sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

Know God and do it for His greater glory

May 19

On appropriate means to achieve the perfection of the Christian, the apostle [Paul] proposes two very powerful: the continuous study of God and do everything for His glory.On the first half, writes in Colossians: "The word of Christ dwell in you in all its richness, teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, sing grateful hymns and spiritual songs."The doctrine of the apostle is clear, has no need for comments. If the Christian is filled with God's law, that warns and teaches him to despise the world and its blandishments, riches, honors, and everything that hinders love God, there never will be defeated, whatever happens, all bear it with patience and perseverance with a saint, and easily forgive all offenses, and for all give thanks to God.Moreover, the apostle wants the law of God, the doctrine of Jesus is in us dwell richly in us. Now, all this can not have if not assiduously reading scripture and books that deal with the things of God, or listening to the sacred orator, confessors, etc..Finally, the apostle wants the Christian is not content simply to know the divine law, but wants to deepen the sense, as to orient yourself. All this can not be achieved without frequent meditation on the law of God, by which the Christian, rejoicing with joy, breaks her heart in sweet singing of psalms and hymns to God. From this follows the Christian who strives for perfection, how important is the need for meditation.In relation to other means, ie, that of doing everything for the glory of God, hear the apostle's teaching: "And whatever you do - he says - in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. "With this simple means, practiced faithfully, not only we stay away from all sin, but we will be driven at all times to tend always to a greater perfection.(November 16, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 226)

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