sábado, 5 de mayo de 2012

Freshness heat

May 5

 The Immaculate Virgin has been indulged in spiritual flower you've offered through my hands. Our good mother found it, yes, indeed a little faded, because quite cold dew that fell on him, but is a very slight defect, and you must make to regain its freshness in the heat of charity.
Yes, my dear, never anything too you should look in this virtue, and though I see you out on it quite yet never ceased to add my exhortations to Abundes each day in the charity, and virtue is preferred and highly recommended by the divine Master. Of this virtue he wanted to make a provision for all his followers, a precept theirs and entirely new, unknown to most of our ancient fathers of the Old Covenant.
(December 12, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 261)

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