lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Oct. 29

All bodily and spiritual ills agree to torment me. I am troubled in spirit. I would not say pray, that would be too, but I have a thought about God, but in this situation, everything is impossible. I am full of imperfections, all the anger I felt before I leave absolutely. I look faintest to practice virtue, to resist the attacks of the enemy. Now, more than ever, I'm convinced that I'm good at all. I assaulted a deep sadness and a terrible thought crosses my mind: that of being a dreamer without realizing it.God only knows what torment is this for me! Perhaps the Lord, I think, may permit, as a punishment for my infidelities, I unwittingly deceive me myself and my spiritual directors?And what to do to overcome this doubt, when, for a light that's in my soul, I know perfectly my many falls, you'll always unintentionally falling, despite the many treasures of the Lord that I have in me?!
What I find truly and clearly is that my heart even then, loves much, much more than it reveals my understanding. Of this there is no doubt assails me, and I am so sure to love it, after the truths of faith, nothing else I'm sure as this.
In this situation, I can say for sure is that I do not offend God more than usual because, thank goodness, trust in him will not ever lose. As the Lord comes to visit, all this was happening, my understanding is full of light, the strength and all the good wishes I feel revived in me and even bodily diseases I am quite relieved.
(November 1, 1913, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 420)

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

I so love the solitude!


Oct. 25
Most of the time treating me great suffering to others, except for those people who talks about God and the preciousness of the soul. This is precisely why I love so much loneliness.
Very often I assumed great job meeting the needs of life, ie, eating, drinking, sleeping, and submit to them, like a condemned only because God wills it.
It seems that time passes quickly and I have no time to pray. I'm very attracted to good reading, but I read quite a bit, because I'm crippled by the disease and also because, opened the book, after a brief reading, I am deeply gathered, so that reading becomes a prayer.
Since the Lord is giving me these things, I feel so changed, as to not recognize myself in what I was before.
(November 1, 1913, to Father Benedict of San Marco in Lamis - Ep. I, p. 420)

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

World Mission Sunday 2012


"Called to make shine the word of truth"Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei, no. 6
The celebration of World Mission Sunday this year has special significance. The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the start of Vatican II, the opening of the Year of Faith and the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, help to reaffirm the will of the Church to engage with more courage and zeal in the mission ad gentes
, for the Gospel to reach to the ends of the earth.The Second Vatican Council, with the participation of many bishops from all corners of the earth, was a bright sign of the universality of the Church, bringing together for the first time so many Council Fathers from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania. Bishops native missionaries and bishops, pastors of communities scattered among non-Christian populations, which have led to the sessions of the Council of Church image present in all continents, and were interpreters of the complex realities of so-called "Third World". Rich experience to be had by young churches and pastors in the making, driven by a passion for spreading the Kingdom of God, they contributed significantly to reaffirm the necessity and urgency of the evangelization ad gentes, and thus bring the center of ecclesiology the missionary nature of the Church.Missionary EcclesiologyToday this vision has not diminished, but instead, has experienced a fruitful theological and pastoral reflection, while returning with renewed urgency since greatly increased the number of those who do not know Christ, "Men waiting for Christ are still a huge number, "said the Blessed John Paul II in his encyclical Redemptoris missio on the validity of the missionary mandate, and added:" We can not be thinking of the millions of brothers and sisters, redeemed by Blood of Christ, living without knowing the love of God "(n. 86). In proclaiming the Year of Faith, also I have said that Christ "today as yesterday, sends us the ways of the world to proclaim his Gospel to all peoples of the earth" (Apostolic Letter Porta fidei, 7), a proclamation that, as stated also the Servant of God Paul VI in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi, "the Church is not some order optional: you are putting a duty incumbent on her by the Lord's command, overlooking men believe and be saved. Yes, this message is needed. It is unique. In no way could be replaced "(n. 5). Therefore need to retake the same apostolic zeal of the early Christian communities who, small and defenseless, were able to spread the Gospel throughout the then known world by its announcement and witness.So, no wonder that the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent Magisterium of the Church insist so special in missionary mandate entrusted by Christ to his disciples and to be a commitment of the whole People of God, bishops, priests, deacons, religious and laity. The commission to preach the Gospel in every part of the land belongs primarily to the bishops, primarily responsible for the evangelization of the world, either as members of the college of bishops, or pastors of particular churches. They, indeed, "have been consecrated not just for one diocese, but for the salvation of the whole world" (John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio, 63), "messengers of faith, who draw new disciples to Christ" ( Ad Gentes, 20) and make "visible the spirit and missionary zeal of the People of God, so that the whole diocese becomes missionary" (ibid., 38).The priority of evangelizationFor a pastor, then, the mandate to preach the Gospel is not exhausted by the attention of the People of God entrusted to their pastoral care, or sending a priest, layman or laywoman Fidei Donum. It must involve all activities of the local church, all sectors and, in short, his whole being and work. The Second Vatican Council clearly indicated and the subsequent Magisterium has reiterated vigorously. This means constantly adapting lifestyles, pastoral plans and diocesan organization to this fundamental dimension of being Church, especially in our continually changing world. And this also applies both for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, and to the ecclesial movements: all components of the great mosaic of the Church must feel strongly challenged by the Lord's command to preach the Gospel, so that Christ is proclaimed everywhere. We pastors, religious, religious and all the faithful in Christ, we must follow in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, who, "prisoner of Christ to the Gentiles" (Eph 3:1), worked, suffered and struggled to bring the Gospel among the heathen (Col 1.24 to 29), tirelessly, time and means to disseminate the message of Christ.Also today, the mission ad gentes should be the constant horizon and paradigm in all church activities, because the very identity of the Church is constituted by faith in the mystery of God, who has revealed himself in Christ to bring us salvation, and mission to bear witness and proclaim to the world, until he comes. Like Paul, we must go to those who are far away, those who do not yet know Christ and have not yet experienced the fatherhood of God, with the awareness that "missionary cooperation should be expanded today with new ways to include not only aid economic, but also direct participation in evangelization "(John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Missio, 82). The Year of Faith and the Synod of Bishops on the new evangelization will be occasions for a new wave of missionary cooperation, especially in the second dimension.Faith and the announcementThe desire to preach Christ leads us to read the story to scrutinize the problems, aspirations and hopes of humanity, that Christ should heal, purify and fill with your presence. Indeed, his message is still relevant, is introduced into the heart of the story and is able to give an answer to the deepest concerns of every human being. Therefore the Church must be aware, in all its parts, that "the vast horizon of the mission of the Church, the complexity of the current situation now requires new ways to effectively communicate the Word of God" (Benedict XVI, Exhortation. Synodal Apostolic Verbum Domini, 97). This requires, above all, a renewed commitment to personal and community faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ, "at a time of profound change such as humanity is living" (Apostolic Letter Porta fidei, 8).Indeed, one of the barriers to the impulse of evangelization is the crisis of faith, not only in the Western world, but in the majority of humanity, however, is hungry and thirsty for God and must be invited and led the bread of life and the living water to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well comes and talks to Christ. As the Evangelist John tells the story of this woman is particularly significant (cf. Jn 4.1 to 30): Jesus is asking you to drink, then speaks of a new water can quench thirst forever. The woman at first did not understand, it stays on the material level, but the Lord slowly guide on a journey of faith that leads to recognize him as the Messiah. In this regard, says St. Augustine, "after having hosted in Lord Christ's heart, what else could have done [this woman] if not leave the pitcher and run to announce the good news?" (In Ioannis Ev. , 15,30). The encounter with Christ as a living person, which quenches the thirst of the heart, can not but lead to the desire to share with others the joy of this presence and to make it known, so that everyone can experience. A renewed enthusiasm to communicate the faith to promote a new evangelization of the communities and countries of ancient Christian tradition, which are losing their reference to God, so that you can rediscover the joy of believing. The concern to evangelize must never be left out of the Church's activities and staff of the Christian life, but must prominently characterize it, conscious of being addressed and at the same time, a missionary of the Gospel. The focus of the ad remains the same: the kerygma of Christ who died and rose for the salvation of the world, the love of God Kerygma, absolute and total for each man and each woman, culminating in the sending of the Son eternal and only Son, the Lord Jesus, who refused to share the poverty of our human nature, loving and rescuing us from sin and death by offering himself on the cross.In this loving realized in Christ, faith in God is above all a gift and a mystery that we may open our hearts and lives, and what we should be forever grateful to the Lord. But faith is a gift given to us to be shared, is a talent given to bear fruit and a light should not be hidden, but to illuminate the entire house. It is the most important gift we have been given in our lives and we can not keep us to yourself.The announcement is transformed into charityWoe to me if not evangelize!, Says the apostle Paul (1 Cor 9:16). These words resonate loudly for every Christian and every Christian community in every continent. Also in the Churches in mission territories, churches mostly young, often newly created, the missionary character has become connatural dimension, even when they themselves still need missionaries. Many priests, religious men and women from all over the world, many lay people and even entire families leave their countries, their local communities and go to other churches to witness and announce the name of Christ, in which humanity finds salvation. It is an expression of profound communion, a sharing and charity among Churches, so that every person can hear or re-hear the announcement that heals and thus approach the Sacraments, the source of true life.Along with this great sign of faith becomes charity, remember and thank the Pontifical Mission Societies, for cooperation in the universal mission of the Church in the world. Through its activities, the Gospel becomes an aid intervention to others, justice for the poor, the possibility of instruction in the most remote villages, medical care in remote areas, overcoming poverty, rehabilitation of the marginalized, to support the development of peoples, overcoming ethnic divisions, of respect for life in all its stages.Dear brothers and sisters, I invoke the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the work of evangelization ad gentes, and in particular those who work in it, so that God's grace makes walking more strongly in world history. With Blessed John Henry Newman, I would implore: "Accompany, O Lord, to your missionaries in the lands to evangelize; put the right words on your lips, make their work fruitful." May the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church and Star of Evangelization, accompany all missionaries of the Gospel.Benedict XVI,Vatican, 6 January 2012, Solemnity of the Epiphany

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

The fire of Christ is not destructive

The fire of Christ is not destructive, is a quiet little flame of goodness and truth that transforms
Benedict XVI at forty thousand participants in the torchlight procession in Rome

ROME, October 12, 2012 ( - At 19, 30, yesterday afternoon held a torchlight procession, organized by the Italian Catholic Action, which started from the Sant'Angelo castle up to the square San Pedro.
After speeches, testimonies and prayer, at 21 am, Benedict XVI, from the window of his private study, blessed the participants, about forty thousand people.
The pope said a few words to paraphrase, fifty years later, uttered by the "Good Pope", the pontiff who dared to call a council in the mid-twentieth century.

"50 years ago I was also in the square to look back to this window which looked Blessed Pope John XXIII and we spoke unforgettable words, words full of poetry, of kindness, words of the heart," recalled Benedict XVI.
"We were happy and we were full of enthusiasm, the great ecumenical Council was inaugurated.
We were sure that was to come a new springtime of the Church, a new Pentecost, with strong new presence of the liberating grace of the Gospel. "
"Even today we are happy, joy in our hearts we say a joy but perhaps more sober, humble joy."
"In fifty years we have learned and experienced that original sin exists and translates again provided personal sins can even become sinful structures".
"We have seen that in the Lord's field weeds are growing, we have seen that in the network of Pedro's also bad fish, we have seen that human frailty is also present in the Church, that the Church's ship is sailing
also contrary wind, with storms threatening the ship and sometimes we thought: the Lord sleeps and has forgotten us. "
"This is part of the experience made in these 50 years. We also had new experience of God's presence, of his goodness of his strength: the fire of the Holy Spirit, the fire of Christ is a consuming fire and destructive fire is a silent, is a flicker of goodness and truth
transforms, gives light and heat. "
"We have seen that the Lord will not forget, even today in their way is humble, the Lord is present and warms hearts, shows life creates charisms of kindness and charity that illuminate the world and we are to guarantee the goodness of God.
Yes, Christ lives!, Is also with us today and we can be happy again today because his goodness has not turned off, and is strong even today. "
"In the end I dare to borrow the words of Pope John unforgettable: Go home, give the kids a kiss and say that is the Pope.
In this sense, and wholeheartedly impart my blessing. "
Benedict XVI saluted goodnight and thanked everyone, and the crowd, so happy, WHILE strongly applauded the stepped away from the window.
With information from Maria Emilia Marega

Cultivate your mind, your heart and your spirit in spiritual reading

Oct. 12I am appalled, my sister, the harm to souls deprived of reading holy books.Look how wild the holy fathers when urging the soul to such a reading. St. Bernard, in his cloister stairs, indicates that there are four steps or the means by which up to God and perfection, and says they are reading and meditation, prayer and contemplation. And to prove what he says uses the words of the divine Teacher, "Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened," and applying them to the 4/2 or degrees of perfection, says that with the reading of Scripture and the other holy books and devotees seeking God, meditation is found, with prayer calls his heart and contemplation one enters the theater of divine beauty, open to the gaze of our mind by reading , meditation and prayer.The reading continues elsewhere saint is like spiritual food given to the palate of the soul, meditation chews it with his speeches, prayer taste test, and contemplation is the same sweetness of this food of the spirit, which fully comfort and consolation to the soul. Reading stops in the crust of what is read; meditation penetrates to the heart, the prayer goes after him with questions; delights contemplation as something that already possesses.
(July 28, 1914, to Raffaelina Cerase - Letters. II, p. 138)

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

God is always on your guard tower.

Oct. 11
To you, my dearest daughters, I say your good will is your vineyard, the tank is perfectly holy inspirations of God rains down from the sky, the tower is the holy chastity, which, as is said of the Tower of David should be of ivory, the press is obedience, which brings a lot of merit to the actions she squeezes, the fence are your commitments and your aspirations.
God, then, daughters, keep this vineyard he planted with his own hand. God made ​​them more and more abundant healthy waters of his grace in his tank. God is always on your guard tower. God is always doing spinning the press to squeeze out the good wine, and having this beautiful gated and guarded fence with which he has surrounded this vineyard. He does that in it the angels are the tenants immortal.
May 1, 1918, the sisters Ventrella - Ep. III, p. 585)

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

My beloved is mine and I am my Beloved

October 9
Rejoice, because the day will come that we will sing our sweet lover, sweet break the hearts of all lovers of beauty, joyful hymns. Rejoice, I say, because the day will come, and I hope, in our heart and not suffer remorse not cruel enough to love sweet Lord.
Meanwhile, get ready for that big day, and if we want Jesus well, shake off once and for all and turn away from us all that the world knows and reflect well that all the sufferings of this life are, in the words of St. Paul proportion to the great glory that awaits us. Consider that the divine Bridegroom, not content with the most generous reward reserving our love in the afterlife, like it wants to give us a preview of it also in this. Do we understand what the Lord is great luck for the soul abandoned in his arms, and strengthen a covenant with him in these terms: "My beloved to me and I to him": I'm all for my beloved and my beloved is everything to me, "he thinks of me, and I think of him."
(September 7, 1915, to Raffaelina Cerase - Ep. II, p. 482)

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Elevate your spirit to a higher peak.

Oct. 10
Why not amoldaros perfectly know God's will? Why do you think you are almost without a shepherd, just because he is away in the body but very close in spirit?Oh, my dearest daughter, is already time to leave this spiritual childhood and lift the spirit to a higher peak and breathe cleaner air there.
As for me, I am here, where I still see no more than a slight movement of the soul toward solid and true devotion and Christian piety, so that, if it were not crushed by this blessed thorn neither voice nor my efforts and assertions have been remove my guide, I find peace in a enviable. But I am resigned willingly, knowing they do not suffer unnecessarily.
God bless you, has let me know that truly good souls, and to them I have announced that their souls are the Lord's vineyard: the cistern is faith, the tower is the hope, the press is the holy charity, the fence is the law of God that separates the world's children.
(May 1, 1918, the sisters Ventrella - Letters. III, p. 585)

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Stand firm in your decisions

5 October
Stand firm in your decisions, remains in the boat in which our Lord made ​​you, that although the storm comes, you shall not perish. I think Jesus sleeps, and it may be so, but do not you know, if he sleeps, his heart timely care of you? Let him even to sleep, then wake up at the right time to bring calm. The beloved San Pedro, says the Scripture, was frightened and trembling cried, "Lord, save me." And our Lord, taking his hand, said, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?". Look, Daughter, this holy apostle: he walks on dry land on the water, the waves and winds dip would not know, but fear the wind and the waves discouraged, weighs it down. Fear is a worse evil than evil itself. Daughter of little faith, what can you fear? Did not he care about you? You walk on the sea, find winds and waves, but being with Jesus is not enough? What do you fear? But if fear surprise you, shout loudly: "Lord, save me." He will extend his hand, squeeze tightly and walks with joy over the sea from the storms of life.
(December 27, 1917, at an unknown target - Ep. III, p. 927)

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

the spirit of St. Francis, which is the whole spirit of Jesus Christ


 October 4
My dearest daughter: Jesus always be all yours, you always look benevolently provided to assist you in all your grace vigilant, you are always and shield, support and guidance, and make you holy!
With these wishes very sincere, often introduced him to Jesus, I reply to the letter you sent me through Miss Serritelli. I am happy to know that good will always rebosas and vivísimas I thank God for it. Try to make fruitful increasingly God-given talents.
He works tirelessly for the salvation of our brothers, and leads to the knowledge of all the spirit of St. Francis, which is the whole spirit of Jesus Christ. Society needs reform, and I know of other means more effective than all are tertiary of St. Francis and live their spirituality. For this purpose and condition, you accept the number of my beloved children.
Entrusting myself and all my family to your prayers, with paternal affection and redoubled bless.
(January 25, 1914, Elena Bandini - Ep. III, p. 1050)

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

The reasons for the wolf

The reasons for the wolf
by Ruben Dario
The man who has a heart of lily,Cherub soul, heavenly language,the minimum and sweet Francis of Assisiis a rough and grim animalfearful beast, blood and robbery,the jaws of anger, evil eyes:the wolf of Gubbio, the terrible wolf.Rabid, has devastated the surrounding area;cruel, has undone all the flockslambs devoured, devoured pastors,and their countless deaths and damage.
Strong irons armed hunterswere smashed. The hard tusksrealized the bravest dogsas kids or lambs.
Francisco went:the wolf soughtin its burrow.Near the cave found the beasthuge, fierce threw to himagainst him. Francisco, with her sweet voice,show of hands,the furious wolf said: - Peace, brotherwolf! The animallooked to the man of rough sackcloth,left his surly air,closed the gaping maw aggressiveand said: - Okay, brother Francisco!- How! Exclaimed the Ghost. Do you live lawof horror and death?Pouring bloodyour nose diabolical, grief and horrorto scatter, cryingof the peasants, the cry, pain,of such creature of our Lord,Has not contain your anger infernal?Do you come from hell?Did you perhaps infused his eternal grudgeLucifer or Belial?
And the great wolf, humble - is hard winterand hunger is awful! In the frozen foresthalle not to eat: and I looked for the cattle,and sometimes ate cattle and pastor.Is the blood? I saw more of a hunteron horseback carrying the goshawkthe fist, or running after the boar,bear or deer, and more than one viblood stain, wound, torture,tubes of the deaf hoarse cry,animals of Our Lord.And it was not hungry, they would hunt.Francis responds: - In man therebad yeast.When is born with sin. It's sad.But the simple soul is pure beast.You're going to havewhat to eat today.Let aloneherds and people in this country.May God be melifique your Ranger!- All right, brother Francis.- Before the Lord, that all ties and unties,promise in faith, tiéndeme leg.The wolf paw tended Brotherof Assisi, who in turn held out her hand.They went to the village. People sawand what looked almost did not believe.After the religious went fierce wolf,and lower the head, still followed himas a dog house, or like a lamb.
Francisco drew people to the squareand there he preached,and said: - Here's a friendly game.Brother Wolf is coming with me;I vowed not to be as our enemyand not repeat their vicious attack.You, however, give his foodthe poor beast of God. - So be it,answered all of the village people.And then, as a signcontentment,head and tail move good animaland Francis came to the convent.
Sometime the wolf was quietin the holy sanctuary.His coarse ears heard the Psalmsclear and her eyes moistened.He learned many thanks and made a thousand gameswhen going to the kitchen with legos.And when did his prayer Franciscothe poor wolf licked sandals.Went out,was on the mountains, down into the valley,entered the houses and gave somethingeating. Mirábanle like a gentle greyhound.One day, Francis was absent. And the wolfsweet, gentle and good wolf, wolf honest,disappeared, around the mountain,and recommenced his howl and rage.
Again he felt himself fear, alarm,between neighbors and between pastoralists;filled the surrounding area dread;value were useless and the gun,as the wild beastno let your anger everas havingfire of Moloch and Satan.
When he returned to the people the divine Holyall sought him with complaints and crying,and testified thousand complaintsof those who suffered and lost so muchby that infamous wolf demon.
Francis was severe.He went to the mountainwolf looking at fake butcher.And with his cave found the vermin.- In the sacred name of the Father universeI conjure you, 'he said, oh wicked wolf!,to answer me: Why did you come back to evil?Answers. I hear you.As in the animal spoke silent struggle,foamy mouth and eye fatal:- Brother Francis, not get too close.I was quiet there, in the convent;the people cameand if anything gave me was happyate and meek.But I began to see that in every houseI was Envy, Sana, Anger,and all faces were burning embershate, lust, slander and lies.Brothers brothers made war,lost the weak, ill earned,female and male were like dog and bitchand one day all gave me sticks.I saw humble hands lickedand feet. I followed your sacred laws,all creatures were my brothers:male siblings, brothers oxen,sisters and brothers worms stars.And so they beat me and kicked me out,and her laughter was like a boiling waterand between my gut revived the beast,and I felt bad wolf suddenlymore always better than the bad people.And restarted to fight here,to defend me and to feed me,as the bear does, such as wild boar,you have to kill to live.Let me in the bush, let me on the bluff,let me be in my freedom,go to your monastery, Brother Francis,go your way and your holiness.
The Saint of Assisi said nothing.We looked at a deep look,and departed with tears and sorrows,and eternal God spoke to his heart.The forest wind carried his prayer,it was: Our Father who art in heaven ...

martes, 2 de octubre de 2012

Do not be afraid to find you in the boat in which he sleeps and drops!

 October 2

 Always walk, my good daughter, at the same pace, and do not worry if it seems slow you, if your intention is good and determined, we can but walk well. No, my dear daughter, for the exercise of virtue is not always necessary, and expressly, attentive to all, this certainly too complicated tangle and your thoughts and feelings.
In short, can and should keep quiet, because the Lord is with you and it is he who works in you.Do not be afraid to find you in the boat in which he sleeps and drops! Surrender yourself completely into the arms of divine goodness of our Father in heaven and fear not, because your fear would be as ridiculous as you might feel a child in its mother's breast.
(May 18, 1918, to Mary Gargani - Letters. III, p. 315)