viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

I have so hungry and so thirsty ...

May 25

Happy Birthday Father Pio. Join us always

 What hurts me most, my father, is the thought of Jesus in the Eucharist. The heart, before joining him in the morning in the sacrament, it feels as if drawn by a superior force. I have such a hunger and thirst before you get so little need for me to die for concern. And because I can not but join him, sometimes with fever, I feel compelled to go to feed your body and blood.
And this hunger and thirst, rather than be turned off after receiving the sacrament, are increasing. And when I have in me the highest good, then yes the sweet fullness of truth is so great that little need to say no to Jesus, just that I can not go near. I almost forgot that I am in the world, the minds and hearts desire nothing more, and often for a long time, also on a voluntary basis, I can not want other things.
But sometimes, love of sweetness comes to join also be pressed so the pain of my sins that I think I'll die of sorrow. Here, too often the devil seeks to embitter the heart with the usual thoughts that cause suffering both.
(March 29, 1911, Fr Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Letters. I, p. 216)


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