiles"
January 6
I have the eyes always fixed on the east, in the middle of the night that surrounds it, to distinguish that miraculous star that guided our parents to the cave of Bethlehem. But in vain fixed my eyes to see the emergence of this bright star. The more I look, the less I get to see; The more effort and more ardently I know I look, the more I am involved in greater darkness. I'm single day, I'm alone at night and no light comes to enlighten; never a drop of refreshment comes to fan a flame that consumes me continually, never consume me.
Once I felt, in the most intimate and secret part of my spirit, something very delicate that I know not how to explain it. The soul began to feel his presence, unable to see it; and then, I'll say so, he approached so closely to my soul that it clearly warned his touch; exactly - to give a pale figure - as often happens when our body touches another body closely.
I can not say anything about it; only confess to him that, at first, was seized with a great panic; but this panic, gradually was transformed into a celestial euphoria. I found that I no longer was in a state of wayfarer; and I could not tell if, when this happened, I realized it or not I was still in my own body. Only God knows what; and I know not to say anything more to give better understand this event.
(March 8, 1916, Fr. Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p 756.)
With what tenderness and deep love we celebrate on this day the Epiphany. God has put his dwelling among mankind, now reveals that does not come for a few, but for all humanity. Since there is no difference between slave or free, male or female between between pagan or Jewish. God has twinned all of us and has given us the ability to be sons through our membership in the Body of Christ. Jesus Christ today has been revealed as light to the nations. Wizards discovered by the star light was poor and humble Christ was born in a stable radiated for all humanity. Wizards went on the road, left their stability, security left left their possessions and took to the adventure in search of the King of the Jews. They knew what it meant to "go after him", ie follow in his footsteps, do the same path and end up as and where he ended up. The wizards along with the pagan world rejoiced because we were born the Savior. Instead Herod was troubled, was so engrossed that all he wanted was to keep selfishly what God himself had given him. His confusion took him even end the lives of so many innocent children and making his reign a kingdom of darkness and death to spare. The chief priests and scribes of the people even knew of that happy event remained indifferent. What is your attitude: that of the Magi, Herod or that of the scribes and priests? Christ has been revealed to mankind grant you the grace to feel him close, very close to your mind and your heart so that you can give joyful witness to the love of God in your life. A life which reaches its fullness in the moment when God wanted to become man, that You be like Him. "Rise and Shine" by your works, your faith, of your hope and your charity. Happy Epiphany.
lunes, 5 de enero de 2015
We are part of God's Being
January 5
The maximum fourth is that of eternity. Shortly should matter to God's children to live this very brief moments that pass, provided they live in glory forever with God. Daughter, believes that going and aimed towards eternity, you've put there foot. As long as she is happy because of you, so what are these transitory moments of suffering for you?
The fifth maxim I beseech you have always fixed in the mind, is that of the apostle St. Paul: "Look at me I do not boast of anything except the cross of my Jesus".
Keep in your heart, my child, Jesus Christ crucified, and all the crosses of the world will seem roses. Those who have felt the pangs of the crown of thorns Savior, who is the head, in any way feel other wounds.
(November 15, 1917, Antoinette Vona - Ep III, p 822..)
God our Father has given us the grace to be part of your Being. It is truly glorious and wonderful power to discover that from all eternity have been with him. Yes my dear children this is a reality. We are part of your being. Perhaps when we did when we created when we formed no breathed His Spirit in us? We are somehow eternal as He that is already what we must always aim at all times. However, we know that at some point God himself sent us to earth that we should be followers of the establishment of His Kingdom. Therefore every man and woman is discovered and found son and daughter of God never to put their aspirations in this world where we are pilgrims and strangers. Remembering our true identity and our earthly pilgrimage has to make constantly aspire to eternal homeland where we can fully share life with the One who created us. So avoid all that separates you from the desire to live happily in heaven. Do not let yourself be enveloped by the lies of this world nor what apparently is so sublime, so beautiful and so good that makes turn away your mind, your heart and life of God and his Kingdom. Never think that situations and adverse circumstances are playing you live by reason that God has forgotten you, just think that in these moments are closer to the heavenly homeland because you are living the reality of the Cross in your life. La Cruz by weighing it, will never be more than that of Jesus Christ. Remember that He loaded Contigo and Ti. Thank him and transform into a Cireneo for others, so that those who have no faith you have, can discover it by your works and give glory and praise to our Father God, Creator of the entire universe.
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