The reasons for the wolf
by Ruben Dario
The man who has a heart of lily,Cherub soul, heavenly language,the minimum and sweet Francis of Assisiis a rough and grim animalfearful beast, blood and robbery,the jaws of anger, evil eyes:the wolf of Gubbio, the terrible wolf.Rabid, has devastated the surrounding area;cruel, has undone all the flockslambs devoured, devoured pastors,and their countless deaths and damage.
Strong irons armed hunterswere smashed. The hard tusksrealized the bravest dogsas kids or lambs.
Francisco went:the wolf soughtin its burrow.Near the cave found the beasthuge, fierce threw to himagainst him. Francisco, with her sweet voice,show of hands,the furious wolf said: - Peace, brotherwolf! The animallooked to the man of rough sackcloth,left his surly air,closed the gaping maw aggressiveand said: - Okay, brother Francisco!- How! Exclaimed the Ghost. Do you live lawof horror and death?Pouring bloodyour nose diabolical, grief and horrorto scatter, cryingof the peasants, the cry, pain,of such creature of our Lord,Has not contain your anger infernal?Do you come from hell?Did you perhaps infused his eternal grudgeLucifer or Belial?
And the great wolf, humble - is hard winterand hunger is awful! In the frozen foresthalle not to eat: and I looked for the cattle,and sometimes ate cattle and pastor.Is the blood? I saw more of a hunteron horseback carrying the goshawkthe fist, or running after the boar,bear or deer, and more than one viblood stain, wound, torture,tubes of the deaf hoarse cry,animals of Our Lord.And it was not hungry, they would hunt.Francis responds: - In man therebad yeast.When is born with sin. It's sad.But the simple soul is pure beast.You're going to havewhat to eat today.Let aloneherds and people in this country.May God be melifique your Ranger!- All right, brother Francis.- Before the Lord, that all ties and unties,promise in faith, tiéndeme leg.The wolf paw tended Brotherof Assisi, who in turn held out her hand.They went to the village. People sawand what looked almost did not believe.After the religious went fierce wolf,and lower the head, still followed himas a dog house, or like a lamb.
Francisco drew people to the squareand there he preached,and said: - Here's a friendly game.Brother Wolf is coming with me;I vowed not to be as our enemyand not repeat their vicious attack.You, however, give his foodthe poor beast of God. - So be it,answered all of the village people.And then, as a signcontentment,head and tail move good animaland Francis came to the convent.
Sometime the wolf was quietin the holy sanctuary.His coarse ears heard the Psalmsclear and her eyes moistened.He learned many thanks and made a thousand gameswhen going to the kitchen with legos.And when did his prayer Franciscothe poor wolf licked sandals.Went out,was on the mountains, down into the valley,entered the houses and gave somethingeating. Mirábanle like a gentle greyhound.One day, Francis was absent. And the wolfsweet, gentle and good wolf, wolf honest,disappeared, around the mountain,and recommenced his howl and rage.
Again he felt himself fear, alarm,between neighbors and between pastoralists;filled the surrounding area dread;value were useless and the gun,as the wild beastno let your anger everas havingfire of Moloch and Satan.
When he returned to the people the divine Holyall sought him with complaints and crying,and testified thousand complaintsof those who suffered and lost so muchby that infamous wolf demon.
Francis was severe.He went to the mountainwolf looking at fake butcher.And with his cave found the vermin.- In the sacred name of the Father universeI conjure you, 'he said, oh wicked wolf!,to answer me: Why did you come back to evil?Answers. I hear you.As in the animal spoke silent struggle,foamy mouth and eye fatal:- Brother Francis, not get too close.I was quiet there, in the convent;the people cameand if anything gave me was happyate and meek.But I began to see that in every houseI was Envy, Sana, Anger,and all faces were burning embershate, lust, slander and lies.Brothers brothers made war,lost the weak, ill earned,female and male were like dog and bitchand one day all gave me sticks.I saw humble hands lickedand feet. I followed your sacred laws,all creatures were my brothers:male siblings, brothers oxen,sisters and brothers worms stars.And so they beat me and kicked me out,and her laughter was like a boiling waterand between my gut revived the beast,and I felt bad wolf suddenlymore always better than the bad people.And restarted to fight here,to defend me and to feed me,as the bear does, such as wild boar,you have to kill to live.Let me in the bush, let me on the bluff,let me be in my freedom,go to your monastery, Brother Francis,go your way and your holiness.
The Saint of Assisi said nothing.We looked at a deep look,and departed with tears and sorrows,and eternal God spoke to his heart.The forest wind carried his prayer,it was: Our Father who art in heaven ...
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