miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Be patient

May 23

 Do not be afraid of the cross. The truest test of love is to suffer for the beloved, and, God love so much pain suffered, the pain he suffers is as friendly as love. In the sufferings that the Lord gives you, be patient and let it go to the Divine Heart with joy, knowing that everything is a running joke of the Lover.
The tribulations, crosses, have always been the heritage and the portion of the chosen souls. The more you want Jesus to raise a soul to perfection, the more he increases the cross of tribulation. Rejoice, I say, so privileged to see you without any merit on your part. The more troubled you are, the more you cheer for the soul in the fire of tribulation will become fine gold, worthy of being placed to shine in the sky palace.
(July 14, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 126)


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